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lathos section sorry:(


LOCk??? Dn vlepw na exeis dikaiodosia na to kaneis ^^


Parolo pou einai se wrong section egw tha sou apantisw

Ston archer vazeis STR 4 KAI VGAZEIS CON 4

LAthos dye +4dex -4 con

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Ston archer vazeis STR 4 KAI VGAZEIS CON 4

Ston daggera Dex 4 Con 4


Panagia mou!!!!!!!!!ston daggera 8a bgaleis con????oxi bebaia!!!8a tou baleis malista CON k bgaltou STR


protimas na bgaleis 1200HP h 200 p attack?me +12 exeis 1200p attack epomenws pas 1050 p attack

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paides egw exw ta daggeria m 2 xronia twra xwris dyes...

o monos char pou den tou exw valei..

proteimw na t kratisw k to hp kai to p.att ws exei... :-\

kata thn gnwmh m panda.. ::)

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paides egw exw ta daggeria m 2 xronia twra xwris dyes...

o monos char pou den tou exw valei..

proteimw na t kratisw k to hp kai to p.att ws exei... :-\

kata thn gnwmh m panda.. ::)

+1 O daggeras einai o monos char pou den xriazetai dyes giati apla rixnei magous archer ektos apo tank ligo duskola se low rate servers giati ama eisai se high rate me s grade / npc buffs / overenchanted weapon ktlp feygoun ametrita lethal :D...Alla an einai na tou baleis dye file byChris21 baltou Con+4 Str-4 Ena dye mono kai eisai ok...alla an pezeis se high rate me cov , vitality , btb ktlp k exeis pollh life bale Dex+4 Con-4 Dex+4 Con-4 Kai Str Con-4 an k tha kateueis kamia 2k life alla me auta ta buffs exeis 10k life -2k 8k life eisai mia xara :)

Elpizw na boithisa ::)

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tsaba vazete se dageria dyes.!!!!!!!!!!! eite me no grade einai eite me s grade einai pezei me skill..... eidika se pvp outos h allos to damage einai idio eleos..!!!!!!! metrane ta skill an theleis apla valtou dex+ me opio syndiasmo theleis ..! to damage ti na to kanei? me skill pezei..!!!!! todex apla tha sou anevazei k thn taxythta to speed na trexeis.. se toxoth kane k ayto.. dex+ con- k gia na mhn xaneis to str.. vale k  con+str- outos h alos me ena bow + 5-6 eisai ok.. giati me bow + 10 ... k panw apla skizei,! auta!


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tsaba vazete se dageria dyes.!!!!!!!!!!! eite me no grade einai eite me s grade einai pezei me skill..... eidika se pvp outos h allos to damage einai idio eleos..!!!!!!! metrane ta skill an theleis apla valtou dex+ me opio syndiasmo theleis ..! to damage ti na to kanei? me skill pezei..!!!!! todex apla tha sou anevazei k thn taxythta to speed na trexeis.. se toxoth kane k ayto.. dex+ con- k gia na mhn xaneis to str.. vale k  con+str- outos h alos me ena bow + 5-6 eisai ok.. giati me bow + 10 ... k panw apla skizei,! auta!


to dex anebasei atack speed kai einai kalo na valeis se archer kai dagera,oso an valeis dyes con + str - se toxoti einai ma.....ia giati apla auto pou se endiaferei to damage pou skas to idio damage tha kaneis me 2k p.atk to idio me 2.5
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