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[L2OFF] Avalon


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I think no one will play c1 ^^ not your server but c1 ^^ But nice work good luck with your server :P


you simple do not understand difference :)

for example you can lead agro mobs out of the room, leave them somewhere and then return and level on non agro mobs those left on the spot

agros wont return until killed/respawned

or you can lead bunch of mobs to the dead end ant then mass kill them from above


and so on and so on, hundreds of features those are disabled in other chronicles

c1 is game without limits

well, times of "no limits" maybe passed by, but there left plenty of people who hate limits anyway :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, c1 have excelent balance, no classes owerpowered, no gimp classes

almost no features designed just to keep players bussy online as much as possible :)


best chronicle ever


:S i think C3-C4 is the best.Not the c1.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am going to try this server, but it's hard to read that russian page.

You should add english to your sever page, it's hard to join for a newcommer.

Using google translate sucks, english forum could stay english only.

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