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Creates an environment to emulate extreme randomness, and stupidity. Every minute or so (controlled by cvar, 60sec = default) a "Random Event" will occur at which point gameplay will change keeping players on their toes and having "fun". Also has many other fun functions and radomness-nesses



sv_fmod -- turns on/off the mod[default=1]

fmod_health -- amount of extra health recieved by a player on a "Death Streak" [default=20]

fmod_money -- amount of money given to a player when reaching, and ever kill during, a "Killing Streak" [default=100]

fmod_dstreak -- deaths in a row before you are considered on a "Death Streak" [default=4]

fmod_kstreak -- killes in a row before you are considered on a "Killing Streak" [default=5]

fmod_debug -- Toggles on/off Debug Mode...DEBUG MODE WILL CAUSE LAGG!! [defualt=0]

fmod_eventinterval-- Time between each random event [default=60.0sec, must be a decimal!]


WARNING: Do NOT place the fmod_eventinterval cvar any less that 7.0, it will probably crash your server.


Client Comands (in console or chat):


/fun -- Rolls the "fun dice".

/fbuy -- Opens fun buy menu.

/next_event -- Displays time till next random event.


List of Random Events:


Random player gets a random weapon

Darkness with ocassional thunder flashes

All CTs get Godmode

All Ts get Godmode

All CTs become invisible

All Ts become invisibile

Knife mode, only can use knives

Slaps everyone for 10dmg

Gravity Shift, everyone has lower gravity

CTs get Noclip

Ts get Noclip

All CTs health is cut in half

All Ts health is cut in half

Scout Mode, only use scouts

AWP Mode, only use awps

Nade Mode, only use gernades (refills when you run out)

Heals Everyone to full health

Heals CTs to full health

Heals Ts to full health

Everyone on server runs really fast.


Required Modules:


Engine, Fun, and Cstrike



Get plugin or Get source


Guide taked from alliedmods.net

Found at d3scene


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