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interlude [L2J] Deviance PvP Experience - Free play


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i didnt add anything , that thing about intact armor is just a poll and we will try to re-design the textures for an uniq look.

you have allready custom tattoos, so i dont see the point to add others :)

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when you enter for augments ?


solved and please next time post on our forums, not here because i dont check this topic daily



i love the new server hardware, but why you wan to move the host so far away in Germany ?


We decided to improve our server hardware and internet band performances , and we found a good offer in frankfurt germany , more details on our forums - Rewards/Services topic (available also for unregistered users). For that reason we decided in implement a rewards/services system for thoose that will contribute to the montly payments because our team cannot support over 100 euros/month.


All you have to know is the fact that "donators" will not recive special items or custom skills, the only difference is that they will obtain the items much faster then the rest. But you dont have to worry about because also the farm system is with 50% more easily.




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. Class balance is down, so dont bother to try new chars because you will not have a chance. community is not friendly at all, you recive pk at every corner and you dont have the chance to make your own items


we have over 30 heroes at oly, the class balance is very good, because only if you enter you will see at least 7-8 different classes in towns, so this is not the problem. in most important farm spots we have pk guards, so you dont have how to make pk, also after 30 pk;s you have 50% drop chance , all playerrs know this thing very well. So, you dont have how to take pk from another player, because they respect the rules and dont kill the newbie players.

The farm system is quite easy, in 2-3 hours you are rdy for pvp with top gear

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the community is very friendly and helpfull, we have many players from England, Bulgaria, Greece, Argentina, Romania, Lituania and other country to. Its a COMMUNITY in all senses :)

Join and you will discover it !

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