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[Share] Wow Derek's Gold Mastery Guide

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This Never-Before-Revealed System Is 100% Legit - No Hacks, Cheats, Exploits, or Bots That Can Get Your Account Deleted!


You Will Never Have to Purchase Gold Ever Again When You Learn How To Farm Gold Faster Than The Chinese Farmers Can Deliver It To You!


Fantasize, for a moment, you log into your account where your character sits in the main city.


You're on an epic mount near the auction house. Other players are running back and forth but casually stopping in range of your character to inspect your gear.


You open up your bag slot to see 6,237g. You already have your epic flying mount so the gold is just sitting there, burning a hole in those bags.


You can pick up any profession and max it out in just one nights playing time, using materials straight from the auction house. You could buy any enchant for your weapons.


You can build a twink with top of the line gear and enchants without any work involved.


See yourself getting bored, and almost annoyed replying to comments like "Great gear!", "Where did you get that?!" and "How did you get so much gold!?".


- - - - -

It will transform the way you play from this day forward!

- - - - -


Now snap back to reality...


Do you really think it's that hard to collect gold? Do you have trouble collecting enough gold for your epic mount? Most players usually obtain enough gold for their epic mounts but then they play the game scrounging for money.


The reality is that it's not hard at all. You can easily obtain masses of gold if you know how. You may already have some good ways of farming gold. Why would you settle for small amounts of gold when you can control your servers economy!


- - - - -

Are You Ready To Move Up From

Good To Great?



I show you everything you need to know about gold farming. You can be a noob, you an be experienced, it doesn't matter because I can take you that extra step to turn thousands of gold over to your account.


Derek's Gold Mastery Guide is detailed with maps, screenshots, item stats, and pictures to give you the keys you how to unlock loads of gold.


My guide will give you a wealth of knowledge based on WoW and how to Farm Gold - The money you spend on this guide is in no way comparable to the amount of gold you could buy at the same price! You will save tons of money!


I take you on a step-by-step journey of my experiences in WoW. I will hold nothing back and reveal to you everything I know about the game and how to become a successful player to make your friends WISH they were you.


Every tactic in my guide is 100% legit and legal! Nothing inside of this guide will be harmful to your account!


Derek's Gold Mastery Guide will teach you how to find those SECRET grinding spots filled with hundreds of gold just waiting to be tapped by players. Will you be the one to get them first on your server?


I will also reveal to you my tactics of making gold inside of the game without being logged in! This means you can level your other characters while still making HUGE profits! (if you're anything like me, this secret will blow your mind!)


I reveal to you an updated version of my item lists, that gives you every item there is to make money off of. Not only this but I show you how I grab these items quickly and how to sell them off while making hundreds of gold.


I show you why many players fail at making gold. I will explain why they are using failing, and how you can avoid following their footsteps. Instead of being one of the players failing, you will not be making money off of those players!


For the first time EVER I finally reveal the top 3 professions! (..and it's not what you think it is!) I show you the three professions, how to level them quickly, and how to use them to turn profits that your character has never seen before. It's very simple but a majority of players OVERLOOK these professions.


Download here: http://rapidshare.com/files/152579494/Warcraft_riches.rar


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    • UPDATE: Today I received 3 emails from PayPal stating the case was in my favor and I successfully got the full payment back from these scammers.   A warning to all - do NOT deal with this Unsimple as there are way more options out there that are honest and actually professional. Feel free to DM me if you have any more info about Unsimple and their shady practices or want advice.
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    • Hello guys who know what me need to change in code to use buff with cast animation like this:       package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import net.sf.l2j.commons.lang.StringUtil; import net.sf.l2j.commons.math.MathUtil; import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.SkillTable; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.manager.BufferManager; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.manager.BufferManager.BufferSchemeType; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Creature; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Summon; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.template.NpcTemplate; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.L2Skill; public class SchemeBuffer extends Folk { private static final int PAGE_LIMIT = 6; public SchemeBuffer(int objectId, NpcTemplate template) { super(objectId, template); } @Override public void onBypassFeedback(Player player, String command) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, " "); String currentCommand = st.nextToken(); if (currentCommand.startsWith("menu")) { final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); html.setFile(getHtmlPath(player, getNpcId(), 0)); html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId()); player.sendPacket(html); } else if (currentCommand.startsWith("cleanup")) { player.stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(); final Summon summon = player.getSummon(); if (summon != null) summon.stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(); final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); html.setFile(getHtmlPath(player, getNpcId(), 0)); html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId()); player.sendPacket(html); } else if (currentCommand.startsWith("heal")) { player.getStatus().setMaxCpHpMp(); final Summon summon = player.getSummon(); if (summon != null) summon.getStatus().setMaxHpMp(); final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); html.setFile(getHtmlPath(player, getNpcId(), 0)); html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId()); player.sendPacket(html); } else if (currentCommand.startsWith("support")) showGiveBuffsWindow(player); else if (currentCommand.startsWith("getscheme")) BufferManager.getInstance().getSchemeSkills(BufferSchemeType.valueOf(st.nextToken().toUpperCase())).forEach(buffId -> getEffect(player, buffId)); else if (currentCommand.startsWith("getbuff")) { final int skillId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); final int skillLevel = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); List<L2Skill> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, skillLevel)); int cost = getFee(list); if (cost == 0 || player.reduceAdena("NPC Buffer", cost, this, true)) list.forEach(buffId -> getEffect(player, buffId)); } else if (currentCommand.startsWith("singlebuff")) showSingleBuffSelectionWindow(player, st.nextToken(), Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())); else if (currentCommand.startsWith("givebuffs")) { final String schemeName = st.nextToken(); final int cost = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); Creature target = null; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { final String targetType = st.nextToken(); if (targetType != null && targetType.equalsIgnoreCase("pet")) target = player.getSummon(); } else target = player; if (target == null) player.sendMessage("You don't have a pet."); else if (cost == 0 || player.reduceAdena("NPC Buffer", cost, this, true)) BufferManager.getInstance().applySchemeEffects(this, target, player.getObjectId(), schemeName); } else if (currentCommand.startsWith("editschemes")) showEditSchemeWindow(player, st.nextToken(), st.nextToken(), Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())); else if (currentCommand.startsWith("skill")) { final String groupType = st.nextToken(); final String schemeName = st.nextToken(); final int skillId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); final int skillLevel = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); final int page = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, skillLevel); final List<L2Skill> skills = BufferManager.getInstance().getScheme(player.getObjectId(), schemeName); premiumSkills(player, skills); if (currentCommand.startsWith("skillselect") && !schemeName.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { if (skills.size() < player.getMaxBuffCount()) skills.add(skill); else player.sendMessage("This scheme has reached the maximum amount of buffs."); } else if (currentCommand.startsWith("skillunselect")) skills.remove(skill); showEditSchemeWindow(player, groupType, schemeName, page); } else if (currentCommand.startsWith("createscheme")) { try { final String schemeName = st.nextToken(); if (schemeName.length() > 14) { player.sendMessage("Scheme's name must contain up to 14 chars. Spaces are trimmed."); return; } final Map<String, ArrayList<L2Skill>> schemes = BufferManager.getInstance().getPlayerSchemes(player.getObjectId()); if (schemes != null) { if (schemes.size() == Config.BUFFER_MAX_SCHEMES) { player.sendMessage("Maximum schemes amount is already reached."); return; } if (schemes.containsKey(schemeName)) { player.sendMessage("The scheme name already exists."); return; } } BufferManager.getInstance().setScheme(player.getObjectId(), schemeName.trim(), new ArrayList<>()); showGiveBuffsWindow(player); } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("Scheme's name must contain up to 14 chars. Spaces are trimmed."); } } else if (currentCommand.startsWith("deletescheme")) { try { final String schemeName = st.nextToken(); final Map<String, ArrayList<L2Skill>> schemes = BufferManager.getInstance().getPlayerSchemes(player.getObjectId()); if (schemes != null && schemes.containsKey(schemeName)) schemes.remove(schemeName); } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("This scheme name is invalid."); } showGiveBuffsWindow(player); } super.onBypassFeedback(player, command); } private void getEffect(Player player, L2Skill buff) { buff.getEffects(this, player); } @Override public String getHtmlPath(Player player, int npcId, int val) { String filename = ""; if (val == 0) filename = "" + npcId; else filename = npcId + "-" + val; return player.isLang() + "mods/buffer/" + filename + ".htm"; } /** * Send an html packet to the {@link Player} set a parameter with Give Buffs menu info for player and pet, depending on targetType parameter {player, pet}. * @param player : The {@link Player} to make checks on. */ private void showGiveBuffsWindow(Player player) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200); final Map<String, ArrayList<L2Skill>> schemes = BufferManager.getInstance().getPlayerSchemes(player.getObjectId()); if (schemes == null || schemes.isEmpty()) sb.append("<font color=\"LEVEL\">You haven't defined any scheme.</font>"); else { for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<L2Skill>> scheme : schemes.entrySet()) { final int cost = getFee(scheme.getValue()); StringUtil.append(sb, "<font color=\"LEVEL\">", scheme.getKey(), " [", scheme.getValue().size(), " / ", player.getMaxBuffCount(), "]", ((cost > 0) ? " - cost: " + StringUtil.formatNumber(cost) : ""), "</font><br1>"); StringUtil.append(sb, "<a action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_givebuffs ", scheme.getKey(), " ", cost, "\">Use on Me</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;"); StringUtil.append(sb, "<a action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_givebuffs ", scheme.getKey(), " ", cost, " pet\">Use on Pet</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;"); StringUtil.append(sb, "<a action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_editschemes Buffs ", scheme.getKey(), " 1\">Edit</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;"); StringUtil.append(sb, "<a action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_deletescheme ", scheme.getKey(), "\">Delete</a><br>"); } } final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); html.setFile(getHtmlPath(player, getNpcId(), 1)); html.replace("%schemes%", sb.toString()); html.replace("%max_schemes%", Config.BUFFER_MAX_SCHEMES); html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId()); player.sendPacket(html); } /** * Send an html packet to the {@link Player} set as parameter with Edit Scheme Menu info. This allows the {@link Player} to edit each created scheme (add/delete skills) * @param player : The {@link Player} to make checks on. * @param groupType : The group of skills to select. * @param schemeName : The scheme to make check. * @param page : The current checked page. */ private void showEditSchemeWindow(Player player, String groupType, String schemeName, int page) { final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); final List<L2Skill> schemeSkills = BufferManager.getInstance().getScheme(player.getObjectId(), schemeName); premiumSkills(player, schemeSkills); html.setFile(getHtmlPath(player, getNpcId(), 2)); html.replace("%schemename%", schemeName); html.replace("%count%", schemeSkills.size() + " / " + player.getMaxBuffCount()); html.replace("%typesframe%", getTypesFrame(player, groupType, schemeName, false)); html.replace("%skilllistframe%", getGroupSkillList(player, groupType, schemeName, false, page)); html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId()); player.sendPacket(html); } private void showSingleBuffSelectionWindow(Player player, String groupType, int page) { final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); html.setFile(getHtmlPath(player, getNpcId(), 3)); html.replace("%typesframe%", getTypesFrame(player, groupType, "", true)); html.replace("%skilllistframe%", getGroupSkillList(player, groupType, "", true, page)); html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId()); player.sendPacket(html); } /** * @param player : The {@link Player} to make checks on. * @param groupType : The group of skills to select. * @param schemeName : The scheme to make check. * @param singleSelection : Indicate if it's single buff selection or not. * @param page : The current checked page. * @return A {@link String} representing skills available for selection for a given groupType. */ private String getGroupSkillList(Player player, String groupType, String schemeName, boolean singleSelection, int page) { // Retrieve the entire skills list based on group type. List<L2Skill> skills = BufferManager.getInstance().getSkillsIdsByType(groupType); premiumSkills(player, skills); if (skills.isEmpty()) return "That group doesn't contain any skills."; // Calculate page number. final int max = MathUtil.countPagesNumber(skills.size(), PAGE_LIMIT); if (page > max) page = max; // Cut skills list up to page number. skills = skills.subList((page - 1) * PAGE_LIMIT, Math.min(page * PAGE_LIMIT, skills.size())); final List<L2Skill> schemeSkills = BufferManager.getInstance().getScheme(player.getObjectId(), schemeName); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(skills.size() * 150); int row = 0; for (L2Skill skill : skills) { int skillId = skill.getId(); int skillLevel = skill.getLevel(); sb.append(((row % 2) == 0 ? "<table width=\"280\" bgcolor=\"000000\"><tr>" : "<table width=\"280\"><tr>")); if (singleSelection) StringUtil.append(sb, "<td height=40 width=40><button action=\"bypass npc_" + getObjectId() + "_getbuff ", skillId, " ", skillLevel, " ", "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"", skill.getIcon(), "\" fore=\"", skill.getIcon(), "\" /></td><td width=190>", SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, 1).getName(), "<br1><font color=\"B09878\">", BufferManager.getInstance().getAvailableBuff(skill).getDescription(), "</font></td>"); else { if (schemeSkills.contains(skill)) StringUtil.append(sb, "<td height=40 width=40><img src=\"", skill.getIcon(), "\" width=32 height=32></td><td width=190>", SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, 1).getName(), "<br1><font color=\"B09878\">", BufferManager.getInstance().getAvailableBuff(skill).getDescription(), "</font></td><td><button action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_skillunselect ", groupType, " ", schemeName, " ", skillId, " ", skillLevel, " ", page, "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"L2UI_CH3.mapbutton_zoomout2\" fore=\"L2UI_CH3.mapbutton_zoomout1\"></td>"); else StringUtil.append(sb, "<td height=40 width=40><img src=\"", skill.getIcon(), "\" width=32 height=32></td><td width=190>", SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, 1).getName(), "<br1><font color=\"B09878\">", BufferManager.getInstance().getAvailableBuff(skill).getDescription(), "</font></td><td><button action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_skillselect ", groupType, " ", schemeName, " ", skillId, " ", skillLevel, " ", page, "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"L2UI_CH3.mapbutton_zoomin2\" fore=\"L2UI_CH3.mapbutton_zoomin1\"></td>"); } sb.append("</tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=280 height=1>"); row++; } for (int i = PAGE_LIMIT; i > row; i--) StringUtil.append(sb, "<img height=41>"); // Build page footer. sb.append("<br><img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=280 height=1><table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=000000><tr>"); if (page > 1) { if (singleSelection) StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=left width=70><a action=\"bypass npc_" + getObjectId() + "_singlebuff ", groupType, " ", page - 1, "\">Previous</a></td>"); else StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=left width=70><a action=\"bypass npc_" + getObjectId() + "_editschemes ", groupType, " ", schemeName, " ", page - 1, "\">Previous</a></td>"); } else StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=left width=70>Previous</td>"); StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=center width=100>Page ", page, "</td>"); if (page < max) { if (singleSelection) StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=right width=70><a action=\"bypass npc_" + getObjectId() + "_singlebuff ", groupType, " ", page + 1, "\">Next</a></td>"); else StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=right width=70><a action=\"bypass npc_" + getObjectId() + "_editschemes ", groupType, " ", schemeName, " ", page + 1, "\">Next</a></td>"); } else StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=right width=70>Next</td>"); sb.append("</tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=280 height=1>"); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param player * @param groupType : The group of skills to select. * @param schemeName : The scheme to make check. * @param singleSelection : Indicate if it's single buff selection or not. * @return A {@link String} representing all groupTypes available. The group currently on selection isn't linkable. */ private static String getTypesFrame(Player player, String groupType, String schemeName, boolean singleSelection) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(500); sb.append("<table>"); int count = 0; for (String type : BufferManager.getInstance().getSkillTypes()) { if (player.getPremiumService() == 0) { if (Config.PREMIUM_BUFFS_CATEGORY.isEmpty()) continue; } if (count == 0) sb.append("<tr>"); if (groupType.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) StringUtil.append(sb, "<td width=65>", type, "</td>"); else { if (singleSelection) StringUtil.append(sb, "<td width=65><a action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_singlebuff ", type, " 1\">", type, "</a></td>"); else StringUtil.append(sb, "<td width=65><a action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_editschemes ", type, " ", schemeName, " 1\">", type, "</a></td>"); } count++; if (count == 4) { sb.append("</tr>"); count = 0; } } if (!sb.toString().endsWith("</tr>")) sb.append("</tr>"); sb.append("</table>"); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param list : A {@link List} of skill ids. * @return a global fee for all skills contained in the {@link List}. */ private static int getFee(List<L2Skill> list) { if (Config.BUFFER_STATIC_BUFF_COST > 0) return list.size() * Config.BUFFER_STATIC_BUFF_COST; int fee = 0; for (L2Skill sk : list) fee += BufferManager.getInstance().getAvailableBuff(sk).getPrice(); return fee; } private void premiumSkills(Player player, List<L2Skill> skills) { if (player.getPremiumService() == 0) skills.removeIf(skill -> Config.BUFFS_CATEGORY.contains(BufferManager.getInstance().getAvailableBuff(skill).getType())); } }
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