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The best is just to stay at your start place and find monsters their to lvl

But the best place is Talking Island because the monsters are close to each other

When you got to 20 go change your class



Go to Cruma Tower and Level outside Cruma on the spiders,ghost,and the others


TIP:from lvl 25 - 30 or the one you finish this. go to Gludio town instead, talk to Guard Praga and take the Lizardmen’s Conspiracy quest, finish it and you will get 1250000 sp reward (Sieghard) youll have enough sp with this for a while and you can do it as much as you want. Ty to Samas



Go to Death Pass at this place you earn fast money to But watch out for the Road scavengers at the beginning the can do hard crits

Go change you class again when your 40



Go to Cruma tower and go level there inside on floor 1 to 45 and then go to floor 2



Go to Dragon Valley Cave and go level outside

TIP:its good to already have you B grade equips with you



Go inside Dragon Valley Cave and level their or go party at the end of the Cave



Skakato Nest Verry Recommended place for easy leveling



Imperial Tomb .... you have to take the quest Form the Ghost! The quest give you pass for one gate in one floor //\\ or still in skakato nest



Imperial Tomb .... Use the pass and open the gate there is full with monsters-not agro //\\or still in skakato nest


Adena recommended place on lvl 70+ TOI 10 the best adena drop,or Manastery of Silence


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Why? Because its a copy pasted thread and we have it already and its freaking old instead of copy pasting a simple lvling guide like this one couldn't you just make one by yourself and atleast try to do smth. Cuz in this way you aren't really going to gain karma,believe me.

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