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http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=64593.0 pedia to exw  diabasi...to exw egatastisi to new software p lei ekei xwris errors...meta omos otan pataw aply patch m lei WorkSpace,File,Clip Board... ti na kanw? kai an ine na balw to file.. na aniksw 1 text kai na ta kanw antigrafi etc opos ta exoune sta code edw? exw berdeuti.. px pos bazw auto?http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=70691.0




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px pare auto ine to PcStat. gia auto edw.http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=70691.0





* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under

* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software

* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

* version.


* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT

* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more

* details.


* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with

* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.stat;


import java.sql.PreparedStatement;

import java.sql.ResultSet;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.util.logging.Logger;


import net.sf.l2j.Config;

import net.sf.l2j.L2DatabaseFactory;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Character;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2ClassMasterInstance;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PetInstance;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.ClassLevel;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.Experience;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.PlayerClass;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PledgeShowMemberListUpdate;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.StatusUpdate;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.UserInfo;


public class PcStat extends PlayableStat


private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2PcInstance.class.getName());

// =========================================================

// Data Field

private int _oldMaxHp; // stats watch

private int _oldMaxMp; // stats watch

private int _oldMaxCp; // stats watch


// =========================================================

// Constructor

public PcStat(L2PcInstance activeChar)





// =========================================================

// Method - Public


public boolean addExp(long value)


L2PcInstance activeChar = getActiveChar();

// Set new karma

if (!activeChar.isCursedWeaponEquiped() && (activeChar.getKarma() > 0) && (activeChar.isGM() || !activeChar.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_PVP)))


int karmaLost = activeChar.calculateKarmaLost(value);

if (karmaLost > 0)


activeChar.setKarma(activeChar.getKarma() - karmaLost);



// Player is Gm and acces level is below or equal to GM_DONT_TAKE_EXPSP and is in party, don't give Xp

if (getActiveChar().isGM() && (getActiveChar().getAccessLevel() <= Config.GM_DONT_TAKE_EXPSP) && getActiveChar().isInParty())

return false;

if (!super.addExp(value))

return false;

activeChar.sendPacket(new UserInfo(activeChar));

return true;




* Add Experience and SP rewards to the L2PcInstance, remove its Karma (if necessary) and Launch increase level task.<BR>

* <BR>

* <B><U> Actions </U> :</B><BR>

* <BR>

* <li>Remove Karma when the player kills L2MonsterInstance</li> <li>Send a Server->Client packet StatusUpdate to the L2PcInstance</li> <li>Send a Server->Client System Message to the L2PcInstance</li> <li>If the L2PcInstance increases it's level, send a Server->Client packet SocialAction (broadcast)</li> <li>If the L2PcInstance increases it's level, manage the increase level task (Max MP, Max

* MP, Recommandation, Expertise and beginner skills...)</li> <li>If the L2PcInstance increases it's level, send a Server->Client packet UserInfo to the L2PcInstance</li> <BR>

* <BR>


* @param addToExp

*            The Experience value to add

* @param addToSp

*            The SP value to add



public boolean addExpAndSp(long addToExp, int addToSp)


float ratioTakenByPet = 0;

// Player is Gm and acces level is below or equal to GM_DONT_TAKE_EXPSP and is in party, don't give Xp/Sp

L2PcInstance activeChar = getActiveChar();

if (activeChar.isGM() && (activeChar.getAccessLevel() <= Config.GM_DONT_TAKE_EXPSP) && activeChar.isInParty())

return false;

// if this player has a pet that takes from the owner's Exp, give the pet Exp now

if (activeChar.getPet() instanceof L2PetInstance)


L2PetInstance pet = (L2PetInstance) activeChar.getPet();

ratioTakenByPet = pet.getPetData().getOwnerExpTaken();

// only give exp/sp to the pet by taking from the owner if the pet has a non-zero, positive ratio

// allow possible customizations that would have the pet earning more than 100% of the owner's exp/sp

if ((ratioTakenByPet > 0) && !pet.isDead())

pet.addExpAndSp((long) (addToExp * ratioTakenByPet), (int) (addToSp * ratioTakenByPet));

// now adjust the max ratio to avoid the owner earning negative exp/sp

if (ratioTakenByPet > 1)

ratioTakenByPet = 1;

addToExp = (long) (addToExp * (1 - ratioTakenByPet));

addToSp = (int) (addToSp * (1 - ratioTakenByPet));


if (!super.addExpAndSp(addToExp, addToSp))

return false;

// Send a Server->Client System Message to the L2PcInstance

SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_EARNED_S1_EXP_AND_S2_SP);

sm.addNumber((int) addToExp);



return true;




public boolean removeExpAndSp(long addToExp, int addToSp)


if (!super.removeExpAndSp(addToExp, addToSp))

return false;

// Send a Server->Client System Message to the L2PcInstance

SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EXP_DECREASED_BY_S1);

sm.addNumber((int) addToExp);


sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.SP_DECREASED_S1);



return true;




public final boolean addLevel(byte value)


if (getLevel() + value > Experience.MAX_LEVEL - 1)

return false;

boolean levelIncreased = super.addLevel(value);

/** Remote Class By Daniemwx **/



ClassLevel lvlnow = PlayerClass.values()[getActiveChar().getClassId().getId()].getLevel();

if (getLevel() >= 20 && lvlnow == ClassLevel.First)


else if (getLevel() >= 40 && lvlnow == ClassLevel.Second)


else if (getLevel() >= 76 && lvlnow == ClassLevel.Third)



if (levelIncreased)


QuestState qs = getActiveChar().getQuestState("255_Tutorial");

if (qs != null)

qs.getQuest().notifyEvent("CE40", null, getActiveChar());


* If there are no characters on the server, the bonuses will be applied to the first character that becomes level 6 and end if this character reaches level 25 or above. If the first character that becomes level 6 is deleted, the rest of the characters may not receive the new character bonus If the first character to become level 6 loses a level, and the player makes another character

* level 6, the bonus will be applied to only the first character to achieve level 6. If the character loses a level after reaching level 25, the character may not receive the bonus.




if ((getActiveChar().getLevel() >= Experience.MIN_NEWBIE_LEVEL) && (getActiveChar().getLevel() < Experience.MAX_NEWBIE_LEVEL) && !getActiveChar().isNewbie())


java.sql.Connection con = null;



con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();

PreparedStatement statement;

statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT value FROM account_data WHERE (account_name=?) AND (var='newbie_char')");

statement.setString(1, getActiveChar().getAccountName());

ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery();

if (!rset.next())


PreparedStatement statement1;

statement1 = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO account_data (account_name, var, value) VALUES (?, 'newbie_char', ?)");

statement1.setString(1, getActiveChar().getAccountName());

statement1.setInt(2, getActiveChar().getObjectId());




if (Config.DEBUG)

_log.info("New newbie character: " + getActiveChar().getCharId());






catch (SQLException e)


_log.warning("Could not check character for newbie: " + e);








catch (Exception e)






if ((getActiveChar().getLevel() >= 25) && getActiveChar().isNewbie())



if (Config.DEBUG)

_log.info("Newbie character ended: " + getActiveChar().getCharId());






getActiveChar().broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(getActiveChar().getObjectId(), 15));

getActiveChar().sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_INCREASED_YOUR_LEVEL));


getActiveChar().rewardSkills(); // Give Expertise skill of this level

if (getActiveChar().getClan() != null)



getActiveChar().getClan().broadcastToOnlineMembers(new PledgeShowMemberListUpdate(getActiveChar()));


// Recalculate the party level

if (getActiveChar().isInParty())


StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(getActiveChar().getObjectId());

su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.LEVEL, getLevel());

su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_CP, getMaxCp());

su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_HP, getMaxHp());

su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_MP, getMaxMp());


getActiveChar().refreshOverloaded(); // Update the overloaded status of the L2PcInstance

getActiveChar().refreshExpertisePenalty(); // Update the expertise status of the L2PcInstance

getActiveChar().sendPacket(new UserInfo(getActiveChar())); // Send a Server->Client packet UserInfo to the L2PcInstance

return levelIncreased;



/** Return the Attack Evasion rate (base+modifier) of the L2Character. */


public int getEvasionRate(L2Character target)


int val = super.getEvasionRate(target);

if (val > Config.MAX_EVASION && Config.MAX_EVASION > 0 && !getActiveChar().isGM())

return Config.MAX_EVASION;

return val;




public boolean addSp(int value)


if (!super.addSp(value))

return false;

StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(getActiveChar().getObjectId());

su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.SP, getSp());


return true;




public final long getExpForLevel(int level)


return Experience.LEVEL[level];



// =========================================================

// Method - Private

// =========================================================

// Property - Public


public final L2PcInstance getActiveChar()


return (L2PcInstance) super.getActiveChar();




public final long getExp()


if (getActiveChar().isSubClassActive())

return getActiveChar().getSubClasses().get(getActiveChar().getClassIndex()).getExp();

return super.getExp();




public final void setExp(long value)


if (getActiveChar().isSubClassActive())







public final byte getLevel()


if (getActiveChar().isSubClassActive())

return getActiveChar().getSubClasses().get(getActiveChar().getClassIndex()).getLevel();

return super.getLevel();




public final void setLevel(byte value)


if (value > Experience.MAX_LEVEL - 1)

value = Experience.MAX_LEVEL - 1;

if (getActiveChar().isSubClassActive())







public final int getMaxHp()


// Get the Max HP (base+modifier) of the L2PcInstance

int val = super.getMaxHp();

if (val != _oldMaxHp)


_oldMaxHp = val;

// Launch a regen task if the new Max HP is higher than the old one

if (getActiveChar().getStatus().getCurrentHp() != val)


// trigger start of regeneration


return val;




public final int getMaxMp()


// Get the Max MP (base+modifier) of the L2PcInstance

int val = super.getMaxMp();

if (val != _oldMaxMp)


_oldMaxMp = val;

// Launch a regen task if the new Max MP is higher than the old one

if (getActiveChar().getStatus().getCurrentMp() != val)


// trigger start of regeneration


return val;




public final int getMaxCp()


int val = super.getMaxCp();

if (val != _oldMaxCp)


_oldMaxCp = val;

if (getActiveChar().getStatus().getCurrentCp() != val)





return val;




public final int getSp()


if (getActiveChar().isSubClassActive())

return getActiveChar().getSubClasses().get(getActiveChar().getClassIndex()).getSp();

return super.getSp();




public final void setSp(int value)


if (getActiveChar().isSubClassActive())







simiose m p ta allazis me allo xroma px me kokino..kai pes m auto to link p s edosa apo pano to fix pia bazw kai pia bazw?.. epidi dn blepw na bgazoume fos boris na m kanis 1 video kai na m to dixnis?ty.

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Den mporw na katsw na sou ftiaxo olo to code tora.


Kai btw to code einai gia c5 server , thelei rework.


L2J Basics


Katebase to video . Einai kairos na mathis kati.

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