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Hey guys,

im new to the Maxcheaters, well to any kind of theese forums lol

I just started playing Inifinite Aion And at lvl 22 I get ok items to sell and yet its not enough to buy the level 25 armor

If someone could give me a good tip or A "cheat" on how to get alot of kinah without farming for items for hours


here's an idea, not sure if it will work. at night, stand in front of iron ore(or others) and have a bot keep clicking. when you wake up, not only will ur gather skill be a lot higher but ull have tons of ore, then just sell for 1k each


here's an idea, not sure if it will work. at night, stand in front of iron ore(or others) and have a bot keep clicking. when you wake up, not only will ur gather skill be a lot higher but ull have tons of ore, then just sell for 1k each


Iron ore for 1k ? lol anyone will buy that expensive iron ore man..


btw can you tell me which bot do you use ? + link and guide pls, there's a lot of bots, but I don't know which works..


I cant, see im on the east server and im an asmodian, Ive collected alot of the plants that give one point and they havent givin me any collecting exp and i need to be lv 15(collector)to collect ore It might be a glitch idk


Buy stigmas for 2k, and re-sell them for 20k. Many people are unfortunately uninformed about Stigmas, so they will fall on this one.


(I made 300k in a day, passive selling, meanwhile playing DotA)


I saw stigmas for 150k but I didn't see them for 2k.. never :) (maybe Asmo are cheaper traders :P )


where do you buy these stigmas from ^_^


You can buy stigmas at shops for 2k...


DP has no translation. DP Points is something you gain by exping. There are 3 levels of DP.


So with each mob killed, you gain some of DP. DP is used to perform DP skills, which you can learn with skill manuals (master).

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