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ce ar fi sa plecati toti in plm ca ii Sambata seara .... :D



yo am plecat .. cius ! :))

la mine a plouat dea rupt, apa a fost de 30 cm.. unde dracu sa ma duc, doar cu barca la un peste :)) da nici asa nui bine ca ii tulbure apa...

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si btw aici alta chestie :


am postat asta de dimineata pentru report la un grec




toti mods s-au uitat la thread, dar cine se sfieste sa dea reply? nimeni, ca nu se baga nimeni peste grecul ala, el e pac-man, nu se atinge nimeni de el :/

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eu nu cred ca tie bubu tiar conveni sa fi intro intrunire importanta intre mai multe comunitati sa spunem, tu sa fi lideru la una, si sa vina un angajat (acela sati fie prieten) si sa inceapa, Yaso coaie, ia zi merem maine la pescuit ? luam si 2 fete, le tam tam prin padure , offf ce bine o sa fie !?!?...


asa si lu raule , nul poti face traitor intrun loc plin de gradati ai forumului, printre care este si el... poate sati fie si frate...

poate sami fie copil... e mult mai mic ca si mie.. chestia e ca ne cunoastem, in realitate.. si iam zis asea ca e chiar adevarul cum e sal dai in gat pe prietenu tau unui strain doar pentru un forum??
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poate sami fie copil... e mult mai mica ca si mie.. chestia e ca ne cunoastem, in realitate.. si iam zis asea ca e chiar adevarul cum e sal dai in gat pe prietenu tau unui strain doar pentru un forum??

corect, doar nu te plateste si nu esti angajat la SC MXC FERMA AGRICOLA. SRL

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corect, doar nu te plateste si nu esti angajat la SC MXC FERMA AGRICOLA. SRL

exact.. si eu am vrut sa trec peste asta insa lam rugat un lucru unde sa postez ceva.. da el pai ce plm ma intereseaza pe mn.. pai de ce e g Mod?? sa ajute lumea sai indrumeze nu??
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exact.. si eu am vrut sa trec peste asta insa lam rugat un lucru unde sa postez ceva.. da el pai ce plm ma intereseaza pe mn.. pai de ce e g Mod?? sa ajute lumea sai indrumeze nu??

din moment ce ma ameninti atata si zici nu stiu  ce despre mine ce ar trebuii sa fac ?

si astea sau intamplat toate din cauza ta.

La un moment dat am vrut sa te bag in spam team dar ti-a laut karma mintile.Lol.



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postez aici, de ce sa nu postez aici ?


super fain :))) da unde nu se intampla chestii deastea ?




mai pana me fiecare ii cu parerea lui. eu nu mai argumentez ca nare rost...

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pai ala cica i-a dat vreo 100-200 euro ptr itemele alea.... si pula mea eu am stat si am jucat zi si noapte pe mxc sa fac cu clanul iteme si chestii... si ala i-a dat rb jewels set si iteme ++ da`on pula mea de treaba

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poate sami fie copil... e mult mai mic ca si mie.. chestia e ca ne cunoastem, in realitate.. si iam zis asea ca e chiar adevarul cum e sal dai in gat pe prietenu tau unui strain doar pentru un forum??


ai 22 io am 18 :)) poate da ca ma faceai la 4 ani. Eu nu te-am dat de gol ma, ai luat smite pentru leeching si apoi ns ce ai vorbit cu el si ai luat ban, unde te-am dat eu in gat ?

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din moment ce ma ameninti atata si zici nu stiu  ce despre mine ce ar trebuii sa fac ?

si astea sau intamplat toate din cauza ta.

La un moment dat am vrut sa te bag in spam team dar ti-a laut karma mintile.Lol.



team amenitat doar dupa ce sau intamplat lucrurile astea.. oricum ti-am zis se intalneste Munte cu Munte dapoi  Om cu Om.. si mai ales ca esti de la mn din Oras.. stai flex eu aici nu vreau sa ma mai cert cu tn ca oricare poate fi tare si mare in fatza monitorului.. dar o sa discutam face to face... 
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    • DISCORD : utchiha_market telegram : https://t.me/utchiha_market SELLIX STORE : https://utchihamkt.mysellix.io/ Join our server for more products : https://discord.gg/hoodservices https://campsite.bio/utchihaamkt
    • Both "MMO genre" AND "forums" are greatly deprecated those days. MMO genre, except very few games (TESO, WOW, BDO, FF14), is mostly "eaten" by fast paced games (aka games with 15-30min game parties, they are numerous). See Twitch best games, I doubt the top 10 are MMOs. Adding more MMOs categories, while MMOs themselves got less population, isn't a bright idea. Also, in the past, there was multiple games categories - none actually worked out, so far. Forums type were replaced by Discord, mostly. You communicate faster, you got voice, you can group up and it's already thematized (by server, by guild, by game,...)... Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about. You already did it multiple times without success (3 or 4 times at least ?). It's not due to staff. MMO forum is just "niche" nowadays, while 20 years ago it was "dope" and the thing to do. Your main problem is MxC is a community based on "nothing". It was first cheater dedicated, then mostly L2 development dedicated,... With a mix of random things here and there. The formula is lightly-themed as "community" (that's actually why you still have some ppl posting), and in same time community never was expanded to retain ppl (notably through MxC servers - no matter the game : L2, GTA, Conan Exiles, Lost Ark, whatever else). In the end, you end with "nothing", since people comes and goes (and mostly goes, since MMO isn't a thing anymore), but both MMO genre is greatly endangered by other types of games AND forums isn't the proper way to communicate in 2024. Actually, the only use of a forums compared to Discord is to search through archives, and the main point is it's a better "showcase" than Discord (a static website would end with the same output). The proposed formula will never work, or at best will attract greedy ppl.
    • Welcome to my store :https://ultrasstore11.mysellix.io/fr/ 2015-2022 Aged Discord Account 2015 Discord Account : 50.99 $ 2016 Discord Account : 10.50 $ 2017 Discord Account :4.99 $ 2018 Discord Account : 3.99 $ 2019 Discord Account : 2.99 $ 2020 Discord Account :1.99$ 2021 Discord Account :1.50$ 2022 Discord Account :0.99$ Warranty :Lifetime Payment Methods : Crypto/ PayPal Contact Me On Discord Or Telegram Discord :@ultrasstore11 Telegram : https://t.me/ultrastore11  
    • Hello everyone,    As you can see lately, the L2 community is decreasing, especially on private servers, its been 21 years since Lineage2 release date (1st October 2003). MaxCheaters.com was created in 2005 (with different names) and till today we are basically focused on Lineage 2. We made several attempts to add other games, but everyone still knew us as an L2 based forum. MaxCheaters has a long history and is one of the few forums that have survived to this day,It would be a shame to let the site die.   So I came up with a few ideas to improve it and follow the trends.   1. Create a utility token, (evm or solana), that will be used for several things such as: Staffers/moderators payment. Content creators reward system. (influencers/advertising/topic creators) Paid forum support. Exchanges and marketplaces . Lineage 2 utility token for private servers. Other MMO utility token for buying/selling accounts/gold etc. Maxcheaters fixed expenses/improvements/development/expansion/design/topsite   2. Reduce l2 sections, (we done this before) , and add more games on main page Less l2 sections More MMO games Focus on marketplaces    3. Rebuild staffers team/more events. Add one staffer per MMO game. More active staffers on our team.   4. Social media activity / streaming Twtter / TikTok content for gaming.  Streaming platforms (create official channel) Moderators/content creators for this content specifically.
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