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So here's the deal.

The father of my brother's friend has an olive-oil bussiness. ([GR] elaiotribio)

And my brother's friend told my brother that his father wants a website for his bussiness.

And he thought I would make it. So I told him to tell his father to contact me, to tell me what he wants etc.

So here's my question to you guyz:

How much money should I take from him.

I mean what's the average cost of a website. (Euros or Dolars).


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So here's the deal.

The father of my brother's friend has an olive-oil bussiness. ([GR] elaiotribio)

And my brother's friend told my brother that his father wants a website for his bussiness.

And he thought I would make it. So I told him to tell his father to contact me, to tell me what he wants etc.

So here's my question to you guyz:

How much money should I take from him.

I mean what's the average cost of a website. (Euros or Dolars).


depends on what they ask and ur skills ofc depends on what the site will be based on. Btw i dont really think u know css and php or am i wrong ? w00t w00t
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If you're going to make a website from that "sitegrind" or how the hell is spelled, then take 20$.Not more... :/

Designing the template, coding it by hand, writing a good script in PHP, use Javascript/jQuery and the rest of the stuff, styling the elements with CSS 3.0, depends time which means more money.


A simple program, which is making a low-quallity website cannot handle a Bussiness site.

Always friendly,


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YEah the point is that the particular person isn't going to be able to tell the difference plus where I live no one lese can make a website.

Also don't swear that sitegrinder makes low quality websites.

I've seen some great websites made with sitegrinder. Also I guess HIs website isn't going to be so demanding.

I mean come on. It's for his olive-oil shop ([GR]den 3erw pws legete sta agglika to elaiotribio F@CK)

I don't know......

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Well the boyfriend of my sis has made a site and he payed around 800euros...But the guy he payed is daily checking and updating the site and stuff like that...also the site is on the first lists in google(if you know what i mean) because i heard he have to pay google itshelf in order for the site to be easily found in google search...

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