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interlude [Interlude L2J] L2Diavola


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   * Full Interlude Server

   * Private Interlude L2J Server

   * Rates 35X / XP and SP, 35x Adena, 35x Drops, Spoil 35x

   * Anti Phx System

   * Anti HLApex System

   * Anti L2Walker System

   * Interlude Areas

   * Interlude Mobs

   * Interlude Raidboss

   * Interlude Skills

   * Interlude Clan lvl/Clan skills/Academy

   * Interlude Castles and Clan halls

   * Custom Shop with FULL Interlude Items

   * Custom Telleporter with Interlude Zones

   * Full Interlude Mobs+Raids

   * Roy_The_Cat ( Class Master)

   * Fishing system

   * Full Interlude spawnlist and mobs

   * Clan Hall working

   * Full Interlude and quests


   * Augmentation working

   * Duel system working

   * Cursed weapons Zariche and Akamanah working

   * Dual Boxing is Enable.


   * Maxim buffs amount 25

   * Starting buffer from lvl 1 to 80

   * Buffer- 1 hour buffs time includes prophet,songs, dances and chants


   * Book needed to enchant skills

   * Auto learn skills

   * Weight Limit enable

   * Community board is off

   * Char can be deleted after 1 day

   * Unstuck interval 10 sec

   * Spawn protection 50 sec

   * Champions - ON

     Enchant rate:


   * Safe: 5

   * Max weapon: 20

   * Max armor: 20

   * Max jewelry: 20

   * Normal scroll: 70%

   * Crystal scroll: 80%

   * Blessed scroll: 100%

     Karma player:


   * Karma player can not be killed in peace zone

   * Karma player can use shop

   * Karma player can not use teleport

   * Karma player can use trade

   * Karma player can use warehouse

   * Karma Police in Every is only PvP Zone



   * Do not have to wait before:

   * Joining another clan

   * Create a new clan

   * Joining another alliance

   * Create a new alliance


   * Maximum clans in ally is 3

   * You need 15 members to request a clan war



   * Olympiad start time at 18:00 (6 pm)

   * Olympiad ends time is (00:00) (12 pm)

   * Olympiad compeition period is 6 hours

   * Hero is chosen every 2 weeks

     Hero System:


   * Hero weapons can not be enchanted

   * For nobless u need to make sub lvl 76 and u can buy from GmShop.

   * The Nobless Caradine Letter 3.

     S-Grade Items:


   * S-grade items can only be crafted u will find ar gmshop all u need.

   * At Recipes Category.

   * U will need Festival Adena for Blessed Enchant Scrolls.

   * U will find at G.K FarmZone Category There u can chose.

   * U Have Adena Zone, Life Stone Zone, and Festival Adena Zone.



   * U Have at Luxury GateKeeper

   * Category FarmZone

   * There u have

   * SafeZone 1 (Adena)

   * SafeZone 2 (LifeStone)

   * And every Champion mob and every mob in MOS will drop Festival Adena

   * Champion Mob = 10 Festival adena

   * Mobs in MOS = 2 Festival adena

   * U can Kill easy with all class the mobs but try from lvl 80 to go to the mobs. :P

   * The are lvl 82 :) and they have 50k HP. But it's easy trust me GL Guys enjoy.


Vid From Srv


http://www.l2diavola.lx.ro/index.html - SITE

http://l2diavola.clictopic.net/ - FORUM




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    * Full Interlude Server

    * Private Interlude L2J Server

    * Rates 35X / XP and SP, 35x Adena, 35x Drops, Spoil 35x

    * Anti Phx System

    * Anti HLApex System

    * Anti L2Walker System

    * Interlude Areas

    * Interlude Mobs

    * Interlude Raidboss

    * Interlude Skills

    * Interlude Clan lvl/Clan skills/Academy

    * Interlude Castles and Clan halls

    * Custom Shop with FULL Interlude Items

    * Custom Telleporter with Interlude Zones

    * Full Interlude Mobs+Raids

    * Roy_The_Cat ( Class Master)

    * Fishing system

    * Full Interlude spawnlist and mobs

    * Clan Hall working

    * Full Interlude and quests


    * Augmentation working

    * Duel system working

    * Cursed weapons Zariche and Akamanah working

    * Dual Boxing is Enable.


    * Maxim buffs amount 25

    * Starting buffer from lvl 1 to 80

    * Buffer- 1 hour buffs time includes prophet,songs, dances and chants


    * Book needed to enchant skills

    * Auto learn skills

    * Weight Limit enable

    * Community board is off

    * Char can be deleted after 1 day

    * Unstuck interval 10 sec

    * Spawn protection 50 sec

    * Champions - ON

      Enchant rate:


    * Safe: 5

    * Max weapon: 20

    * Max armor: 20

    * Max jewelry: 20

    * Normal scroll: 70%

    * Crystal scroll: 80%

    * Blessed scroll: 100%

      Karma player:


    * Karma player can not be killed in peace zone

    * Karma player can use shop

    * Karma player can not use teleport

    * Karma player can use trade

    * Karma player can use warehouse

    * Karma Police in Every is only PvP Zone



    * Do not have to wait before:

    * Joining another clan

    * Create a new clan

    * Joining another alliance

    * Create a new alliance


    * Maximum clans in ally is 3

    * You need 15 members to request a clan war



    * Olympiad start time at 18:00 (6 pm)

    * Olympiad ends time is (00:00) (12 pm)

    * Olympiad compeition period is 6 hours

    * Hero is chosen every 2 weeks

      Hero System:


    * Hero weapons can not be enchanted

    * For nobless u need to make sub lvl 76 and u can buy from GmShop.

    * The Nobless Caradine Letter 3.

      S-Grade Items:


    * S-grade items can only be crafted u will find ar gmshop all u need.

    * At Recipes Category.

    * U will need Festival Adena for Blessed Enchant Scrolls.

    * U will find at G.K FarmZone Category There u can chose.

    * U Have Adena Zone, Life Stone Zone, and Festival Adena Zone.



    * U Have at Luxury GateKeeper

    * Category FarmZone

    * There u have

    * SafeZone 1 (Adena)

    * SafeZone 2 (LifeStone)

    * And every Champion mob and every mob in MOS will drop Festival Adena

    * Champion Mob = 10 Festival adena

    * Mobs in MOS = 2 Festival adena

    * U can Kill easy with all class the mobs but try from lvl 80 to go to the mobs. :P

    * The are lvl 82 :) and they have 50k HP. But it's easy trust me GL Guys enjoy.


Vid From Srv


http://www.l2diavola.lx.ro/index.html - SITE

http://l2diavola.clictopic.net/ - FORUM




WTF, YOU CAN'T DO ALONE DESCRIPTION ?? IT'S SAME http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=91334.0



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WTF, YOU CAN'T DO ALONE DESCRIPTION ?? IT'S SAME http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=91334.0




Well ... Read better!

Im adversting friend srv ...


Anyway Ty!

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    * Full Interlude Server

    * Private Interlude L2J Server

    * Rates 35X / XP and SP, 35x Adena, 35x Drops, Spoil 35x

    * Anti Phx System

    * Anti HLApex System

    * Anti L2Walker System

    * Interlude Areas

    * Interlude Mobs

    * Interlude Raidboss

    * Interlude Skills

    * Interlude Clan lvl/Clan skills/Academy

    * Interlude Castles and Clan halls

    * Custom Shop with FULL Interlude Items

    * Custom Telleporter with Interlude Zones

    * Full Interlude Mobs+Raids

    * Roy_The_Cat ( Class Master)

    * Fishing system

    * Full Interlude spawnlist and mobs

    * Clan Hall working

    * Full Interlude and quests


    * Augmentation working

    * Duel system working

    * Cursed weapons Zariche and Akamanah working

    * Dual Boxing is Enable.


    * Maxim buffs amount 25

    * Starting buffer from lvl 1 to 80

    * Buffer- 1 hour buffs time includes prophet,songs, dances and chants


    * Book needed to enchant skills

    * Auto learn skills

    * Weight Limit enable

    * Community board is off

    * Char can be deleted after 1 day

    * Unstuck interval 10 sec

    * Spawn protection 50 sec

    * Champions - ON

      Enchant rate:


    * Safe: 5

    * Max weapon: 20

    * Max armor: 20

    * Max jewelry: 20

    * Normal scroll: 70%

    * Crystal scroll: 80%

    * Blessed scroll: 100%

      Karma player:


    * Karma player can not be killed in peace zone

    * Karma player can use shop

    * Karma player can not use teleport

    * Karma player can use trade

    * Karma player can use warehouse

    * Karma Police in Every is only PvP Zone



    * Do not have to wait before:

    * Joining another clan

    * Create a new clan

    * Joining another alliance

    * Create a new alliance


    * Maximum clans in ally is 3

    * You need 15 members to request a clan war



    * Olympiad start time at 18:00 (6 pm)

    * Olympiad ends time is (00:00) (12 pm)

    * Olympiad compeition period is 6 hours

    * Hero is chosen every 2 weeks

      Hero System:


    * Hero weapons can not be enchanted

    * For nobless u need to make sub lvl 76 and u can buy from GmShop.

    * The Nobless Caradine Letter 3.

      S-Grade Items:


    * S-grade items can only be crafted u will find ar gmshop all u need.

    * At Recipes Category.

    * U will need Festival Adena for Blessed Enchant Scrolls.

    * U will find at G.K FarmZone Category There u can chose.

    * U Have Adena Zone, Life Stone Zone, and Festival Adena Zone.



    * U Have at Luxury GateKeeper

    * Category FarmZone

    * There u have

    * SafeZone 1 (Adena)

    * SafeZone 2 (LifeStone)

    * And every Champion mob and every mob in MOS will drop Festival Adena

    * Champion Mob = 10 Festival adena

    * Mobs in MOS = 2 Festival adena

    * U can Kill easy with all class the mobs but try from lvl 80 to go to the mobs. :P

    * The are lvl 82 :) and they have 50k HP. But it's easy trust me GL Guys enjoy.


Vid From Srv


http://www.l2diavola.lx.ro/index.html - SITE

http://l2diavola.clictopic.net/ - FORUM





Hmm..Nice futures!But server hosted by home?

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with windows server 2008 R2

core 2 duo E8500

*8 gb ramm


*1066 mgz :P

*800 gb HDD

and internet 8mgb


Its homemade but this PC use only for L2 srv ... xD (that he said)


And btw if u want to ask only for that dont QUOTE pfff ...

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Server Good But Why Max buffs amount 25???

Max Amount 100 or 50 :)


Good Luck With Server :)


... /Fail ...

If he gonna make 100-50 all mage useless ...

All take resists and mage can only suck balls ...

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First buff ammount 25 beacuse it's not pvp SERVER AND 2 learn to play l2 Brzoza u don't even know what means l2 :)) u only know to go to gms and beg them pls give S-items it's bored to craft pls give me theat learn to play lineage stupid girl without a little brain sorry to admins but she makes me crazy :| and all players have skill divine inspiration show u get 29 buffs ammount and theats very good look official sv wy they have only 24? wy they don't make high rates sv? because high rates sv are for noobs not for a player who know realy to play l2 :|.......

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First buff ammount 25 beacuse it's not pvp SERVER AND 2 learn to play l2 Brzoza u don't even know what means l2 :)) u only know to go to gms and beg them pls give S-items it's bored to craft pls give me theat learn to play lineage stupid girl without a little brain sorry to admins but she makes me crazy :| and all players have skill divine inspiration show u get 29 buffs ammount and theats very good look official sv wy they have only 24? wy they don't make high rates sv? because high rates sv are for noobs not for a player who know realy to play l2 :|.......


EE lol ? xD

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