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Exploit on DN, I can show you a print, maybe somenoe know how it works

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It's very old, I've seen that just so many times... never did it though.

Probably you just have to capture a buy shop packet and edit something on the packet, like the balloon color or something, I don't know the format of the packet and I'm not home atm, so I can't really try...

Try this:

Set a sell shop, grab the packet.

Set a buy shop, grab the packet.


Try mixing data from one into the other...

May work like that, never tried but it's possible.

Don't buy anything if you have the same item on inv (ex: if you have a sword of damascus and see someone selling one very cheap, put your damascus on WH or equip it before attempting to buy).


I don't like scamming, so I won't really try it, but it might work that way...

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I saw that in Dion..(sry but all ss are at home) There was a guy selling this for 8kk and guy buying it for 20kk.So I was able to buy (from a true buy shop) but not able to sell it ...=/

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probably he was buying seeds.

one guy sold seed from OREN and another one buying seed from ADEN, next time read the description of the seed so u can see they are different.



but how the hell this bug works ?

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Someone on Dragon scamed me with that exploit.

I saw exploit with buy shop, when I sold item, exploiter had earned my item but I didn't earned money that i should got..

It's more interesting and better scam, isn't ?..

I'm wondering if someone knows anything about that....

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