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Tha Sas Mperdepsw Ligo Pisteuw.


Exw Auto Edw:



Anoigei php files.


Pws Ginete Na To kanw Na Anoigei Html?


Den Exei Kati Na Allaxw Sto Code.


<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="480" height="100">
          <param name="movie" value="i/FlashEN.swf">
          <param name="quality" value="high">
          <embed src="i/FlashEN.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="100"></embed>


Yparxei Kapio Code Gia php Pou Na Anoigei Kapia Selida San Arxeio Html?




To 1o to Siege Px Xreiazete Ena Arxeio siege.php Gia Na Anoixei.

Yparxei Kapio Code Na Balw Mesa Sto php Arxeio Etsi Wste Na Anoigei HTML Arxeio?


Mperdeuthka Mexri Ki Egw.


An Bgalei Kaneis Akrh Plz Reply.


Kai Ena Deutero.


Pws Mporw Na Epexergastw swf, fla kai WD3 Arxeia?




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7 answers to this question

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Nai Alla Auto To Java "Module" Anoigei Mono Php. :/


Thelw Kati Opws San Na Kaneis Ena Html Save As Forum px.


Example: <td colspan="2"><a href="forum.html" onMouseOver="buttondown('homebutton')" onMouseOut="buttonup('homebutton')">


Dhladh To Trexeis Kai Se Paei Amesws Sto Forum.


Thelw Na To Kanw Na Trexei To php Alla Na Me Petaei Se Mia Selida Html.


Auto Thelw Na Kanw An Ginete.


Kai An Katalabes. :P


Euxaristw Gia To Reply.

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Nai Alla Auto To Java "Module" Anoigei Mono Php. :/


Thelw Kati Opws San Na Kaneis Ena Html Save As Forum px.


Example: <td colspan="2"><a href="forum.html" onMouseOver="buttondown('homebutton')" onMouseOut="buttonup('homebutton')">


Dhladh To Trexeis Kai Se Paei Amesws Sto Forum.


Thelw Na To Kanw Na Trexei To php Alla Na Me Petaei Se Mia Selida Html.


Auto Thelw Na Kanw An Ginete.


Kai An Katalabes. :P


Euxaristw Gia To Reply.

polu apla vale tin URL tou forum rofl toso diskolo einai? :P anti na valeis forum.html vale http://toforumSou.com kai 8a eisai etimos ;)


twra gia swf kai fla xriazese Adobe Flash alla mono gia to fla dokimase me Flash mx episis ;)

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polu apla vale tin URL tou forum rofl toso diskolo einai? :P anti na valeis forum.html vale http://toforumSou.com kai 8a eisai etimos ;)


twra gia swf kai fla xriazese Adobe Flash alla mono gia to fla dokimase me Flash mx episis ;)

To Paidi To Ebale Auto San Paradigma ..



Tha Sas Mperdepsw Ligo Pisteuw.


Exw Auto Edw:



Anoigei php files.


Pws Ginete Na To kanw Na Anoigei Html?


Den Exei Kati Na Allaxw Sto Code.


<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="480" height="100">
          <param name="movie" value="i/FlashEN.swf">
          <param name="quality" value="high">
          <embed src="i/FlashEN.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="100"></embed>


Yparxei Kapio Code Gia php Pou Na Anoigei Kapia Selida San Arxeio Html?




To 1o to Siege Px Xreiazete Ena Arxeio siege.php Gia Na Anoixei.

Yparxei Kapio Code Na Balw Mesa Sto php Arxeio Etsi Wste Na Anoigei HTML Arxeio?

Kapou Sto Index I Opou Allou Einai Auto b8x5oa5v0f11g036ci5d.jpg Uparxei Kai Ena Allo Code Pou Sou Leei Pou Na Se Pigenei I Ka8e Mia Apo Tis Photos... Auto Ama Mporouses Na To Breis Kai Na To Kaneis Post 8a Mporousame Na Se Boi8isoume...

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polu apla vale tin URL tou forum rofl toso diskolo einai? :P anti na valeis forum.html vale http://toforumSou.com kai 8a eisai etimos ;)


twra gia swf kai fla xriazese Adobe Flash alla mono gia to fla dokimase me Flash mx episis ;)


Den Einai Etsi...

Thelw Ena Code San Auto Alla Se PHP. Se HTML Xerw Na To Ftiaxnw.


Edit: Soz For Double Post.

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