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L2 GoDz PIcS !! (GR)


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re ta buffs tou ta eide kaneis?to hp tou mipws?thelw kai mia foto apo ta stats sou...eleos ti krazete tous kaimenous tou donators.. :)psinome na arxisw tha me helparis e?

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Esy ti les na mi helparw ???  :)


An dn i8ela na ksodeytw dn 8a sas elega na mpeite  :P


Oso gia to allo pou les MASTROPOS gia tous kaimenous tous donators...Logika 8a eprepe na me rixnoun etc opws einai ntymenoi... Oso gia ta buffs kai oi alloi full buff einai panta !  8)

Kai gia to hp mou dn ftaiw egw :S ayta einai ta kala tou destro w8 bgazw screenshot me stats ..


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Traviksa mia screenshot full buffs me tallum heavy aytin tin fora :)




Dn kserw... Pantos etc opws eimai dn 8elw tpt allo... Exw ton miso kai parapanw server..

Xwris jewels a grade exw riksei magakia k' magakia...

Dn kserw egw pantws an imoun full s grade h hero kai me erixne enas b grade-man 8a ntrepomouna.....


PS:Gamw egina kai rezili gia ta liga pvp/pk ... alla toso kairo(4 meres LoL) mono exparw kai prospa8ousa na ntythw me tallum :P Tora pou epitelous ta katafera tora arxizei to ksulo.. :D

Pio polli ekana duel ....


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