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Setekh Leaching saying Lie this is on old archid..


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wtf is problem on this guy i want to show us HERE IN OLD PACK where is that!



Index: E:/L2j Development/workspace/Archid-Data/data/scripts/handlers/skill_handlers/Disablers.java


--- E:/L2j Development/workspace/Archid-Data/data/scripts/handlers/skill_handlers/Disablers.java (revision 1602)

+++ E:/L2j Development/workspace/Archid-Data/data/scripts/handlers/skill_handlers/Disablers.java (working copy)

@@ -163,6 +163,9 @@

            if (target == null || target.isDead()) //bypass if target is null or dead



+ if (target.isBuffShieldOn() && (!skill.isDebuff() || !skill.isOffensive()))

+ continue;


            byte shld = Formulas.calcShldUse(activeChar, target);

            switch (type)


Index: E:/L2j Development/workspace/Archid-Data/data/scripts/handlers/skill_handlers/Continuous.java


--- E:/L2j Development/workspace/Archid-Data/data/scripts/handlers/skill_handlers/Continuous.java (revision 1689)

+++ E:/L2j Development/workspace/Archid-Data/data/scripts/handlers/skill_handlers/Continuous.java (working copy)

@@ -101,6 +101,9 @@

if (Formulas.calcSkillReflect(target, skill) == Formulas.SKILL_REFLECT_SUCCEED)

target = activeChar;


+ if (target.isBuffShieldOn() && (!skill.isDebuff() || !skill.isOffensive()))

+ continue;


// Player holding a cursed weapon can't be buffed and can't buff

if (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.BUFF && !(activeChar instanceof L2ClanHallManagerInstance))





assembla have E:/L2j Development/workspace/Archid-Data/data/scripts/handlers/skill_handlers/Continuous.java



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read my edit newb.

the patch is not ment for you! and leaching from where? i jsut edited ur boolean to allow full usage of the code wth is wrong with u?

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read my edit newb.

the patch is not ment for you! and leaching from where? i jsut edited ur boolean to allow full usage of the code wth is wrong with u?



assembla have E:/L2j Development/workspace/Archid-Data/data/scripts/handlers/skill_handlers/Continuous.java

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it dosent matter its a simple boolean wth is wrong with you dude? its just a value returning true or false



IT doesn't matter where my patch was created its working and thats all that matters. and ur being off topic!

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it dosent matter its a simple boolean wth is wrong with you dude? its just a value returning true or false



IT doesn't matter where my patch was created its working and thats all that matters. and ur being off topic!


houhou man.. you are...you know i leave the opition to another members now they can see what you are...

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Edit i didnt commit this patch!

I created it with eclipse, you even know what a patch is?

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Edit i didnt commit this patch!

I created it with eclipse, you even know what a patch is?


and how i find them? :O  and why you lock my topic? if you dont share them?

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dude calm down and explain whats wrong with the code


you say this is in old archid... and i say you show me your commit in old assembla, i can proove that many people have the old archid,

later you say "Edit i didnt commit this patch!" and how i take that -beep-ing code?


explain me..


i want to Clean my topic and unlock them!

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you say this is in old archid... and i say you show me your commit in old assembla, i can proove that many people have the old archid,

later you say "Edit i didnt commit this patch!" and how i take that -beep-ing code?


explain me..

no i didnt say its in old archid i sayd ITS FOR ARCHID and FOR L2J SERVER i made two patches using eclipse i did not commit anything on the svn and did not leach your simple boolean check!


You made that code no one sayd you leached it or anything its ur booleans you made them i just edited the boolean method in a way that it blocks only buffs thats all.


I locked that topic to prevent spam.. calm down and ill unlock it later..


Chill lol

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no i didnt say its in old archid i sayd ITS FOR ARCHID and FOR L2J SERVER i made two patches using eclipse i did not commit anything on the svn and did not leach your simple boolean check!


You made that code no one sayd you leached it or anything its ur booleans you made them i just edited the boolean method in a way that it blocks only buffs thats all.


I locked that topic to prevent spam.. calm down and ill unlock it later..


Chill lol


and why you share them on my topic? can you tell me? and how is possible use the same isBussShiledon() explain me..

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