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L2 Server (help)



loipon gia sas...katarxas euxaristo pl ton |Commodus| gia tis egires voi8ies pou m parixe


i apories m einai i exeis :


1)8elw na ftiaxw ena teras gia to farm m kai na valw ta leuta kai ta pragmata pou 8elw na dinei 8a ektimousa pl na me voi8ousate se auto

2)8elw na ftiaxw ta apo pano name pou vgazoun merika(px gatekeeper,gm shop) kai akm se auto to pack pou evala otan arxisi enas new paixtis vgazei apo pano (petmezis) kai 8elw na to ri8misw na mn to vgazei ka8olou.

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lpn gia to deftero tha pas stn navicat k tha vreis to custom.table pou exei.. tha to ani3is k tha deis ekei pou grafei title ekei vale afto pou thes... oso gia to petmezis pou sou grafei einai sta config psa3e kapou ekei dn exw to pack tora na sou pw... gia to proto dn tha mporeso na sou parexw egw voithia isws se help kapoios allos...

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Briskeis To Mod p 8es dexi click me shift add drop item bazeis to id ti posothta kai tis pi8anothtes gia to deutero auta einai sto table npc sta titles

auto gia ton petmezis p les logika prp na uparxei se config Custom Title i alliws mporeis na to allaxeis meso java clientpackets/CharacterCreate.java

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1) To droplist mporeis na to rithmiseis pantontas shift + aristero click panw sto mob. Meta patas sto '' show droplist '' opou tha sou bgalei ena parathiraki me ta items pou petaei.


Esy an thes na baleis ena new item , apla tha patiseis sto add item h an thes na kaneis kapoio delete apla to kaneis remove pou iparxei dipla apo kathe item.


2) Oson afora to deutero , den tha sou elega apo pou na to kaneis edit meso java giati katalaba pos xrhsimopoieis preconfigured pack , pou den ginetai na kaneis edit ta java arxeia.


Gia auto pigene sto general h sto altsettings.properties opou tha breis auto to option.


Tha sou exei CharacterCustomTitle to opoio kai esy tha kaneis edit.


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ok euxaristo pedia to eftiaxa ;D


loipon pedia deite stis foto  exw auto to provlima sto pack m  dld m vgazei auto to minima otan paw na kanw buff,clan,kai stn caradine ti prepei na kanw gia na to ftiaxw auto to provlima?





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Na stamatiseis na xrhsimopoieis preconfigured packs kai na kaneis compile.


dld gia compile ti prepei na kanw?

ti pack na piasw exigise m

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dld gia compile ti prepei na kanw?

ti pack na piasw exigise m


Exei ena sticky guide gia to pos na kaneis compile.Kantontas compile , ektos tou oti exeis ena katharo + last update pack , mporeis na ftiaxeis ta diafora bugs pou tha antimetopizeis.


Mporeis episis na prostheseis diafora java mods , opos events kai ta loipa.

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nai auto to diavasa kai m einai pl eukolo


ala mporeite na m dwsete ena link apo ena apo ta kltr pack tou interlude gia na to kanw compile

8elw na exw ena swsto server xwris provlimata

  • 0

nai auto to diavasa kai m einai pl eukolo


ala mporeite na m dwsete ena link apo ena apo ta kltr pack tou interlude gia na to kanw compile

8elw na exw ena swsto server xwris provlimata


Compile me Eclipse


www.l2jserver.com/svn - Core


www.l2jdp.com/svn - Datapack


Compile me Maven



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to core kai to datapack to katevazw ? i to vazw kapou?


Ta kaneis add kai ta 2 sto svn repositories kai meta kaneis browse ton fakelo trunk kai sta 2 gia na breis to core kai to datapack.


Checkout , build kai eisai etimos.

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