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Lineage 2 Buffs Information

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By Sketchy infos, i share now the Buffs information to avoid further mistakes in what effect any buff have :)



Acumen 1 - Casting Spd. +15%

Acumen 2 - Casting Spd. +23%

Acumen 3 - Casting Spd. +30%

Advanced Block 1 - Shield P.Def. +60%

Advanced Block 2 - Shield P.Def. +80%

Advanced Block 3 - Shield P.Def. +100%

Agility 1 - Evasion +2

Agility 2 - Evasion +3

Agility 3 - Evasion +4

Angelic Icon - many stats +??, effect of Heals -??

Arcane Chaos - Cancel+Debuff resistance -30%, Magic MP Cost +30%, MP Regen per tick -24

Arcane Disruption - Casting Spd. -??

Arcane Protection - Cancel resistance +30%, Debuff resistance +20%

Armor Crush - P.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%

Assassin Servitor - Accuracy +4, Atk Speed +20%, Recover 5% of melee physical damage as HP, Critical +20% from behind, Critical Damage from behind +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%

Attack Aura 1 - P.Atk. +8%

Attack Aura 2 - P.Atk. +12%

Aura Flare - All Magic Damage -50%, this includes the Aura you cast to get the debuff


Battle Roar 1 - HP +10%, heals the amount added

Battle Roar 2 - HP +15%, heals the amount added

Battle Roar 3 - HP +20%, heals the amount added

Battle Roar 4 - HP +25%, heals the amount added

Battle Roar 5 - HP +30%, heals the amount added

Battle Roar 6 - HP +35%, heals the amount added

Bear Spirit Totem - P.Atk. +20%, Speed -30%, Critical Damage +??

Berserker Spirit 1 - P.Atk. +5%, M.Atk. +10%, P.Def. -5%, M.Def. -10%, Speed +5, Atk. Spd +5%, Casting Spd. +5%

Berserker Spirit 2 - P.Atk. +8%, M.Atk. +16%, P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -16%, Speed +8, Atk. Spd +8%, Casting Spd. +8%

Bison Spirit Totem - P.Atk. +10%, Critical +200

Blazing Skin 1 - Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker

Blazing Skin 2 - Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker

Blazing Skin 3 - Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker

Bless Shield 1 - Shield Block Rate +30%

Bless Shield 2 - Shield Block Rate +40%

Bless Shield 3 - Shield Block Rate +50%

Bless Shield 4 - Shield Block Rate +60%

Bless Shield 5 - Shield Block Rate +70%

Bless Shield 6 - Shield Block Rate +80%

Bless the Body 1 - HP +10%

Bless the Body 2 - HP +15%

Bless the Body 3 - HP +20%

Bless the Body 4 - HP +25%

Bless the Body 5 - HP +30%

Bless the Body 6 - HP +35%

Bless the Soul 1 - MP +10%

Bless the Soul 2 - MP +15%

Bless the Soul 3 - MP +20%

Bless the Soul 4 - MP +25%

Bless the Soul 5 - MP +30%

Bless the Soul 6 - MP +35%

Blessing of Noblesse - this buff falls on death but none of your other buffs do

Blessing of Paagrio 1 - P.Def. +8%

Blessing of Paagrio 2 - P.Def. +12%

Blessing of Paagrio 3 - P.Def. +15%

Blessing of Queen 1 - Critical +25%, Critical Damage +20%

Blessing of Queen 2 - Critical +27%, Critical Damage +22%

Blessing of Queen 3+ - Critical +30%, Critical Damage +25%

Blessing of Sagittarius - Physical Skill Reuse Delay -??

Blessing of Seraphim 1 - MP regen per tick +30%

Blessing of Seraphim 2 - MP regen per tick +32%

Blessing of Seraphim 3+ - MP regen per tick +35%

Blinding Blow - Speed +40%

Blizzard - Speed -50%

Block Shield - P.Def. -10%

Block Wind Walk - Speed -10%

Body of Avatar 1 - HP +10%

Body of Avatar 2 - HP +15%

Body of Avatar 3 - HP +20%

Body of Avatar 4 - HP +25%

Body of Avatar 5 - HP +30%

Body of Avatar 6 - HP +35%

Bright Servitor 1 - M.Atk. +55%

Bright Servitor 2 - M.Atk. +65%

Bright Servitor 3 - M.Atk. +75%


Chant of Battle 1 - P.Atk. +8%

Chant of Battle 2 - P.Atk. +12%

Chant of Battle 3 - P.Atk. +15%

Chant of Eagle 1 - Accuracy +2

Chant of Eagle 2 - Accuracy +3

Chant of Eagle 3 - Accuracy +4

Chant of Evasion 1 - Evasion +2

Chant of Evasion 2 - Evasion +3

Chant of Evasion 3 - Evasion +4

Chant of Fire 1 - M.Def. +15%

Chant of Fire 2 - M.Def. +23%

Chant of Fire 3 - M.Def. +30%

Chant of Flame 1 - Casting Spd. +15%

Chant of Flame 2 - Casting Spd. +23%

Chant of Flame 3 - Casting Spd. +30%

Chant of Fury 1 - Atk. Spd. +15%

Chant of Fury 2 - Atk. Spd. +33%

Chant of Predator 1 - Critical +20%

Chant of Predator 2 - Critical +25%

Chant of Predator 3 - Critical +30%

Chant of Rage 1 - Critical Damage +30%

Chant of Rage 2 - Critical Damage +40%

Chant of Rage 3 - Critical Damage +50%

Chant of Revenge 1 - Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker

Chant of Revenge 2 - Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker

Chant of Revenge 3 - Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker

Chant of Shielding 1 - P.Def. +8%

Chant of Shielding 2 - P.Def. +12%

Chant of Shielding 3 - P.Def. +15%

Chant of Spirit - Cancel resistance +30%, Debuff resistance +20%

Chant of Vampire 1 - Recover 6% of melee physical damage as HP

Chant of Vampire 2 - Recover 7% of melee physical damage as HP

Chant of Vampire 3 - Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP

Chant of Vampire 4 - Recover 9% of melee physical damage as HP

Chant of Victory - HP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%

Charm of Luck - Reduce Drop Penalty

Clan Aegis - P.Def. +??

Clan Agility - Evasion +??

Clan Clarity - MP Regen per tick +??

Clan Cyclonic Resistance - Resistance to Wind and Water Attributes +??

Clan Empowerment - M.Atk. +??

Clan Essence - MP +??

Clan Fortitude - Resistance to Shock Attribute +??

Clan Freedom - Resistance to Hold and Derangement Attributes +??

Clan Guidance - Accuracy +??

Clan Imperium - right to open a clan command channel

Clan Lifeblood - HP Regen per tick +??

Clan Luck - Experience upon death penalty -??

Clan Magic Protection - M.Def. +??

Clan Magmatic Resistance - Resistance to Fire and Earth Attributes +??

Clan March - Speed +??

Clan Might - P.Atk. +??

Clan Morale - CP Regen per tick +??

Clan Shield Boost - Shield P.Def. +??

Clan Spirituality - CP +??

Clan Vigilance - Resistance to Sleep Attribute +??

Clan Vitality - HP +??

Clan Withstand-Attack - Shield Block Rate +??

Clarity - Skill MP Consumption -??

Concentration 1 - Chance of casting interruption -18%

Concentration 2 - Chance of casting interruption -25%

Concentration 3 - Chance of casting interruption -36%

Concentration 4 - Chance of casting interruption -42%

Concentration 5 - Chance of casting interruption -48%

Concentration 6 - Chance of casting interruption -53%

Cripple 1-5 - Speed -30%

Cripple 6+ - Speed -50%

Curse Chaos 1 - Accuracy -12

Curse Chaos 2+ - Accuracy -13

Curse Disease 1+ - Amount restored from Heals -50%

Curse Gloom - M.Def. -23%

Curse of Abyss - M.Atk. -30%, P.Def. -30%, Evasion -6, Speed -10%, Casting Spd. -20%, Magic Critical Rate -30%

Curse of Doom - Physical+Magical Skill Silence

Curse of Shade 1 - P.Def. -6%, M.Def. -6%

Curse of Shade 2 - P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -8%

Curse of Shade 3+ - P.Def. -10%, M.Def. -10%

Curse: Weakness 1 - P.Atk. -17%

Curse: Weakness 2-5 - P.Atk. -20%

Curse: Weakness 6+ - P.Atk. -23%


Dance of Aqua Guard - Resistance to Water attribute +30%

Dance of Concentration - Casting Spd. +30%, Chance of casting interruption -30%

Dance of Earth Guard - Resistance to Earth attribute +30%

Dance of Fire - Critical Damage +50%

Dance of Fury - Atk. Spd. +15%

Dance of Inspiration - Accuracy +4

Dance of Light - Makes physical attacks Holy attribute

Dance of Medusa - Petrify

Dance of Mystic - M.Atk. +20%

Dance of Protection - Fall damage -30%

Dance of Shadow - Speed -50%, Avoid Agro 100%

Dance of Siren - Magic Critical Rate +200%

Dance of Vampire - Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP

Dance of Warrior - P.Atk. +12%

Dark Vortex - MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Darkness attribute -30%

Dash 1 - Speed +40%

Dash 2 - Speed +66%

Dead Eye - P.Atk. +??, Accuracy +??, Atk. Spd. -??, P.Atk. on a Critical hit +??

Death Whisper 1 - Critical Damage +30%

Death Whisper 2 - Critical Damage +40%

Death Whisper 3 - Critical Damage +50%

Decrease Weight 1 - Weight Penalty +3000 (does not increase capacity)

Decrease Weight 1 - Weight Penalty +6000 (does not increase capacity)

Decrease Weight 1 - Weight Penalty +9000 (does not increase capacity)

Defense Aura 1 - P.Def. +8%

Defense Aura 2 - P.Def. +12%

Demon Wind - Amount restored from Heals -50%

Demonic Blade Dance - P.Atk. -??, M.Atk. -??

Deflect Arrow 1 - Bow Damage -16%

Deflect Arrow 2 - Bow Damage -19%

Deflect Arrow 3 - Bow Damage -22%

Deflect Arrow 4 - Bow Damage -25%

Divine Protection - Resistance to Darkness attribute +30%

Duelist Spirit 1 - Atk. Spd. +8%, PVP damage +??

Duelist Spirit 2 - Atk. Spd. +12%, PVP damage +??


Earth Chant - P.Atk. +??

Elemental Protection - Resistance to Fire attribute +30%, Resistance to Wind, Water, Earth attributes +20%

Empower 1 - M.Atk. +55%

Empower 2 - M.Atk. +65%

(Greater) Empower 3 - M.Atk. +75%

Entangle 1 - Speed -30%

Entangle 2+ - Speed -50%

Evade Shot 1 - Evasion +6

Eye of Paagrio - Critical Damage +50%


Fell Swoop - Polearm Arc +??

Final Servitor - HP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%

Fire Vortex - Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -30%, Casting Spd. -10%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Fire attribute -20%, Resistance to Water attribute +??%

Fist Fury - Atk. Spd. +25%

Focus 1 - Critical +20%

Focus 2 - Critical +25%

Focus 3 - Critical +30%

Focus Attack - Accuracy +2, Polearm can hit only 1 target

Focus Chance - Critical Chance from front -30%, Critical Chance from side +30%, Critical Chance from back +60%

Focus Death - Critical -30%, Blow land rate +60%, Critical Damage from front -30%, Critical Damage from back +90%

Focus Power - Critical Damage from front -30%, Critical Damage from side +30%, Critical Damage from back +60%

Fortune of Noblesse - drop penalty reduced

Freezing Skin 1 - Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker

Freezing Skin 2 - Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker

Freezing Skin 3 - Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker

Freezing Strike 1+ - Speed -30%

Frenzy 1 - P.Atk. +100%

Frenzy 2 - P.Atk. +150%

Frenzy 3 - P.Atk. +200%

Frost Bolt 1+ - Speed -30%


Gift of Queen 1 - P.Atk. +6%, Accuracy +2

Gift of Queen 2 - P.Atk. +8%, Accuracy +2

Gift of Queen 3+ - P.Atk. +10%, Accuracy +2

Gift of Seraphim 1 - Reuse Delay -30%

Gift of Seraphim 2 - Reuse Delay -32%

Gift of Seraphim 3+ - Reuse Delay -35%

Glory of Paagrio 1 - M.Def. +15%

Glory of Paagrio 2 - M.Def. +23%

Glory of Paagrio 3 - M.Def. +30%

Greater Magic Haste Potion - Casting Spd. +30%

Greater Might - P.Atk. +??

Greater Shield - P.Def. +??

Greater Quick Step Potion - Speed +33

Greater Swift Attack Potion - Atk. Spd. +33%

Guidance 1 - Accuracy +2

Guidance 2 - Accuracy +3

Guidance 3 - Accuracy +4

Guts 1 - P.Def. +100%

Guts 2 - P.Def. +150%

Guts 3 - P.Def. +200%


P.S: Sorry if it is too long ;P


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