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[POLL] Your Favourite Armor +Weapon

So what is your favourite armor and wep? ( i have only put armors)  

403 members have voted

  1. 1. So what is your favourite armor and wep? ( i have only put armors)

    • DarkCrystal
    • Tallum
    • Imperial
    • Dynasty
    • Vesper
    • Other
    • Dragonic
    • Costum

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  • 2 weeks later...

imo vesper sux hard,


dynasty (dagger)


dark crystal (heavy)

apella (heavy)

weapon almost all bows , all Best B weapons (old ones from c4 - demon dagger, bow of peril ... etc) , icarus ones.

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tallum heavy on d elf  caus its the first armor i crafted alone :)

also deadmans glory on dward only cause it really looks majestic and kick ass :D (also basalt for same reason, but glory has a majestic name too)

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I still like titanium set :X And as a weapon AM :X

and i like this one:

SidoIsAwesomeInThisArmorBcuzItDoesNotExist (<=== yeah i like this set)


being serious: cut the crap off, talk about retail not about lol custom made.

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well... there is custom in the poll...

pfff... my bad, apology.

then i guess you should post a print with it since some of us may not know how it looks :P

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