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Making server online *[Rooter_Guide]*



Since i have seen many guys to ask about how they can

bring their friends into their server, i will make this little guide.

I searched at the Forum and i didn't find any Guide about that.

I found only some words...

Anyway...i hope you won't think that i spam the forum.



First of all we must know our router site.

What i mean?

Well...every rooter has his unique web-site.


At my rooter i have

If i want to make any restarts or something i go there.


In order to make our server Online we must open our rooter ports.

I will explain you how we can open the ports at Fritz Box.

The ways to open them are almost the same in every rooter.


Let's see.



1. We have to go at our IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).


2.From the NavBar we choose "Internet" and then we choose "Port Forwarding"


3. We choose "New Port Forwarding".

4.Now we put the informations.


Description => The name of our port (e.g. L2j Port 1)

Protocol => We must specify which protocol we need. (TCP/UDP.) Choose TCP Protocol.

Port => The ports that we have put at our server (9014,7777,2106,)

To IP Adress => Here we put our IP Adress(Start->Run->CMD->ipcondig)

To Port => Same port as before (if at Port you have put "9014" here put also "9014"

Port Forwarding Enable => Mark this thing if you want to enable the port.



You can find more informations about your rooters here :


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there are millions of guides like this in the net.. u could simply search google..


check this site..



u choose your rooter model.. then u choose game (lineage 2) and u can find detailed instruction on how to open ports.. simple ...


edit: lol i just saw that u have put a link to that site too ..(portforward.com)  :P

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Yeah there is another one way:

Go to the company of your internet, give 20$ and you are ready, you got static IP!

Then go to the webpage with your IP address and open the ports! wow!

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Lol dude !  you can easily make a new Topic for this ! You are new Member and i wont put -1 karma !

DOnt Ress Topics !! « Reply #5 on: December 27, 2007, 05:41:18 AM »


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