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l2mxc server being attacked (ddos) from yesterday night  (i think 2:00 GTM+2)

and they still attacking (pyromake and his crew)


any comments? :$


There's your reason:





Due the fact that Narda claimed that he hacked Pyromakers server L2-Vendetta, Pyromaker ddosed us.

Pyromaker's server had to close due this hack so he lost like 1-2000$. He also lost his server on which he worked hard for. To be honest I understand why he ddosed us! Also the hackers announced our Server while they had GM on L2-Vendetta, this is probably why Pyromaker really thinks that our staff was involved. I don't support such advertising!

Well after I talked to him and told him that we were not ddosing him and Narda just talked some shit to gain fame or whatever he decided to stop the ddosing attacks!

He even offered us some help since he is a pretty good developer and also a good member at Maxcheaters.

I want to apologize to all the players of L2MxC for the downtime and I hope such misunderstanding things won't happen ever again!



Server will be up tomorrow


-Remains locked.

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