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[Sign] Space Mace -for MaCe-


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oh well nice sig but i dont like the dots in some places

i like the render and the smudging behind of the render but not in front of it.. and dunno if this is a smudge or a over-sharpening xD

i like the text and the brush above the text really nice try sofaki...


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You have oversharpened the sig without deleting the focal and some ugly points like the dots.

Failed one...

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You have oversharpened the sig without deleting the focal and some ugly points like the dots.

Failed one...

Sharpening part is good imo, but the too many dots really sux.

Also, it's a random render on a random background and it isn't the space, or even similar, for sure.

I don't like the text too.


Anyway, I have seen better sigs by you.


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LOL guys have you lost the sense of vision?You only judge with your knowledge or vision?

If you want to rate in a proper way then you have to think of both.

What do I care if someone has applied the most difficult gfx techniques while his outcome is worse than my brother's paintings?

There is no depth cause of sharpening...


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LOL guys have you lost the sense of vision?You only judge with your knowledge or vision?

If you want to rate in a proper way then you have to think of both.

What do I care if someone has applied the most difficult gfx techniques while his outcome is worse than my brother's paintings?

There is no depth cause of sharpening...


That's for me or...??
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That's for me or...??

That's for every wannabe who thinks that he is a pro..

If you are what I said above then,yes it's for you too!

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That's for every wannabe who thinks that he is a pro..

If you are what I said above then,yes it's for you too!


You are good , but I think that the idea that you have for your self is kinda big.

Anw .


Ontopic now,

I will rate it like an normal observer ,cuz I don't know any about those things ,

and I rate it 9/10

I just don't like the character in it.

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