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[CT 2.5 Freya] Summoners able to summon two pets at once...

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anybody know how this will work???


lol its the best summoner update ever


im wondering how it will be with servitor heal with 2 summons...since its doesnt require targeting


if one servitor heal recovers 1200 hp for both summons will be awesome...if gives half for each one will suck cuz it will be easy for ppl kill one summon than another


transfer pain with one is 50%-50% damage....with two summons how its gonna work??? 50% / 25% 25%???


33% each??? lol than summons will never die cuz they will take very little damage


with two summons summoners will be IMBA again like C4 times lol


just imagine it at olympiad...if is already hard near to impossible for most classes defeat summoners with one, imagine it with two lol


Merrow and Magnus farming at Forge of the Gods...PVE machine!!!

or Boxer recharging and Magnus attacking..non stop pve,


or even worst...Spectral Lord attacking and Nightshade healling Spectral Master, that can attack with death spike OMG


Spectral Master alone can be a full party lol

mage damage dealer, warrior dd with 3.100 patk, healler, buffer, debuffer, tank....






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I also heard that mages will be able to cast two spells at the same time :P

i also heard that l2 now is getting worse more and more :P


guyz, all these updates dont make l2 better they destroy it


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i also heard that l2 now is getting worse more and more :P


guyz, all these updates dont make l2 better they destroy it


LOL don't tell me that you're another shitlude lover.

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Yay more summons make them OPed @ oly since a tank or a gladi cant attack both of them.


That was an overhit. Im glad that i stopped L2.

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Yay more summons make them OPed @ oly since a tank or a gladi cant attack both of them.


That was an overhit. Im glad that i stopped L2.

Oh come on.First of all,gladiators have two massive skills.

Secondly,I don't think that they will let it just like that.There will be something to balance it ;)

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LOL don't tell me that you're another shitlude lover.

No, now i am not l2 lover but if you could make me to choose i would choose c4 not interlude i dont know i like it more


but i like and the other clients not so much as c4 but i have to say that they fucked the game

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first of Duelist has a minimal cance against summoners in oly the way it is now  and in all chronicles


2nd i dont think they wont add anything to Duelist...they will give it something


3rd i think this will only make it a bit harder for heallers since they will have to erase all the time


4th this is very exciting and adds a lot of strategy to summoners gameplay...theres just too many possibilities with all summon combinations


lets see...Merrow and Magnus / Seraphim and Magnus / Seraphim and Mirage / Mirage and Magnus / Boxer and Magnus.....lol finally i will be able to use Mirage in fights


King and Queen / King and Kai / King and Mew (for wind attack)


Nightshade and Spectral / Silhouette and Spectral (one attacking close and other at distance with life leech) / Souless and Spectral / 



***Ok now just imagine a summoner in one of these high rates buffing both pets having over 30k hp in transfer pain...attacking with augment and 2.309 c.speed...just make one invincible and put the other in ultimate defense and kill the target lol

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***Ok now just imagine a summoner in one of these high rates buffing both pets having over 30k hp in transfer pain...attacking with augment and 2.309 c.speed...just make one invincible and put the other in ultimate defense and kill the target lol


They will just take tanks and dmg dealers place in a group :D


Oh Damn They have their own pt :D


The summoner and his  farm.... Oh come that sounds so bad lolz




In 3.0 update(shit) summoners will summon one male and one female summon!!!!!! The female will be pergnant and the will give a birth and the same... (same,same,same,same)  Like sheeps :D


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bla bla bla bla... l2 is getting worse for private servers yeah since nearly none will be able to manage these features into high rate :]

Yes ! +1 reason for staying at IL in private servers :D

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