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[HELP] win32k.sys


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hello guys , i am using windows 7 , latest win 7

and i got one error when i using firefox photoshop and bla bla bla all of the aplications are have the same error?

what is the error?

blue screen and saying something about win32k.sys

any1 know how to fix it?


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psaxe edw http://www.google.gr/#hl=el&q=win32k.sys+blue+screen+windows+7&meta=&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=bc62c1b5ba65dc09 genika panta otan tros kapoio error grapse sto google to minima pou sou vgazei sto error kai 8a vreis polla sites p 8a s lene pos na fix to error

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psaxe edw http://www.google.gr/#hl=el&q=win32k.sys+blue+screen+windows+7&meta=&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=bc62c1b5ba65dc09 genika panta otan tros kapoio error grapse sto google to minima pou sou vgazei sto error kai 8a vreis polla sites p 8a s lene pos na fix to error

lol , ksexasa na to pw to problem to elisa monos m .

lock it some1 :)

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