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to start off this won't work for most of the win 7 users, also after the next update so have fun for now. its containing an injector so u will get a virus warrning use it at yr own risk. this isnt a lawnmower/aimbot or any other lame hack that ppl will know of when u use it, its a form of game editing where u yourself decide what u want, and depending on how u arrange the editing it will show on replays or in game (a safe one would be changing the hp/ap from fmt ring from 5/5 to 12/15 or adding some extra ammo).

1.copy your gunz folder so u can restart if u screw up.

2.download the files and extract them in a new folder u created

3.copy the files from the MEF Dumper to your gunz location (if its ijji , i guess C:/ijji/ENGLISH/Gunz)

4.use the MEF Dumper.exe inside the folder and select zitem.xml.mef

5.after the 4th step dump.txt will appear in that folder (its the zitem in a editable format) open it and edit the stats of weapons/armors or accessories u want (if u edit weapon dmg u will get the same damage from other ppl using the weapon as a result u might be 1 hitted)

best is just editing the rings for some extra HP/AP or the ammo for weapons , note that changing delays will only make your weapons seem fast however it wont affect the speed of the game nor will the enemy see u shooting/slashing faster (client sided) just experiment and dont make it so obvious if u add like 214123514 hp u will get a quick ban.

6.after yr done with the editing, save the file and rename it to zitem.xml

7.copy system.mrs file from your gunz dirrectory to the folder with the tools that u extracted.

8.open MRS File Viewer.exe , press open mrs file , drag and drop the system.mrs u copied there ,press unpack , press extract all files.

9.now u can close the MRS File Viewer.exe , and have a system folder appear, open the folder and place/copy the zitem.xml u made in it.

10.now delete the system.mrs that u copied to the 'tools folder'

11.open MRSDecompiler Pro.exe , select system on the compile side , and press compile selected items.

12.from compiling the folder u have now a new system.mrs copy and paste it to your gunz folder.

13.now u need an injector to bypass the security , but dont worry i have one set in the 'tool box'

14.copy the injector files (zitem.dll , d3d9.dll , d3d9.ini) to your gunz folder.

15.launch the game and hf.



the tools http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1X8LAAAD


some extra info: if you get kicked out to the lobby and your game crashes , it might be because of your OS (win 7) or theres a person or ppl with an anti-hack blocker (happens rarely).

if u get an error from the programs while in the process of editing make sure the files are in the right dirrectory. for other problems post below.

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