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Help Ligo Pedia Hacker Dawn Ton Server



Hi Guys Plz Mporei kapoios Na me help gt dn ginete sinexeia mou kanoun dawn ton server sinexeia  ton server 5 meres ton exo kai exo 80 me 100 atoma online plz kai ean mporite na m to eksigisete ligo poio leptomeros......

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file exeis flood_protection kai l2walker protection?ama den exei bale sou to protinw kai genikos kane search geia anti hack pare kai ena link pou exei ta panta http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105735.0

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egw kserw pws ftiaxnetai;) exw hackarei apo prwi 5-6 server kai tous exw klhsei me 50-60 atoma twra an einai mesa kai o dikos s se autous tous seerver pou hachara pantos an thes na sto ftiaksw kaneme add sto venos05@hotmail.com

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Pedia xriazome kai ego boh8ia gt exo kai akribos to ido problima me tn filo mas parapano...opios 3erei ti mporo na kano as me kanei add sto msn kai na mou pei... :P santsas_physicx2009@hotmail.com

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Lpn...Zitas Help Gia Ena Hack Pou Sou Kanoun...

Se Hackaroun me To Server attacker Tou Dragon?Me Noobish error?Me J Killer?

an exei pre-pack ...fae Q_Q (me to simpathio:P)

apla dn mporeis na kaneis kati..

padws pre-pack kai 100 atoma Online mia xara se vriskw..!!

what ever....

Search sto Forum.Mporeis na mathis Polla..

Compile Kapoio Diko Sou Pack..GIA KANENA LOGO Mn plirosis....

gt kai toumpano na sto kanei pada kati new tha vrethi..opote tha 3ana plirosis...!!

Opote Mathe Ftixne ta dika sou kai Open Tn Server Sou Again!!! an se hackaroun dn tha stamatisoun na to kanoun..

10xrona paidakia pou xeronte kai dn sevonte tn douleia tou allou!!!!!

What Ever..Gl Sou eyxomai!!

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re mages egw otan dn i3era tous kanones kai dn diabasa gt ekana to account prin 2 xronia kai dn i3era apo mxc kai dn embena  prosfata pou arxsa na mbeno sto mxc tote katalaba kai to karma -1 htan apo ta dublepost kai dn to i3era  kai dn mou eipe kaneis an 3ana kaneis dublepost  -1 ..





@RonaGr 2 dublepost stin sira.. Diabaze kai ligo tous kanones tou forum.  tin epomenh fora -1



Auto Einai To parapono mou......







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Giorgara , exeis kanei spam se ola ta topics legontas tin gnomi sou.


Den stin zitise kaneis , an exeis kapoio problima , mporeis na kaneis ena new topic.



Apantisi ston topic owner.


Liseis sto problima;


1) L2J Attacker FIX : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=81549.0


2) Noobish Error FIX : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=109487.0


3) Configs : floodprotector.properties --> Enable to delay gia drom items. ( + prosthese seconds )


Java : floodprotector.java



Request to lock.

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