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lot of warez has been posted here, i think that one is too old and... the warez rule didn't exist somehow, i don't know. Anyway, you were warned for posting warez... Now you may get warned again (i don't know why)



(anyway karma kai gw mazi sou ime, alla opws legane kai oi palioi, filage ta rouxa sou gia na xeis ta misa )

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Pfff as faw ban... kai ???


Tha ginei kati ? :O


Ti 8es na kanw na klapsw????  :'(




Tespa aplws to lew gt oti bazw egw amesws fonazoun oloi WAREZZZZZZZ  .....


Ante as me kanei kapoios BAN na xarei...



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e sorry re alla ama dineis ena link pou exei ola ta teleutaia paixnidia ths agoras ti thes na se kanoune, na sou dwsoune karma? SYmfwnw, eprepe kai to allo post na diagraftei kai na fai warning o poster (den ida pios tes pa)


sorry, but if you give us a link with the latest games of the market, what do you expect? karma? I surely agree though that the poster of the post mentioned should have been infracted somehow


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Opa gt to 8ema ksefyge teleiws.... :o


Dn sas ebala ta games gia na parw KARMA ...


Dld ti nomizete opoios exei karma einai k respect se olous ???


Egw edw mesa dn mpika gia na kerdisw tpt..


O skopos mou einai na ma8w kainourgia pragmata k na moirasto kapoia....


Tespa ante kante to topic delete ,  kante me k emena ena BAN na isixasoume oloi mas.....



Edit: k dn ebala to topic tou allou gia na ton kanete warning.. Apla gia na deite ti p0usti@ paixtike...

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Den ipa pote oti o skopos sou ine to karma. Kai fysika den prepei na myrazese oti malakia vriskeis. Prepei na prosexeis ti malakia ine. An ine enantion ton rules, asthn sta kommatia, moirazetine mesw pm, ekei toulaxiston ban den tha fas.

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Apla Des imerominia ... Meta krine.... karma polu bla bla kaneis.. san kati mixiarika p theloun sinexia na einai sto epikedro

Egw auto krataw

Kai fysika den prepei na myrazese oti malakia vriskeis.

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Ox xalarwse re Nazghoul... (Just A forum)


Apla edeiksa esena san paradeigma ............


8elw na eimai sto epikentro ???


Mp@ dn paizei fasi.......


Apla lew ta pragmata me to onoma tous...Dn eipa kati .. gia esena.....


Apla eipa oti einai k auto warez k dn egine kanena warning,,


Alla tespa afou apagoreyontai ta warez sites/forums prepei na to katalavw kapoia stigmh...


Tespa... Sorry nazghoul pou se anafera....  :-\

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opoios akoma den katalave ta warez apogoreuontai....auto itan kai telos den xreiazete na me dimiourgite TOpics me auto to thema gt thewrite san SPAM!

telos LOCKED!

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