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oky but i think with same rework this textures of lions can be replace the old textures of Great Wolf and Fenrir on a Hellbound and to be mount like a pet if the Lions have animations for run,walk..... (but i think animations can be get from wolfs) :)


oky but i think with same rework this textures of lions can be replace the old textures of Great Wolf and Fenrir on a Hellbound and to be mount like a pet if the Lions have animations for run,walk..... (but i think animations can be get from wolfs) :)

the problem is you need import animation to Lions too because NPC just stay there and don't move :( and no all work's fine think I need check this

I make Lions Pets and he have animations and moves is great to Interlude but when i mount he stay to strider becuse i use Monster.Strider i think if have a chance to make MOUNT/DISMAUNT of pet without to set MOnster.Strider i dont know are this is possible but i will try :)  (and just need to balance colisiun radius/Height from sql)

I will work now on it but idk l2 have full texture of Player who mont strider or what ???

I'm think when i see Type of Lion Pet is now Monster.Strider hmmm if we change this to Monster.Lion (and to create Monster.Lion if someone know how this will be maked)


This here  npcgrp

15030	LineageMonster.strider	gfpetlion2.tawny_maned_lion_m00	3	Liongreen.tawny_maned_lion_t00	Liongreen.tawny_maned_lion_t01	Liongreen.tawny_maned_lion_t02			0			2	4416	10																									1.000000	0		1				4	MonSound.Hit_Bone_6	MonSound.Hit_Bone_2	MonSound.Hit_Shell_1	MonSound.Hit_Stone_3		3	MonSound.strider_dmg_1	MonSound.strider_dmg_2	MonSound.strider_dmg_3	0			1	0								LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.000000	250.000000	70.000000	0	1
15031	LineageMonster.strider	gfpetlion2.tawny_maned_lion_m00	3	Lionyellow.tawny_maned_lion_t00	Lionyellow.tawny_maned_lion_t01	Lionyellow.tawny_maned_lion_t02			0			2	4416	10																									1.000000	0		1				4	MonSound.Hit_Bone_6	MonSound.Hit_Bone_2	MonSound.Hit_Shell_1	MonSound.Hit_Stone_3		3	MonSound.strider_dmg_1	MonSound.strider_dmg_2	MonSound.strider_dmg_3	0			1	0								LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.000000	250.000000	70.000000	0	1
15032	LineageMonster.strider	gfpetlion2.tawny_maned_lion_m00	3	gflion.tawny_maned_lion_t00	gflion.tawny_maned_lion_t01	gflion.tawny_maned_lion_t02			0			2	4416	10																									1.000000	0		1				4	MonSound.Hit_Bone_6	MonSound.Hit_Bone_2	MonSound.Hit_Shell_1	MonSound.Hit_Stone_3		3	MonSound.strider_dmg_1	MonSound.strider_dmg_2	MonSound.strider_dmg_3	0			1	0								LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.000000	250.000000	70.000000	0	1



Again Not Work :S


I make Lions Pets and he have animations and moves is great to Interlude but when i mount he stay to strider becuse i use Monster.Strider i think if have a chance to make MOUNT/DISMAUNT of pet without to set MOnster.Strider i dont know are this is possible but i will try :)  (and just need to balance colisiun radius/Height from sql)

I will work now on it but idk l2 have full texture of Player who mont strider or what ???

I'm think when i see Type of Lion Pet is now Monster.Strider hmmm if we change this to Monster.Lion (and to create Monster.Lion if someone know how this will be maked)

for make new mountable PET you need add java commands man, now I don't know much about this I need try and later I tell you is only what I need animations no problem :)

oky now i make pets and will wait you for java comand,but for one i need help how to make this pets to eat becouse i try with hatching/strider/baby....wolf.... food not work how to make one of this foot to work for my Lion pet or how to total remove food consumation :D PetFoodRate in Rates config i think this need to be 0 but idk :)


I make this lions PETs with custom pet IDs , stats and custom summon items, now i work to make a Custom Lion Food and To make them mountable. I have some bugs with MOUNT pet hmm i think i need to edit somethink from java to add MOUNT/DISMOUNT atribute for corrent ped ID. I'm try to make a pets replacing striders in game but when MOUNT it the lions turn to strider.Becouse that i think in l2j pack have somethink to edit and to make SKILLS to pet and other. Now I use pets with there real IDs and no have MOUNT/DISMOUNT atribute,but with strider IDs u can mount them.I serach in my SQL DB for edits for pets but i found just pets in NPC.SQL and PET_STATS.SQL where i make now my pets with custom stats and custom starting levels.If someone have knowagle abount L2Pets Creation to Help me with my project to make it Custom Lions Pets i need help just to create a Custom Food for lions and to make them mountable pets like striders but whith lions own IDs.


BTW Special Thanks J4KS0N For Share with us this realy great models and textures of Lions i realy think it will be great feature for Interlude Servers :)


I make this lions PETs with custom pet IDs , stats and custom summon items, now i work to make a Custom Lion Food and To make them mountable. I have some bugs with MOUNT pet hmm i think i need to edit somethink from java to add MOUNT/DISMOUNT atribute for corrent ped ID. I'm try to make a pets replacing striders in game but when MOUNT it the lions turn to strider.Becouse that i think in l2j pack have somethink to edit and to make SKILLS to pet and other. Now I use pets with there real IDs and no have MOUNT/DISMOUNT atribute,but with strider IDs u can mount them.I serach in my SQL DB for edits for pets but i found just pets in NPC.SQL and PET_STATS.SQL where i make now my pets with custom stats and custom starting levels.If someone have knowagle abount L2Pets Creation to Help me with my project to make it Custom Lions Pets i need help just to create a Custom Food for lions and to make them mountable pets like striders but whith lions own IDs.


BTW Special Thanks J4KS0N For Share with us this realy great models and textures of Lions i realy think it will be great feature for Interlude Servers :)

well Monty I really interesting make that too because I make new PET Draconic and I can Mount this but my character have problems I don't Know, I see inclined of PET :S and I replace this for Strider and doesn't work but need help for this too about modifing JAVA command for make it work anyway you want give me MSN PM and we talk about that ok cya

This here  npcgrp

I changed the npcgrp stride and put the npcgrp the Lion caught but when mounts is in stride XD

First doublepost

and so take my  npcgrp and put it on your client

Second doublepost


Watch it, it's just not allowed to double post, just edit the post (click 'edit' at one of your old posts next time!)



Anyway, nice colors I guess, keep sharing :)


<button value="Strider" action="bypass -h admin_ride_strider" width=55 height=15 back="sek.cbui94" fore="sek.cbui92"></td>

That i found its of Admin Menu buton Strider hmmm i see here admin_ride_strider that is script who can be edit becouse and wyvern butom is same like strider (admin_ride_wyvern) but that codes is for admin for player i think is: "bypass -h npc_%objectId%_RideWyvern" that script i get from Wyvern Manager for riding of Wyvern.Just we need to edit this scripts to make lions pet mountabe i think but firs we need to found scrits of strider and wyvern and to make same scripts like them but with custom ID of Lions ;)


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