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share ekatomirria fores alla den pirazi ftanei p prospa8ises kai ekanes to share arkei pote den vlaptei apla an kanate share kapia pragmata p den itan toses polles fores shared tha itan kalitera gia to forum

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poli oreo kai analitiko kai to katalabenis efkola boris na to kanis kai kalitero alla einai kalo


tr gia to 8ema me ta bot.. nai bori na kani  bot.. ti 8a kerdisi=tpt(bori na to 8eli toso poli pou nomizontas oti to lei ka8e tris kai ligo na toy dosoune +1)

bori kapios allos pou 8eli na katastrepsi afto to topic na kani bot..ti 8a kerdisi=lock to topic..

ego omos dn boro na apokliso kapio gia afto afino na kani kapio elexo o maxtor pistebo exi ton tropo (olla afta pou ipa parapano einai mono k mono i apopsimoy xoris na 8elo na brisko kapion i kati tetio)

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re file dn katalabenw ti kanw edw dn mporo na to bro



@@ -294,6 +321,4 @@



-            if (player.getTotalSubClasses() < 2)

-              subclasses.removeAll(EnumSet.of(inspector));



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re file dn katalabenw ti kanw edw dn mporo na to bro



@@ -294,6 +321,4 @@



-            if (player.getTotalSubClasses() < 2)

-              subclasses.removeAll(EnumSet.of(inspector));



το @@ -294,6 +321,4 @@ λέει τη σειρά που θα ψάξεις αν δε βρεις τον code αν και δε χρησιμεύει όπως λέω διότι εσύ με προσθήκη/αφαίρεση code να αλλάξει. Οπότε έχει μπροστά από 2 σειρές (-) άρα πατάς contol + f κάνεις αναζήτηση if (player.getTotalSubClasses() < 2) ή subclasses.removeAll(EnumSet.of(inspector)); και τις διαγράφεις
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file m ok me auto p les


tora exw ena alo problima kanw BUILD kai bgazi failed sto




xrisimopio ta dika sou snv


kita ligw ti exw la8os ama mporhs Gt eimai entelos asxetos apo java



* $Header: PlayerClass.java, 24/11/2005 12:56:01 luisantonioa Exp $


* $Author: luisantonioa $

* $Date: 24/11/2005 12:56:01 $

* $Revision: 1 $

* $Log: PlayerClass.java,v $

* Revision 1  24/11/2005 12:56:01  luisantonioa

* Added copyright notice



* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)

* any later version.


* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


* GNU General Public License for more details.


* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA

* 02111-1307, USA.


* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html


package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base;


import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.ClassLevel.First;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.ClassLevel.Fourth;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.ClassLevel.Second;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.ClassLevel.Third;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.ClassType.Fighter;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.ClassType.Mystic;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.ClassType.Priest;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.PlayerRace.DarkElf;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.PlayerRace.Dwarf;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.PlayerRace.Human;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.PlayerRace.LightElf;

import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.PlayerRace.Orc;


import java.util.EnumMap;

import java.util.EnumSet;

import java.util.Set;



* This class ...


* @version $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2004/06/27 08:12:59 $


public enum PlayerClass {

    HumanFighter(Human, Fighter, First), Warrior(Human, Fighter, Second), Gladiator(Human, Fighter,

            Third), Warlord(Human, Fighter, Third), HumanKnight(Human, Fighter, Second), Paladin(Human,

            Fighter, Third), DarkAvenger(Human, Fighter, Third), Rogue(Human, Fighter, Second), TreasureHunter(

            Human, Fighter, Third), Hawkeye(Human, Fighter, Third), HumanMystic(Human, Mystic, First), HumanWizard(

            Human, Mystic, Second), Sorceror(Human, Mystic, Third), Necromancer(Human, Mystic, Third), Warlock(

            Human, Mystic, Third), Cleric(Human, Priest, Second), Bishop(Human, Priest, Third), Prophet(

            Human, Priest, Third),


    ElvenFighter(LightElf, Fighter, First), ElvenKnight(LightElf, Fighter, Second), TempleKnight(

            LightElf, Fighter, Third), Swordsinger(LightElf, Fighter, Third), ElvenScout(LightElf,

            Fighter, Second), Plainswalker(LightElf, Fighter, Third), SilverRanger(LightElf, Fighter,

            Third), ElvenMystic(LightElf, Mystic, First), ElvenWizard(LightElf, Mystic, Second), Spellsinger(

            LightElf, Mystic, Third), ElementalSummoner(LightElf, Mystic, Third), ElvenOracle(LightElf,

            Priest, Second), ElvenElder(LightElf, Priest, Third),


    DarkElvenFighter(DarkElf, Fighter, First), PalusKnight(DarkElf, Fighter, Second), ShillienKnight(

            DarkElf, Fighter, Third), Bladedancer(DarkElf, Fighter, Third), Assassin(DarkElf, Fighter,

            Second), AbyssWalker(DarkElf, Fighter, Third), PhantomRanger(DarkElf, Fighter, Third), DarkElvenMystic(

            DarkElf, Mystic, First), DarkElvenWizard(DarkElf, Mystic, Second), Spellhowler(DarkElf,

            Mystic, Third), PhantomSummoner(DarkElf, Mystic, Third), ShillienOracle(DarkElf, Priest,

            Second), ShillienElder(DarkElf, Priest, Third),


    OrcFighter(Orc, Fighter, First), OrcRaider(Orc, Fighter, Second), Destroyer(Orc, Fighter, Third), OrcMonk(

            Orc, Fighter, Second), Tyrant(Orc, Fighter, Third), OrcMystic(Orc, Mystic, First), OrcShaman(

            Orc, Mystic, Second), Overlord(Orc, Mystic, Third), Warcryer(Orc, Mystic, Third),


    DwarvenFighter(Dwarf, Fighter, First), DwarvenScavenger(Dwarf, Fighter, Second), BountyHunter(Dwarf,

            Fighter, Third), DwarvenArtisan(Dwarf, Fighter, Second), Warsmith(Dwarf, Fighter, Third),


    dummyEntry1(null, null, null), dummyEntry2(null, null, null), dummyEntry3(null, null, null), dummyEntry4(

            null, null, null), dummyEntry5(null, null, null), dummyEntry6(null, null, null), dummyEntry7(

            null, null, null), dummyEntry8(null, null, null), dummyEntry9(null, null, null), dummyEntry10(

            null, null, null), dummyEntry11(null, null, null), dummyEntry12(null, null, null), dummyEntry13(

            null, null, null), dummyEntry14(null, null, null), dummyEntry15(null, null, null), dummyEntry16(

            null, null, null), dummyEntry17(null, null, null), dummyEntry18(null, null, null), dummyEntry19(

            null, null, null), dummyEntry20(null, null, null), dummyEntry21(null, null, null), dummyEntry22(

            null, null, null), dummyEntry23(null, null, null), dummyEntry24(null, null, null), dummyEntry25(

            null, null, null), dummyEntry26(null, null, null), dummyEntry27(null, null, null), dummyEntry28(

            null, null, null), dummyEntry29(null, null, null), dummyEntry30(null, null, null),



     * (3rd classes)


    duelist(Human, Fighter, Fourth), dreadnought(Human, Fighter, Fourth), phoenixKnight(Human, Fighter,

            Fourth), hellKnight(Human, Fighter, Fourth), sagittarius(Human, Fighter, Fourth), adventurer(

            Human, Fighter, Fourth), archmage(Human, Mystic, Fourth), soultaker(Human, Mystic, Fourth), arcanaLord(

            Human, Mystic, Fourth), cardinal(Human, Mystic, Fourth), hierophant(Human, Mystic, Fourth),


    evaTemplar(LightElf, Fighter, Fourth), swordMuse(LightElf, Fighter, Fourth), windRider(LightElf,

            Fighter, Fourth), moonlightSentinel(LightElf, Fighter, Fourth), mysticMuse(LightElf, Mystic,

            Fourth), elementalMaster(LightElf, Mystic, Fourth), evaSaint(LightElf, Mystic, Fourth),


    shillienTemplar(DarkElf, Fighter, Fourth), spectralDancer(DarkElf, Fighter, Fourth), ghostHunter(

            DarkElf, Fighter, Fourth), ghostSentinel(DarkElf, Fighter, Fourth), stormScreamer(DarkElf,

            Mystic, Fourth), spectralMaster(DarkElf, Mystic, Fourth), shillienSaint(DarkElf, Mystic,



    titan(Orc, Fighter, Fourth), grandKhauatari(Orc, Fighter, Fourth), dominator(Orc, Mystic, Fourth), doomcryer(

            Orc, Mystic, Fourth),


    fortuneSeeker(Dwarf, Fighter, Fourth), maestro(Dwarf, Fighter, Fourth);


    private PlayerRace _race;

    private ClassLevel _level;

    private ClassType _type;


    private static final Set<PlayerClass> mainSubclassSet;


    private static final Set<PlayerClass> subclasseSet1 = EnumSet.of(DarkAvenger, Paladin, TempleKnight,


    private static final Set<PlayerClass> subclasseSet2 = EnumSet.of(TreasureHunter, AbyssWalker,


    private static final Set<PlayerClass> subclasseSet3 = EnumSet.of(Hawkeye, SilverRanger,


    private static final Set<PlayerClass> subclasseSet4 = EnumSet.of(Warlock, ElementalSummoner,


    private static final Set<PlayerClass> subclasseSet5 = EnumSet.of(Sorceror, Spellsinger, Spellhowler);


    private static final EnumMap<PlayerClass, Set<PlayerClass>> subclassSetMap = new EnumMap<PlayerClass, Set<PlayerClass>>(





        Set<PlayerClass> subclasses = getSet(null, Third);



        mainSubclassSet = subclasses;


        subclassSetMap.put(DarkAvenger, subclasseSet1);

        subclassSetMap.put(Paladin, subclasseSet1);

        subclassSetMap.put(TempleKnight, subclasseSet1);

        subclassSetMap.put(ShillienKnight, subclasseSet1);


        subclassSetMap.put(TreasureHunter, subclasseSet2);

        subclassSetMap.put(AbyssWalker, subclasseSet2);

        subclassSetMap.put(Plainswalker, subclasseSet2);


        subclassSetMap.put(Hawkeye, subclasseSet3);

        subclassSetMap.put(SilverRanger, subclasseSet3);

        subclassSetMap.put(PhantomRanger, subclasseSet3);


        subclassSetMap.put(Warlock, subclasseSet4);

        subclassSetMap.put(ElementalSummoner, subclasseSet4);

        subclassSetMap.put(PhantomSummoner, subclasseSet4);


        subclassSetMap.put(Sorceror, subclasseSet5);

        subclassSetMap.put(Spellsinger, subclasseSet5);

        subclassSetMap.put(Spellhowler, subclasseSet5);



    PlayerClass(PlayerRace pRace, ClassType pType, ClassLevel pLevel)


        _race = pRace;

        _level = pLevel;

        _type = pType;



    public final Set<PlayerClass> getAvailableSubclasses()


        Set<PlayerClass> subclasses = null;


        if (_level == Third)


            subclasses = EnumSet.copyOf(mainSubclassSet);





            switch (_race)


              case Human:

                 subclasses.removeAll(getSet(_race), Third));


              case DarkElf:

                 subclasses.removeAll(getSet(_race), Third));

                 subclasses.removeAll(getSet(_race), Third));


              case Orc:

                 subclasses.removeAll(getSet(_race), Third));


              case Dwarf:

                 subclasses.removeAll(getSet(_race), Third));




        return subclasses;



    public static final EnumSet<PlayerClass> getSet(PlayerRace race, ClassLevel level)


        EnumSet<PlayerClass> allOf = EnumSet.noneOf(PlayerClass.class);


        for (PlayerClass playerClass : EnumSet.allOf(PlayerClass.class))


            if (race == null || playerClass.isOfRace(race))


                if (level == null || playerClass.isOfLevel(level))







        return allOf;



    public final boolean isOfRace(PlayerRace pRace)


        return _race == pRace;



    public final boolean isOfType(ClassType pType)


        return _type == pType;



    public final boolean isOfLevel(ClassLevel pLevel)


        return _level == pLevel;


    public final ClassLevel getLevel()


        return _level;








kai edw ta Build error


se parakalo ligw help


    [javac] Compiling 1214 source files to C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build\classes

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:185: ';' expected

    [javac]                  subclasses.removeAll(getSet(_race), Third));

    [javac]                                                            ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:188: ';' expected

    [javac]                  subclasses.removeAll(getSet(_race), Third));

    [javac]                                                            ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:189: ';' expected

    [javac]                  subclasses.removeAll(getSet(_race), Third));

    [javac]                                                            ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:192: ';' expected

    [javac]                  subclasses.removeAll(getSet(_race), Third));

    [javac]                                                            ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:195: ';' expected

    [javac]                  subclasses.removeAll(getSet(_race), Third));

    [javac]                                                            ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:202: illegal start of expression

    [javac]    public static final EnumSet<PlayerClass> getSet(PlayerRace race, ClassLevel level)

    [javac]    ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:202: illegal start of expression

    [javac]    public static final EnumSet<PlayerClass> getSet(PlayerRace race, ClassLevel level)

    [javac]            ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:202: ';' expected

    [javac]    public static final EnumSet<PlayerClass> getSet(PlayerRace race, ClassLevel level)

    [javac]                  ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:202: ';' expected

    [javac]    public static final EnumSet<PlayerClass> getSet(PlayerRace race, ClassLevel level)

    [javac]                                                    ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:202: ';' expected

    [javac]    public static final EnumSet<PlayerClass> getSet(PlayerRace race, ClassLevel level)

    [javac]                                                                                ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:202: not a statement

    [javac]    public static final EnumSet<PlayerClass> getSet(PlayerRace race, ClassLevel level)

    [javac]                                                                                ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:202: ';' expected

    [javac]    public static final EnumSet<PlayerClass> getSet(PlayerRace race, ClassLevel level)

    [javac]                                                                                      ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:220: illegal start of expression

    [javac]    public final boolean isOfRace(PlayerRace pRace)

    [javac]    ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:220: ';' expected

    [javac]    public final boolean isOfRace(PlayerRace pRace)

    [javac]                                  ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:220: ';' expected

    [javac]    public final boolean isOfRace(PlayerRace pRace)

    [javac]                                                  ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:225: illegal start of expression

    [javac]    public final boolean isOfType(ClassType pType)

    [javac]    ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:225: ';' expected

    [javac]    public final boolean isOfType(ClassType pType)

    [javac]                                  ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:225: ';' expected

    [javac]    public final boolean isOfType(ClassType pType)

    [javac]                                                  ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:230: illegal start of expression

    [javac]    public final boolean isOfLevel(ClassLevel pLevel)

    [javac]    ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:230: ';' expected

    [javac]    public final boolean isOfLevel(ClassLevel pLevel)

    [javac]                                  ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:230: ';' expected

    [javac]    public final boolean isOfLevel(ClassLevel pLevel)

    [javac]                                                    ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:234: illegal start of expression

    [javac]    public final ClassLevel getLevel()

    [javac]    ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:234: ';' expected

    [javac]    public final ClassLevel getLevel()

    [javac]                                    ^

    [javac] C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\PlayerClass.java:238: reached end of file while parsing

    [javac] }

    [javac]  ^

    [javac] 24 errors



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