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[GUIDE]Guide Rikimaru

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Rikimaru The Stealth Assassin.



Born as the heir to the satyr dominion, Rikimaru was trained by the mightiest warriors of his race. However, the power of the Burning Legion managed to corrupt many of his kind, leaving them as mindless beasts in the forest. Vowing revenge against the Scourge, he sharpened his skills for battle. Using his small size to his advantage, he can render himself invisible, enabling him to stab his enemies in the back. He can also use thick smoke as a cover, to silence his enemies and become nearly untouchable.



Base HP: 473

Base Mana: 182

Strength - 17 + 2

Agility - 24 + 2.9 (Primary)

Intelligence - 14 + 1.3

Base damage 48 - 52

Attack range of 125 (melee)

Base Armor 6.4

movement speed 300





Level 1 - 30 second cooldown, deals 30 extra damage.

Level 2 - 20 second cooldown, deals 60 extra damage.

Level 3 - 10 second cooldown, deals 90 extra damage.

Level 4 - 5 second cooldown, deals 120 extra damage.

Can now teleport to an ally.


Mana Cost: 50



Throws a smoke bomb down in the area, silencing opponents and causing them to miss on most of their attacks. Also slows by 25% at all levels. Doesn't silence item spells.

Lasts 6 seconds.

Level 1 - 250 AoE, 40% miss.

Level 2 - 275 AoE, 50% miss.

Level 3 - 300 AoE, 60% miss.

Level 4 - 325 AoE, 70% miss.


Mana Cost: 75/ 80/ 85/ 90

Cooldown: 15

This skill is really usefull for team battle and ganking enemies. Silencing enemies and yet enemy almost cannot hit you. Smokescreen can also destroy trees, use it to kill Treant’s eyes or Furion’s Sprout if necessary. Smokescreen can’t silence item spells, which means any hero with Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse can hex you immediately after you’ve cast smokescreen.





The Stealth Assassin isn't afraid to fight dirty, and specializes in attacking his opponents from behind.


Level 1 - Deals .25x the Agility of the SA to the target.

Level 2 - Deals .5x the Agility of the SA to the target.

Level 3 - Deals .75x the Agility of the SA to the target.

Level 4 - Deals 1x the Agility of the SA to the target.


This skill makes almost SA guide focusing on buy agility items. The bonus damage only given when you attack the enemies from behind. In certain angles, you can still get this bonus when you attack beside the enemies. Just watch the blood animation for the successful backstab.





Hero becomes permanently invisible when not attacking.

Level 1 - 3 second fade time.

Level 2 - 2.25 second fade time.

Level 3 - 1.5 second fade time.


Rikimaru’s unique skill. Permanent invisibility means you can slip away to enemy territory without worrying. Getting exp without harassed. Unfortunately, good enemies player will counter you with wards or gems.


Skill Build


1. 853a-Blink_strike.gif

2. 08e5-Smoke_Screen.gif

3. 853a-Blink_strike.gif

4. d61a-Backstab.gif

5. 853a-Blink_strike.gif

6. 0d39-Invisibility.gif

7. 853a-Blink_strike.gif

8-10. d61a-Backstab.gif

11. 0d39-Invisibility.gif


15. Attribute Bonus

16. 0d39-Invisibility.gif

17-25. Attribute Bonus




Item Build



2x 1abb-Slippers%20of%20Agility.gif

2x BTNHealingSalve.gif


Rikimaru priority on early level is last hit and leveling up as soon as possible. Healing Salve will be your backup when the enemies harass you. Slipper and Circlet will be little stats boost to help last hitting. If you have money, but Poor Man's Shield as it will help you from getting harassed. Keeping it up until you can reach level 6 and every thing will be easier.


Core Items








Get your Treads and Yasha as soon as possible. With them, you'll strong enough to get a kill by ganking with your team mates. After getting them both, aim for Diffusal Blade. It gives you agility, mana break and Purge. Purge combined with Smoke Screen is almost a dead to typical Int heroes.







Pick a solo lane because Stealth Assassin needs to level up to learn Permanent Invisibility as soon as possible. But if you facing a hard lineup and does not feel confident get a lane mate. Early game your own job is to survive and get last hit. Don’t try to be ambitious and harassing withStealth Assassin . This simply doesn’t work. Your early game goal should be to gain last hit and survive. Unless the chances are really favorable and you’re sure that the enemies will be forced to retreat after you’ve cast a smokescreen, forget about harassing. In most cases, you’ll end up being harassed. MostStealth Assassin players have serious problems in farming throughout the game. If you can stay in lane for a reasonably long time and take advantage of Backstab to do last hit creeping, you’ve already done half the task.


When your enemies place Sentry Ward on any particular lane, just get Scroll of Townportal and go to another lane. With just 135 gold, you can enjoy painless last hit creeping, so it is worth the price. In addition, do yourself a favor. Watch the timer right after you’ve spotted the Sentry Ward. You don’t want to go there again until the Sentry is gone.

When you reach midgame, continue to do last hit.It is boring and requires attention, but this is the sad fact of all Stealth Assassin players. When you hitting randomly, it means more time that you’re revealed in battlefield. Therefore you will be vulnerable and can easily got killed. With Level 4 Backstab, Blade of Alacrity and Boots of Elvenskin, you have +32 damage so it isn’t insanely difficult to gain last hit. Once you have your Diffusal Blade, help out your team by casting smokescreen and purge. However, before you have Manta, ask your teammates to avoid pushing the lanes that are with Sentry. By doing so you’re spending 200% effort with 50% reward. It is just not worth.Stealth Assassin can’t do anything substantial other than throwing smokescreens and a few occasional Blink Strikes unless he has a first major item, this should be common knowledge.

When your enemies starting to have Gem / Necronomicon it means they want to kill you before you can cast smokescreen in team battles. Smokescreen is very annoying especially in team battles. So, your main task is to throw a smokescreen on enemy heroes before you die. How to do that? The trick is to split images and march in with all the images. Yes the enemies will still see you, but they will be confused on which unit they should hit. That’s the thing you want! Now just cast Smokescreen and then whack your enemies together with your allies. Silence will break your invisibility, but fortunately Manta can break silence spells. Whenever you’re silenced, use Manta. When you are facing Gynsoo user, Manta first before engaging your enemies.Sometimes you also can have advantage with your invisibility by patrolling jungle. When you find enemies jungling, initiate ganking immediately

In the late game, now that you have Manta and can afford to be aggressive. Continue to do last hit creeping when you’re not in major battles, and confuse the enemies/ protect yourself by images and smokescreens. Once you have Yasha/ Butterfly you can even engage in close combats with enemies, but before that you’re just a combo started/ chaser/ harasser, rather than the power house of your team. The most important thing you should remember, Stealth Assassin is not a 1 on 1 killer. His ultimates does not buff the hero's damage at all, definitely tells you that you should not focus on pumping his fire power. In fact, Stealth Assassin is an assassin and a team combo starter. The ability to blink and drop smokebomb implies that he's the person to set up combos for allies.



CREDITS : http://www.dota-blog.co m


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