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[Addons]Respawn Win Cs 1.6


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Description: This addon is for Respawn servers.






Version: 1.1

Download : Uploaded


amx_gore_ultimate.amxx - More blood.
grenade_trail.amxx - He-red-blue Flash, Smoke-Green
hpk.amxx - Those with ping higher than 80 were kicked.
welcomemsg.amxx - A greeting when you enter the server
amxx_am_like.amxx -Additional orders
csdm_main.amxx ;Main DM plugin
csdm_equip.amxx ;Equipment/weapons menus
csdm_misc.amxx ;Miscellanious stuff
csdm_protection.amxx ;Spawn protection
csdm_spawn_preset.amxx ;Preset spawning from map config files
spawn_editor.amxx ;Spawn editor
;csdm_tickets.amxx ;Round ticketing ability


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