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[Share][PL][EN] MegaFull Patch for Epilogue [CT2.4]


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PL Version


Została wydana nowa wersja patcha mojego wykonania.




Patch ktory jest tworzony od IL.


Archiwalne wersje:


Gracia Final:



Gracia Part 2






Niedługo dodam



Niedlugo dodam




Co dodaje (Wersja Epilog)

0.77 rc1

Zoom hack - niema ograniczen do oddalania kamery

WallHAck - Chodzenie po gorach (wersha testowa)

No-GG - Zostal wylaczony GameGuard

No-DC - Nie bedzie juz dc przez klienta

No-L2w - juz walker nie bedzie zamykal gry (discoment za 30s)

Kolor Patch - kolorowy czat



0.77 rc1













EN Version


It was released a new version of the patch of my performance.




Patch that is created from the IL.


Archival versions:


Gracia Final:



Gracia Part 2






Soon I'll add



Soon I'll add




What adds (Epilogue Version)

0.77 rc1

Zoom hack - silent limitations of the camera zoom out

Wallhack - Walking on mountains (wersha test)

Well-GG - GameGuard has been disabled

No-DC - There will be no dc client

Well-L2w - already closed a walker will not play (discoment the 30s)

Color Patch - color chat



0.77 rc1








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Your credits are wrong :/

and the most of them are already shared with the normal credits...

better to add some pics too...

fix them ;)


Fix your title.... [share][PL][EN] MegaFull Patch for Epilogue [CT2.4]

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/ PL

To nie jest Twoja robota...Może jedynie pogrebałeś jednym palce w plikach, ale całość roboty odwalił ktoś inny - wystarczy poszukać na forum mxc. Ten patche to nie Twoja robota...



This is not Your work. Maybe You change some things or settings, but all of wokr is someone else - just search at mxc. So this ptach it's not You work.


Thx anyway. Bye

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Tutaj musze cie zmrawtiwc robie te patche od IL i np jako jedyny dostosowalem drop patcha pod Gracie Final

Yeah, so as I told - You only change some stuffs ^^ You didnt make those patch from "0" - You only change drop patch.

- spoil patch (not Your work ^^)

- stat patch (not Your work ^^)

- lvl mob (not Your work ^^)

- agro mod (not uour work ^^)

- zoom hack / wallhack (not Your work ^^) - btw: wallhack nie ma nic z "chodzeniem po górach", lol xD

- No-GG, No-DC, No-L2w (not Your work ^^)

- Color patch (not Your work - even SoFaKi made that ^^)


So as You can see dont try to tell us that You have made that - You have only change drop (thats all) and put all those patch's together, so dont put credits all to Yourself...



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Martin22 recommend to download first and then write a complaint, not vice versa. Frankly, everybody can write with the bad, etc. But shoot better then write something that is not bad. As to what you wrote above. You can see that you do not know you but you have much to say. Read with understanding what I said and then cry that something is wrong. You are not interested No download Speed.

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That tells me everything: "Została wydana nowa wersja patcha mojego wykonania".

So dont cry me a river ~~~~

Just next time dont writhe that something is Yours when You didnt make it.

Take care

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