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In that forum I have seen guides for speeding up your Mozilla Firefox and the Internet Explorer.So I decided to post a guide for speeding up your Opera.


Opera is the fastest browser and only 1% of the world use it :P but is the best browser when you want visit a site.Firefox is better to develop them and Internet just s.ucks ^^. Opera can be found here


1.* Disable Name Completion and local network lookup

*Click on Tools > Preferences, select the Advanced Tab and choose Network from the left menu. Click on Server Name Completion and disable Look for local network machine and try name completion, using.


2.* Increase the time cached images are used before checking for new versions

*Go to Tools > Preferences and click on the Advanced Tab. Choose History from the left menu and select Every 24 hours or even every week for image checks. You can always refresh the cache manually by typing F5 while visiting the website.


3.* Also one of the things you can do is to disable images on webpages, especially if you're on a slower connection. What this will do is it'll just show you the text...so pages will load super quick.Do this by tools -> preferences -> web pages. Now from images drop down select no images or cached images.


4.* Another tip you can do is to go Tools -> Preferences -> advanced -> network. Here increase max connections to a server and max total connections , try different numbers, and check whether it has an effect.


5.* Another one would be to clear autocomplete entries from the addy bar, if you have browsed a bit in Opera, you must have noticed, that it gets slow while typing addresses if it has too many entries...since Opera's autocomplete is related to its history, so clearing history will clear autocomplete entries. (Tools -> Preferences -> Advanced -> History -> Clear) .Also in the same history section, you might wanna decrease the remembered entries in history to say 100 from the default 500.


6.* As for slow startup of Opera, make sure you don't have a large urlfilter.ini file. It resides in your profile folder of Opera. This file gets updated whenever you 'block content'(right click -> block content)Other reasons for slow startup could be large collection of history and cache.



That was all :)

and remember: googlenh4.jpg  !




I used Opera for about 3 years, but after I started playing with the firefox plug-ings and add ons, I cannot go back to any other browser..


Still Opera is 1 of the fastest!


IE is not good it's just alot pages support IE browser but there is a plugin in ff that u can see pages like IE browser - it makes pictures and other stuff to be shown fully and if for example the lines in some forum is cutting in the middle because the page support only IE this plugin make it shown again like your were using IE - try it.



wow I did not know about this. Unfortunately I am using Opera not Mozilla...

I see there a lot more interesting plugins for mozilla than for opera.

Maybe I should change web browser...


Anyway it is offtopic so sorry *BiGGi*

  • 3 weeks later...

I used Opera for about 3 years, but after I started playing with the firefox plug-ings and add ons, I cannot go back to any other browser..


Still Opera is 1 of the fastest!

I fully agree with you, i know opera - the fastest browser, but i prefer Fox, becouse of addons...very userful

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