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[Help]Server Problem!



hey guys i run game server and login server and in a moment it gives me that errors

in the first photo you can see i think its an error like i read with olympiad?wtf?





about the second photo dunno what is that... BTW i open the ports and all that sh1t but why gives me the java error and why this1?

and i'm curius about this1 because with the java error you can play but with that error you cant it says server terminated abnormaly...

width=1024 height=640http://i49.tinypic.com/2j0o6s0.jpg[/img]


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1) Give us the error with the 2106 port

2) Can you please give us a screen with your .properties files from gs and login? Only the 2 where the Hostnames + ports are located.

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here is the screen of gs                                                          







and here a screen from login                      

width=1024 height=640http://i50.tinypic.com/2dgm3ut.jpg[/img]    

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ok i will try it but i want it online :-\


edit:its working on local and its logically

but i want it online i opened ports and all this stuff but why i take this error? and why the java too?

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Now change the values again to your IP.

Can't you see the difference in the two pictures? :P

Look at external and internal IPs, at both pictures again ;D

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its ok i find it on my own but i have now this problem omfg again a problem -.-



//close firewall or


Use your head and the Search button.

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