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[Request][New KvN GvE, etc]


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I think this one is new but i dont know :/ And its a fail .ucoz :S

Anyway im looking for IL GvE or KvN just like GrisoM!


Satisfaction Good vs Evil

Two towns: Talking island-Good , Dark elven vilage-Evils

Custom Buffer: Prophet Buffs/Dance/Songs | MaxBuffs:24

Buffs is stuck only if you want change the buffs even you die the full still remains

5 continues PvP: Temporary Hero aura

If you reach 5000 PvP: Permanent Hero aura

There are two sides one Good one Evil.

When you start out you will choose either Good or Evil.

All items up to B grade are free A grade cost adena

You earn adena/Faction points by PvPing the opposing faction


GR.gif GR

Uptime: 56%


Anyway i dont think its worth trying cause i think this is another 1week server :S


Edit: Not worth trying! 0 PPL Online...

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Sorry for double-posting.


Its a highrate at the moment but it will go to Faction mode by few days

(The point is getting people on highrate and then trasnfering to a faction mode so the gameplay in faction mode dont be 1vs1...)


[Gracia Final L2J] DyingFate



Read the story and then features if u are not too lazy :)

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triple post... stop spaming plz..

p.s. epic boobs ^^


Listen, i double - cause i find servers, i triple posted - cause i have to bump. Dont teach my about that you little spammer ^^


What you just did pls tell me?

Did you suggested servers? - NO

Did you said something about previously posted servers? - NO


You spam too, so dont QQ me about spamming!


PS And yeah, they are nice.


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Listen, i double - cause i find servers, i triple posted - cause i have to bump. Dont teach my about that you little spammer ^^

You cant do  Bump!

Because you  dont create the topic, Grisom create the topic so only grisom can do bump!


OT:  l2java faction? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=97122.0

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You cant do  Bump!

Because you  dont create the topic, Grisom create the topic so only grisom can do bump!

OT:  l2java faction? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=97122.0


Well i didnt want to create own topic (I dont need +1 posts >.>). So i bumped GrisoM's lol its same shit isnt it?

If you think I'm spamming, otherwise i would create my topic (1post) and bump like 10 times (10posts) ^^


Anyway L2Java is new or...? 400+ Online I see.

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