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Dragon NetWork Exploit..

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The problem that I have is that when for example I am buying DYES, I often buy without problem but there are moments at which it is as if it exploded and the weight raises single… somebody knows some solution for this?

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  • 4 months later...

that is all fixed , and who says that he earn 80 kk in 2h  is a one god damit fool , when exploit worked i made erm 20 kkk , in one tour ( 10 min ) 2kkk  , i got lot`s of items , using l2 phx and l2w :) for buying n selling , you dont want be a idiot to klick 999 for dunno how long and sell that by yourself , if you are cheating try to cheat with style .

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that is all fixed , and who says that he earn 80 kk in 2h  is a one god damit fool , when exploit worked i made erm 20 kkk , in one tour ( 10 min ) 2kkk  , i got lot`s of items , using l2 phx and l2w :) for buying n selling , you dont want be a idiot to klick 999 for dunno how long and sell that by yourself , if you are cheating try to cheat with style .

damn u rule!!111
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Well, drake is fixing the dupping on DNet atm and i am happy to say that i was able to make over 5.000 donator coins!


Since i scattered them among a LOT of chars and accounts i will probably be well hidden.


My chars on 15x are safe eventhough for what i heard Nightmare will have a quite roll back because some ppl really abused and made over 1kk donator coins...

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