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Halo Mod 2

Slayer/Team Slayer/Capture The Flag/Juggernaut



VEN - Sticky Grenades / Auto Join On Connect

Nightscreem - HE Damage Multiplier (Removed from HaloMod)

Emp`- Halo Style Respawning

v3x - Unlimited Ammo

Bail - CSDM (no objectives)

knekter - Real Armor

sytremelaker - RPG idea

Stixsmaster - Testing / helping with a lot

vvg125 - For being awesome and funding our website









CT model = cstrike/models/player/HaloCTs folder

T model = cstrike/models/player/HaloTs folder



halo_on<0-1>on-off //Plugin

halo_grenades_on<0-1-2>off-damage/amount-sticky/damage/amount //Grenades

halo_respawn_on<0-1>on-off //Respawn

halo_csdmrespawn_on<0-1>on-off //CS: Deathmatch Respawn Points

halo_respawn_normal<amount> //Standard Respawn Time

halo_respawn_punish<amount> //Respawn Time Punishment for killing teammate or self

halo_grenade_damage<amount> //Percent Grenade Damage (1.00 = 100%, 1.25 = 125%)

halo_gravity<amount> //800 = cstrike def. 400 = halomod def.

halo_respawn_say<amount> //how many seconds are orally counted down




halo_reset_level = completely reset yourself

halo_reset_skills = repick your skills

halo_weapons = repick weapons

halo_jug_on = juggernaut compatibility on

halo_jug_off = juggernaut compatibility off

halo_ctf_on = ctf compatibility on

halo_ctf_off = ctf compatibility off

halo_ffa_on = ffa (slayer) on

halo_ffa_off = ffa (slayer) off

halo_set = set skills Ex: halo_set armor Bent 24, sets Bent's armor level to 24 (xp on only)



#include <cstrike>

#include <fun>

#include <engine>

#include <fakemeta> ( only if you want to use the HE damage multiplier )

#include <nvault> ( only if you want to save skills )




-Simplified and Stable Version


-Changed little things

-Mixed things around on respawn to make the give weapons smoother

-Only pistol is USP (no glock)

-Added public display of respawn time

-Fullupdate protection


-Removed public display (it tended to flood)

-Added RPG/Rewards + saves stats with nvault

-Added weapon chooser (an SMG and a pistol)

-Bots automatically choose a rewards and weapons (randomly)



-Fixed command bugs

-Extra Experience for HS/Knife Kills

-Removed objectives / round timer


-Removed TK bug where HS/Knife Kills give you experience


-Added armor

-Changed health regeneration to armor regeneration

-Automatically Join a team on connect

-Say motd to show the MOTD (plus it shows on connect)


-Added Free For All (Slayer)

-GHW's CTF Compatibility

-GHW's Juggernaut Compatibility

-Removed the Auto Join and HE Damage multiplier as they were unnecessary

-All 8 Colored Models for FFA

-Fixed some bugs

-On round start it uses the CSDM spawns


-Fixed the roundstart csdm respawn when halo_csdmrespawn_on = 0

-simply added halo_mod_version

-fixed some ffa bugs


Models and Sound download


Originally Posted by GHW_Chronic

I don't know if it will effect your script but I just want to make you aware of a small change in the CTF plugin. the amx_spawn_finder.amxx has been renamed to amx_flagspawn_finder.amxx. Just making you aware of this change.



GHW's CTF Plugin (Don't install his GHW_CTF_respawn.amxx)

GHW's Juggernaut Plugin







Guide taked from : alliedmods

Get plugin or Get source


Found at : d3scene

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