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[GUIDE/SHARE]Learn To What Version You Must Save The Files In System!!!


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Hello Cheaters..i am here today to show you a nice trick to Learn To What Version You Must Save The Files In System



first of all you need a system..systemphoto.jpg


2nd to know in what version u must save the file u must open it manualy (notepad) and u will see this l2vesrion.png



this means u must save the actionname-e to version 413


hope i help...hf!

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But everytime u have to save it as 413 version, and if you get error you save it on 111


i dont get the reason making this thread

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Did you actually read what i wrote?


But everytime u have to save it as 413 version, and if you get error you save it on 111



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sorry u have right...if u think its useless go to request delete...i just create it to help those who dont know everytime u have to save it as 413 version, and if you get error you save it on 111

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Geeeeeez, man...When You open *.dat file all infos You have already showed at L2FileEdit window, so why did You made that "guide" ? It's for nothing... ::)


Here, if You dont know that:


Now You will know what version You have ot use (413 or 111) ::)



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Geeeeeez, ma...When You open *.dat file all infos You have olready showed at L2FileEdit window, so why did You made that "guide" ? It's for nothing... ::)


Here, if You dont know that:

Now You will know what version You have ot use (413 or 111) ::)




i didnt know that :)

i will ask to delete my topic..sorry :/

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