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Looking for manor seeders on official servers!


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Hi, sorry for advertisement here. If you are running bots or on exp and are you interested in making some more profit.  Try to contact me on icq or email.. msn will be comming soon.

basicaly i am buing crops or trading them for mats.. in very pleasant ways. here is the list i offer (may be different per server to server)

1000 Desert coba for +-600 Malloys

1000 Gold Coba for 800 vops

1000 Red Coba for 909 scokes

1000 king c0ba for 650 dmps

and so long... (this counts may be different from server to server according to adena price and castle lord's fees)

but still on decent exp ppls can make thousands of this crops per day...

Basicaly i am looking for relyable persons and prefer persons, who can supply me EVeRYDAY for sometime or according to server needs... 

servers: Luna Teon Franz Phoenix Sayha (aria devianne ru-off comming soon)

please if you try to contact me use the keyword MANOR on visible place (like in mail subject etc)


icq 578719155, MSN or email ::: seedslineage@live.com


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