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[Addons]Addons for Linux cs 1.6


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Description: Addons Server Public



   * AmxModX

   * Metamod



Download : http://www.zshare.net/download/60584478e8eb2fbd/

Download : http://www.netdrive.ws/181955.html

Author: Candy




     country_kicker.amxx - Allow only those of GER (Romania) to enter the server.

     hpk.amxx - kick players with ping over 100 (set as you want I left. SMA).

     ultimate_ss.amxx - Order: amx_ss name> jucator> <no. picture>.

     admin_check.amxx - Write / admin (s) in chat and admin shows online.

     admin_freelook.amxx - admin have freelook.

     team_move.amxx - Order: amx_t name> jucator>, amx_ct name> jucator>

     Messages_Shower.amxx - messages in chat

     join_ip.amxx - A message on connection.

     chat_color.amxx - Change color chat. I have left white but you can change.

     sayrestart.amxx - is yes restart the server

     amx_showip.amxx - show IPs players

     advanced_gag.amxx - A gag more advanced commands amx_gag <tinta> <minute> <reason> / amx_ungag <target> <reason>.

     adminfix.amxx - Upload users.ini every 30 seconds.

     ghostchat.amxx - Decedatii can vorbii with the living

     amx_who.amxx - Show admins online order amx_who



Important: We have left all plugins sma in scripting folder

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