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[Guide]How to make Your Own Icon [UPDATE]

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How about you make a better one then tak ;)

thinks he is pro but never try to make one guide

my friend takh you only now to Cretan and no to create one i tried to make and the guys understand so whats is your problem?you think you are pro so dont follow the guide..


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i suppose it could be better or worse, but personally i think if you already make a guide like this.. you should include lots of pics and maybe not just about icons.. most ppl read the longer ones anyway so idk why it was even needed.


ether ways.. good effort and dw english sux anyway =P

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Very nice guide :)


I have question because I'm importing .tga as DXT1 and I see you are using DXT3, anyway effect is same. What difference is between those?

4) as i can see ur importing the image and compress as dxt3.. that looks bugged ingame when u drag the icon.. for icons u must use always dxt1..


=== Edited ===


61682904.th.png 10966781.th.png

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How about you make a better one then tak ;)

lol u think i cant make a guide or what? :/ look who is talking anyway..

thinks he is pro but never try to make one guide

my friend takh you only now to Cretan and no to create one i tried to make and the guys understand so whats is your problem?you think you are pro so dont follow the guide..


dude if u dont like others to criticise you and u expect only "nice share" "gj man!" "thanks nice!" "+1 !" kind of comments (even if your share is actually bad!) then u better not post anything again.. and stop being lame will ya? is anything of what i posted wrong? if so then do tell me :S

grow up...  ::)


i was only trying to make u improve your guide(s) .....

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