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[Game] World Hardest game 'EVER' (Ultimate Riddle)


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Funny shit on lvl 4 i typed [apple] what i got with few tricks and i got "i didnt said go to apple" lmao.

i made the same mistake rofl...

that game must be really created by a retard --.--" hehe

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Funny shit on lvl 4 i typed [apple] what i got with few tricks and i got "i didnt said go to apple" lmao.

then try what i told you.... ;D

oh and thanks to Black Jack ...i got on lvl 7 xD

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Coyote and Stardom take the first letter of each actor and Use an Anagram program (find it in google) to make you the word ;)

well,on lvl 7 it says to search for the other actors if i understood well.i found their names but i couldn't make it in putting it correct.any hints?:D



What's in level 4? -.-'





@BlackJack post the answer of 7. :P

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Coyote and Stardom take the first letter of each actor and Use an Anagram program (find it in google) to make you the word ;)


First letter?

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Guys i am at 7 now...

here is a tip i found... Download the image with the james bond from lvl 7... look at the properties ;)

its only 1 letter we need more :P

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i found the solution on 2,3,4,5,6 :P i gone to 7 yea i saw the propertie and have 1 letter saw the source



<!-- Go... find the others! -->


<!-- Search Google -->


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well you all busy from 1 to 7:p

this game will go until 71:p

i booked some progress also, lvl 13 atm:)

stocked on lvl 11 2days ago:)







@BlackJack post the answer of 7. :P


Don't post awnsers, and don't ask for them

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