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and lot more :P


(Tested on bro lmao) xD

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WWE TLC 2009 - report + photos


Fight # 1: Christian © vs. Shelton Benjamin - Ladder Match for the ECW Championship belt.

Matt Striker said that Christian for the seventh time participates in the Ladder Matchu and Shelton for the fourth time (including MITB). Beginning the fight pretty well-balanced, Christian even had a chance to Killswitch, but Shelton is the backbreaker skontrował. After a while, the fight moved outside the ring, Shelton Christian shot in the barrier, he wanted to bring a ladder to the ring, but Christian got up and returned to the ring to perform Crossbody on Shelton. Christian has made himself a ladder and spread it, but when he began to fall, Benjamin drew him to the mat. Christian tried to monkey flip, but Shelton stood on his feet and climbing up the ladder, but Christian pulled it. ECW Champ Benjamin threw the ring and tried to throw him a ladder, but the claimant undercut his legs and he fell to the Christian ladder in his hands. In Christian, the first drop of blood, so there has been a medical pause, which did not like the audience and chanted "we want blood".

Shelton has been pushed beyond the barrier, but after a while men met on a ladder outside the ring. Shelton pushed the enemy on the floor and jumped on him. When the gentlemen rose, Shelton arranged a ladder in the ring and at the table komentatorskim and although he was pushed on it, slides, he managed to avoid a collision. Christian grabbed and tried to stick with catapults him to the ladder, but was rejected and went to another ladder.

Back in the ring, Christian has set a ladder in the corner, but he was pushed to it. Shelton placed a ladder against Christian and wanted to make Splash, the ECW Champion but he struck him with a ladder. Christian tries to remove the belt, but Benjamin rolls at the last minute but Christian ladder and stood on its feet after a while, has a powerful kick. GoldStandard attacks rival with a ladder, after a while Benjamin had a chance to win the belt, holding his hand on the waist, but Christian caught him and imposed a reverse DDT. Shelton climbed the corner, a Christian, instead of quietly removed the belt, he took a ladder and tried to attack her rival, but Shelton cleverly blocked it and jumped on the ladder, being close to winning, but Christian pushed the ladder. Shelton remained on the line and took a ladder to enter its peak, and fall on the Christian doing the clothesline. Christian at the last moment prevented a rival from winning, and after a short circuit, Shelton made Powerslam the ladder. After a while, Christian received a Splash in the corner straight to the ladder. Shelton seeks his belt, but Christian takes him to a ladder - Shelton hangs on a hook. After a while, Christian falls on a ladder and precipitated Shelton, but he is deprived of the ladder and now it hangs on a hook. Shelton pulls him and inflicts Powerbomb on a ladder in the corner!

Benjamin and Christian are at the top of the ladder, through the sunset flip Shelton pulls him to the mat, but Christian sends him hurricanraną the corner. Shelton tries to German Suplex on the ladder, which is placed outside the ring, but Christian knocks him kick. Shelton is on the ladder, while Christian is performed by a third jump rope! Broken ladder, Shelton is on the floor, while the Christian climbs up and pulls the ECW belt, thus defending the ECW Championship title.







Fight No. 2: Drew McIntyre vs. John Morrison © - the Intercontinental belt.

Morrison initially did well, performing springboard hurricanranę, but for a few minutes later, McIntyre prevailed over the Champion. In the end Morrison went to the counter, kontrując side slam on DDT, and then doing the Missile Dropkick. Each of these actions gave only a 2 count, Drew meted out in response to slam the mighty Alabama. Dropkickiem Morrison sent a rival to the floor outside the ring and escaped the attack, sending Deciduous the barrier. John makes Flying Chuck and rival Put back into the ring. Drew missed the batch and nadział the corner. Starship Pain (which came out as average), but it was not pinfallu because Deciduous leg was outside the rope. Morrison took off his belt, the judge got rid of him from the ring and watched as John Drew surprise hit in the eye. Kobashi DDT and Drew McIntyre is the new Intercontinental champion!





Vince McMahon congratulated Drew'owi win when Josh Mathews went to replace the word with Vince. Head said that it should be Drew interview. McIntyre was not surprised by such a rapid success in his career. Sheamus joined to the scene, who admitted that it is impressive, but Drew is not the only świeżynka, which leaves the TLC with a belt.


Fight 3: Michelle McCool © (w / Layla) Vs. Mickie James - the Women's Championship belt.

Michelle, which ex-aequo with Christian is currently the longest title run in WWE, Mickie held in a large defensive. Mickie at the end started to fight back by doing the Lou Thesz press outside of the ring and again in the ring. Clothesline'y and forearm'sy performed pretendentki, Layla Mickie prevented the stroke from the third rope, for which he received a kick. Michelle Mickie wanted to measure the boat, but hit Layla. Mickie does roll up, but only 2 count. Michelle is responsible for big boot and she managed to get pinfall. Michelle McCool is still holds the belt Women's Champion.





Fight # 4: John Cena © vs.. Sheamus - Tables Match for WWE Championship belt.

In accordance with the rules, you can only win throwing the opponent on the table that he has destroyed. It is interesting that Michael Cole said that the latter was nieamerykańskim WWE Champion Yokozuna. Had even forgotten about this fighter, as Edge?

Price threw himself into the attack, and repeatedly doing the bulldog attacking a rival for a corner. Strikes by Sheamus knee drop and suplex. Sheamus wanted to remove the table from the ring, but the price again attacked, using the table komentatorskiego and railings. Sheamus pushed in response to rival the metal corner, but he was later struck down, hitting the stairs.

Price removed from the table and put a ring on it Sheamusa, and wanted to make a leap from the third rope, but Sheamus got up in time. In the ring, he attacked Sheamus price using elbows and avenged his Powerslam. Price tried Attitude Adjustment "on the table outside the ring, but Sheamus freed himself, holding the rope and the horn nadział it.

Outside the ring, Price tried to seize the opportunity and perform Attitude Adjustment on the table, but Sheamus freed again and tried to Powerbomb, but price is also not given. The fight moved onto the ramp, where the price has performed Suplex, and then tried to hit a rival table, but Sheamus shifted in time. The fight was fought among the spectators, where the price was on the offensive.

Price took the ring from the table and spread it, but when he returned to the ring, he was struck jumping big boot and he said Cole, Irish Curse Kick. Sheamus Put another table into the ring and sets it in the corner. Already preparing for Spinebuster, but the price is released. Although the pay has failed to establish STF, proceeded to his combo: shoulderblock, protoplex and Five Knuckle Shuffle. Sheamus got rid of the table with the ring, so the price "only" made Attitude Adjustment.

John took a table in the ring and spread it. He wanted to do his finisher from the corner, but Sheamus pushed him to the mat. John tried Superplex, but Sheamus pushed him straight on the table! Table is broken, and this means that Sheamus wins and in less than 2 months after arrival on RAW, is the new WWE Champion!





Fight # 5: The Undertaker © vs.. Batista - Chairs Match for WHC belt.

In this duel is permitted to use chairs. Batista immediately wanted to use the chairs, but the Undertaker did not allow it. For a few minutes the fight lasted a mere time, with a predominance of one, then another. Undertaker did not hit the big boot on the rail, which had the effect that Batista went on the attack, and that with the help of a chair. undertaker escape the impact chair at the corner and started to fight back. Old School skontrował Batista, and performed Superplex, 2 count. Batista Bomb attempt on a chair, but Taker is on the back skontrował body drop. In response, though Taker wins the exchange of blows is Spinebuster, but only 2 count. Taker does not remain in his debt, and added flying clothesline, Old School, and Snake Eyes. He wanted to make boat, but Batista knocks him unexpectedly Spear. Undertaker is Spinebuster straight in his chair, and Batista is a character in his finisher, but ... Hell's Gate! Batista tried and eventually grabbed the rope.

Taker and Batista Spearu avoids nadział into the chair, which he previously set in the corner. Undertaker Chokeslam performs, but still only 2 count! Undertaker was preparing to Tombstone, but Batista freed himself and pushed the enemy to the judge. Gentlemen avoided a collision, but Batista has used the occasion and performed Low Blow. Batista avenged a chair and hit Undertaker spinował three!

Batista was pleased with the win, the stage appeared Teddy Long, repeating several times "no, no, no." He explained that the use of chairs is allowed, but absolutely blow below the belt. Therefore, the struggle continues.

Batista returned to the ring to once again blow a chair, but this time on the boat nadział. Undertaker inflicts him down in the chair back, and then "Tombstone! Undertaker gets the pinfall and the weapons master belt.







Legacy caught backstage at Kofi Kingston. Kofi said that it is impossible to intimidate, to which Ted replied that it really deep inside Kofi afraid of what awaits him in the battle of Ortona. Kofi wondered that if he is to be afraid of that, why not sending his boys to deliver this message.

Kofi went to the locker room Orton and told him straight in the face that he is a coward and not worthy of any title on Shot.


Fight 6: Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston

Initially presented as a better Kingston, who showed their part headscissors and powerslam, while Randy ..... Headlock and chinlock ^ ^

Kofi skontrował Powerbomb on sunset flip, 2 count. Makes Russian Leg Sweep, but Orton escapes from the ring before the Boom Drop. Kofi wanted to do Crossbody, but nadział on Dropkick. Orton for a few minutes prevailed over Kofi performing such actions as the knee drop and Uppercut.

Kingstonowi DDT failed to counter the SOS. After a while, makes a pretty decent Crossbody from the third rope. And while Kofi is knocked backbreaker, does not lose advantage and inflicts Dropkick, Boom Drop and Trouble in Paradise. However, only a 2 count, because Randy grabbed the rope. Orton wyturlał the ring, Kofi pulled it back but before I came back, Orton caught him with ropes and aimed their DDT. Randy was preparing for his deadly Punt kick, but Kofi hit in the arm. Orton knocks him back DDT, and then preparing to RKO .... Kofi wanted to be faster and tried to quantify Trouble in Paradise, but Randy has avoided the kick and made RKO, after which the Kingston counted to three.






Fight 7: JeriShow © vs. DX - TLC match for belts Unified Tag Team Champions.

At the beginning HBK fought with Chris, and took Show behind HHH'a. Trypel was pushed in the barrier, whereas Jericho has neckbreaker. Shawn and Chris aligned waged a duel, while the fight HHH'a and Big Showa moved onto the ramp. Outside the ring Y2J tried Suplexem move HBK'a on the table, but Shawn has blocked it and knocked him the ring flying forearm. Make a scoop slam, but when he wanted to perform elbow drop from the third rope nadział Chris is on his knees.

Jericho goes after the ladder, but notes that the Big Show has trouble HHH'em. HHH Chris stopped before attacking a chair and tried to make his Pedigree on the ramp, but Chris is the kontruje back body drop. Shawn goes behind the scenes and comes back with a chair. Krześlów running fight with Chris, you win and overthrows him. However, after a while Shawn was also struck, Headbutt from the Big Show.

JeriShow go into the ring with a ladder to remove the belts, but the DX managed intervention. Jericho has been kept on the defensive, while Shawn was looking for something under the ring, which could not be found:) DX done Suplex ladder, straight into Y2J'a. Big Show was hit in the head of the ladder. Shawn had already downloaded strip, but it drew big show, which had previously measured the HHH'owi Headbutt. Jericho brings another ladder into the ring and uses it to quantify Shawn baseball slide on a corner. HHH on the ladder received a bulldog and a moment later it was also pushed in a corner by the two rivals. Big Show Shawn also pushed up the ladder on which he lay HHH.

Triple H Chris skontrował Irish whip and he pushed him up the ladder, then escaped from Big Splash Showa. Show is Facebuster and blow the ladder, then that HHH throws straight to Chris. HHH kontruje Chokeslam Big Show as DDT, meanwhile Michaels enters the third line and make elbow drop. Jericho returns to the ring and avoids the Sweet Chin Music, but Shawn is Codebreaker. Jericho is Spinebuster from HHH'a, but this is overthrown Speare Big Show.

Big Show takes a ladder and climbs the belts baaaaaardzo slowly. HHH back into the ring and it inflicts a blow chair. Pissed off Big Show knocks him by KO Punch. Show again fall, but the DX precipitated him from the ladder and we Pedigree! Shawn tries to get the belts, but Jericho pushed the ladder and Michaels went to the floor, straight to the Big Show. Chris before the happy ending HHH stops, knocking him from the ladder Powerbombem. Now The Game is climbing, but nadział the Chokeslam. Big Show breaks the ladder and throws it out of the ring, after being taken to attack DX. Meanwhile, Chris takes the ring from the next ladder, then masters tag teams they put a ladder between the DX, Y2J able to belabor them mercilessly chair. Ladder broken in half, San Antonio, meanwhile wants tables. Well, they got what they wanted, because outside of the ring pushed Shawn Show on HHH'a and both flew on the table, which was destroyed.

Chris did not go down like a broken ladder, then climbed on the shoulders of Big Show to remove the belts, but the ring back DX. Big Show is Sweet Chin Music and releases Chris, who hit his head on the table. Big Show again Superkick and replaced by the ladder is thrown out of the ring.

HHH holds half of the ladder and Shawn enter it, and pulls the straps! DX for the first time tag team champions!









SUCK IT!!!!!!!



This ends the last PPV of the year, which according to me it was decent. Duel, of course, the best ladder match, followed by TLC. Interesting is the mega-push McIntyre'a and Sheamusa. if expect that Drew can win, this victory is Sheamusa big surprise for me. Perhaps he will meet with John at the Royal Rumble, and if the price recovers the belt, it is probably a matter of conquering the statistics.




Btw u like my reports ... ? xD


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RAW 14.12.2009 - Slammy Awards


Today, CM Punk will face the John Cena and Undertaker with Randy Orton. The winners of these fights will meet with each other in the finals, and he who wins will be wrestler year.


3-hour RAW, which will be distributed prizes Slammy Awards, opened today's special guest - Dennis Miller. He talked about how cool to be on RAW and after a moment's monologue and jokes, said R-Truth and Jillian Hall, who announce the first winners of Slammy Awards


Tag Team of the year:


   * DX

   * Legacy

   * The Hart Dynasty

   * JeriShow


Winners: JeriShow


Jericho asked whether people had expected a different outcome. He added that he could pretend to be surprised, but it would be this hard, since he and Big Show are the best tag team this and other years. Y2J wanted to thank 2 people. Firstly - Edgowi, who was cowardly enough to be skontuzjować and secondly - to himself as the wise choice of tag team partner, Big Show.

Big Show, who had to bend down to the microphone, spoke about this not to be subject to illusions of yesterday's PPV as soon regain belts. Jericho explained that his right to fight reciprocation benefit today.



William Regal in the ring with his boys said that despite the week's troubles are all still on the same side. To prove this, challenges Christian to fight with the two tag team partners, whom he chooses. The hall comes the ECW Champion, Christian, saying that it could ignore the Ladder Matchu yesterday, but found two guests, who should not have a problem with monsters Regal.

Kane and Great Khali!


Fight # 1: William Regal, Ezekiel Jackson vs. Vladimir Kozlov, and Christian, Kane and The Great Khali.

Khali had no problems with Kozlov and Jackosn, and let Christian. ECW Champion made Crossobdy Jackson, but after a while nadział the backbreaker, followed by the heel edge have a moment. Christian freed from Regal and let Kane, who avenged Willy'emu sidewalk slam and flying clothesline. Kozlov interrupts pin falls Jackson and knocks Kane clothesline. Kozlov then he makes changes, which proved to be wrong, because nadział the big boot from Kane and brain chop from Khaliego, after which it was deducted to three.



Tiffany GM and GM ECW Smackdown Theodore Long in the pulpit to announce the winner of Breakout Star Of The Year:


   * Drew McIntyre

   * Sheamus

   * Yoshi Tatsu

   * Abraham Washington


Winner: Sheamus


Sheamus said that now it seems the people and John Cena will treat him seriously. Sheamus named Hall of Famerów who do not have what it last night: Ricky Steamboat, Roddy Piper, Curt Hennig, Paul Orndorff. And that makes him better than all of them.



Fight No. 2: Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston.

Kingston, who had a bandage on his arm after kopniaku from Orton on the TLC measured the Dropkick rival, flying clothesline and drop the boom. Ran into the ring and attacked Ted DiBiase Kingston, which of course means DQ. Rushed to help Evan Bourne.

Dennis Miller at the podium said that the duel is changed to tag team match.


Fight 3: Legacy vs. Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston.

Legacy Kingston kept on the defensive, but Kofi finally freed himself and let Bourne who moves to Rhodes from hurracanraną and double knees. DiBiase interrupts pin, and gets rid of Kingston. Evan Ted dug out of the ring, but Cody grabbed him and carried Cross Rhodes, where he obtained the pinfall.



Dennis Miller said Vickie Guerrero and Santino Marella, who announce the winner Shocker of the year. Excuse me. Vickie said that there were many moments szkojących this year, like her back. Santino after dropping fat żarciku announced appointments:


   * DDT on Orton Stephanie

   * Heel turn Batista

   * CM Punk gets rid of Jeff Hardy from WWE

   * Sheamus threw Mark Cuban on the table


Winner: CM Punk take out Jeff.


Happy CM Punk did not get the opportunity for expression, because it's time for advertising, and are waiting for him after the fight with John Cena.


Fight # 4: John Cena vs CM Punk - Superstar tournament semifinal of the year.

Punk said before the fight that he would like to thank a few people, but rather the audience would not be able for a few minutes to sit quietly and listen. He thanked all the above, then recalled his achievements and of course did not forget about Straight Edge promo.

Punk shoulderblock received, but in response to imposed a spinning hell kick, 2 count. Has made even his combo running knee-bulldog. Cena counter GTS for STF and Punk at the time of the surrender.


Price congratulated after the fight and win Sheamusowi pardoned all those who failed. He talked about how painful and sad it is such a disappointment. He also mentioned the guy who had a shirt that says "We hate price. He said that he respected his decision, but does not say this to him, but to those who are still with him. WWE Universe is for him and assured everyone that the situation of TLC can not happen again. He said that his road to WrestleManię starts now and nothing can stop him. At the end he added that it no longer loses the fight, before again not WWE Champion.



Dennis Miller announced Triple H'a, who will present the award Match of the year.


   * WrestleMania: Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

   * The Breaking Point: John Cena vs. Randy Orton

   * Extreme Rules: Jeff Hardy vs. Edge

   * Bragging rights: Team RAW vs Team Smackdown


Winner: Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker at WrestleMania 25


Shawn Michaels took the prize. Trypel said that if someone has not seen this fight, you should see it. Shawn mentioned, as was also awarded last year to the victory over Flair, and this year was not so good. But it is still proud of what he did with the taker of the gala.

Shawn has had to go behind the scenes, but added that could beat Undertaker. So today he made a challenge. Wrestlemania, again.



Fight 5: Undertaker vs Randy Orton - Superstar tournament semifinal of the year.

Orton counter Old Schhol, but avoids the Snake Eyes and the big boot. Drop leg gave Takerowi 2 count, Randy counter Chokeslam and gets rid of the ring, Taker clothesline. Heavyweight champion pulls Orton out of the ring and joins the attack, ending Leg drop the ropes.

Appear on the ramp Legacy, but withdraw before the Taker. Orton uses this moment of inattention and performs RKO. Randy returns to the ring and soon wins by count out. After the fight Legacy attacked Taker, but he got rid of them from the ring. By contrast, Orton has Chokeslam.

So that we will have the final fight, for which we waited for several weeks:) Orton vs. Price.



Dennis Miller said President WWE, Vince McMahon, who will present the award Guest Host of the year. Vincuś talked about how a few months ago had a vision about the special guests RAW and some were better than others.


   * Bob Barker

   * Seth Green

   * Shaquille O'Neal

   * The Osbournes


Winner: Bob Barker


The audience was not zadowolena with this result. Bob the previously recorded material, thanked him for choosing the special guest of RAW. Wesołocyh holidays, happy new year. "Go for it".

Vince Miller asked whether it has any idea about the special guest RAW. Dennis suggested Bret "Hitman" Hart. Vince said that after what was the last, when Bret was in the WWE, does not know whether this proposal would take the Hitman. Dennis asked the audience if you would like this guy - of course yes.



Fight 6: DX © vs. JeriShow - with belts Unified Tag Team Champions.

Title match did not last even half a minute. HHH pushed a judge, which means DQ. JeriShow win, but retain the DX bands. Big Show left the ring, meanwhile, said that while HHH schrzanił fight, got rid of Chris Jericho from Raw. He turned to other wrestlers, who also hates Chris, went to the scene. Before the ring came out a few faces dressed in costume DX. Jericho received the Sweet Chin Music and then had to go back to the locker room.



Carlito, Eve Torres and Chris Masters when mówicy to present the winner in the category of Extreme Moment of the Year. Masters took off his shirt and his chest movements dekoncentrowały Carlito:) But you Carlito asked Eve, or as he can. Eve replied that Carlito is not never know.


   * Boom Drop in Kingston on Ortonie MSG

   * John Cena in a searchlight thrown by Big Show

   * Jump from the ladder by Jeff Hardy at Summerslam

   * HHH "visitors" Randy Orton in his house


Winner: Jump from the ladder by Jeff Hardy at Summerslam


Award was collected by Matt Hardy, who assured that Jeff is grateful for this award. Carlito was surprised that Matt receives something he did not win. Matt explained that he is his brother but then Carlito attacked him. Carlito took the same prize, but after a while received Masterlock, and Matt has made a blow from one another.



Fight 7: The Miz, Zack Ryder and Drew McIntyre vs. John Morrison, Yoshi Tatsu and Mark Henry.

An interesting combination, in each team anymore after one fighter from RAW, SD and ECW. Henry dominated Miza and let Morrison, who avenged his former tag team partner Standing Shooting Star Press, 2 count. Miz freed himself and let the new IC Champion McIntyre'a, but John threw himself into an acute attack. Enter Ryder, who wanted to fight Yoshim. Morrison and let Tatsu Japanese rival measured the shoulder block and a spin kick, followed by zack had been deducted to three.


Fight 8: Mickie James, Melina, Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, Maria, Brie Bella vs. Bella and Nikki. Michelle McCool, Layla, Rosa Mendes, Natalya, Beth Phoenix, Maryse, and Alicia Fox.

Just like all its predecessors, this duel was also short. It lasted just over 70 seconds and won the first team after a Mickie James spinowała Rosa Mendez (the only diva who fought all the time ^ ^) after his DDT. All the divas were evening dresses.


When microphone take Goldust and MVP, who will present the winner in the category Diva of the year. Here, the fans voted for the winner via wwe.com and they can choose any dive. Goldust said that his time was known as a diva, so maybe he should take the prize. MVP did not consider this a good idea, but Goldust just kidding.

Statuette won ............... Maria! Thanked everyone for the award, but he interrupted her Batista, who said that the award goes to him screwjob of the year after he was cheated on TLC.



Abraham Washington, Tony Atlas and Big Dick Johnson will present the winner Oh my of the year. Abe was zdegudtowany how Tony laughed at the dancing Johnson.


   * Chris Masters presents his dance cycków

   * Superkick HBK'a the little girl in a restaurant

   * Michael Cole wymiotujący shoe Chris Jericho on the 10-year anniversary SD

   * Santino Marella gets accidentally Vickie Guerrero cake.


Winner: Michael Cole


Cole was very pleased with the win. Gave his respect for his mentor, Jim Ross.



Another Christmas ad DX. HHH accidentally broke the toy ring prepared by Shawna. To calm HBK'a, HHH put him in an armchair wrapped and handed kawusię. Then HHH wanted to show the passage from DVD history of the WHC belt, but hit just at the one on which he defeated Shawn. Hornswoggle joined to the scene (of course, the DX-shirt) and gave the boys a small prezenciki - wweshop card. Despite this, the DX tried to seize the boy wearing a DX t-shirt in which he appears, but again they turned away the boy.



Per week Raw will be the special guest of Johnny Damon, baseball player with the New York Yankees.


Fight 9: Randy Orton vs. John Cena - Superstar final tournament of the year.

The winner of this fight will receive a statuette of a Superstar of the year. Since the attack began to price, using the fisherman suplex, elbow drop and bodyslam. Orton skontrował bulldog and proceeded to attack her. After a few moments, John went to the counter, doing the blockbuster and the Rocker Dropper. In response to John grabbed randy backbreaker and clothesline. But do not hit the knee drop, which has used John started to your combo, ending in Five Knuckle Shuffle. Attitude Adjustment, and then contra RKO, Randy does not assume the STF, but not saved before the Attitude Adjustment. However, the price received only 2 count, because Randy grabbed the rope.

Orton measured the rival of DDT on the floor, but when I pulled him to the ring, he received only a 2 count. Price escaped kicku punt and made another Attitude Adjustment, after which this time Orton counted to three.

John Cena wins the Oscar Superstar of the year. Appeared on the ramp Sheamus, showing John his belt. Price invited him into the ring, but Sheamus not used.



Finally, a reminder, the results of Slammy Awards:


   * Superstar of the year - John Cena

   * Diva of the year - Maria

   * The "oh my" moment of the year - Michael Cole wymiotujący shoe Chris Jericho on the 10-year anniversary SD

   * Extreme moment of the year - a leap from the ladder by Jeff Hardy at Summerslam

   * RAW Guest Host of the year - Bob Barker

   * Match of the year - Undertaker vs HBK, Wrestlemania 25

   * Shocker of the year - CM Punk gets rid of Jeff Hardy from WWE

   * Breakout Star of the year - Sheamus

   * Tag Team of the year - JeriShow


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ECW 15.12.2009

The ring smiling, GM ECW, Tiffany. She was very pleased with the Ladder Matchu the ECW belt in the ring and invited the participants in this fight, Shelton Benjamin, and ECW Champion, Christian. Tiffany told them about how their duel was amazing and well presented ECW. Shelton thanked the fans because it had the inspiration to take that risk. He also thanked Christian, but stressed that he wanted to fight reciprocation.

At this point, the ring William Regal comes out with his boys. He turned to Tiffany and it sounds like a dove from the Kazoo, and added that it is much more serious problem called Kane, who returned to ECW. Regal pointed out that Kane is a monster. Tiffany responded that Kane is also a former ECW Champion and accepted an invitation to cope with today's stars of ECW, so-called "Homecoming" ECW ". The winner of that contest will face the Christian at the Royal Rumble. This competition will start today, the two fights. Zack Ryder face with Kane, while Kozlov Vladimi able to fight with Ezekiel Jackson (Jackson's smile).



Fight # 1: The Hurricane Vs. The Ripper (w / The Beautiful Nightmare)

If the Ripper beat his opponent, he'll get a contract to perform in ECW. The Ripper prevailed over his rival, mostly doing back suplex on the handrail. But despite the attack, the time of the Hurricane finally arrived - and imposed a rival boat Hurricanranę, which gave the 2 count. But do not hit the Shining Wizard and the Ripper used to doing backbreaker. Ripper stabbed a rival in the corner, but nadział the boat and the Tornado DDT. Hurricane rival took off the mask and of course, concealed underneath Paul Burchill. Shining Wizard and Burchill is deducted to three.



Abraham Washington show.

Washington requested that someone called 911 and reported the theft, since it was robbed of the prize Breakout Star of the Year. He stated that he could win any prize Slammy. Tony added that he could win the prize Diva of the year:)

Abe invited his guest today, Dive Year - Maria. Abe recalled the situation of the last RAW when Batista interrupted a speech by Maria. Maria admitted that it was a little peszące, but the important thing is that something won. In addition Abe'a saw the show and do not agree with this, that he had been robbed of the prize. She saw the look on her prize and asked whether it might want to hold. Abe replied that this is not the real prize, but Mary did not speak to him, but the Atlas. Tony obviously wanted to, but Abe will be able to hold her, if he wins something. Washington admitted that he voted for Michelle McCool, and rejoice at what Batista did. Asked Tony to do the right thing even though one end and the announcement of the show.



Fight No. 2: Vladimir Kozlov (w / William Regal) vs.. Ezekiel Jackson - ECW Homecoming Qualifying Match.

Duel lasted only 90 seconds. Jackson, still with a smile on his face, dominate Wladek. The situation changed when Kozlov moved into the attack with his headbuttami. But when Wladek wanted to reflections from the ropes, Regal grabbed his leg, which collapsed Kozlov. Jackson made Uranage and spinował opponent to three.

After the battle Jackson rejoiced at the victory with Regal, but Kozlov caught Willy. Jackson, and Regal stabbed Wladek commentary on the table.



At the backstage Barrett and Croft played in SD vs RAW and beat DX. They considered this to be an easy challenge, just as today's fight.



Fight 3: Trent Barrett and Croft vs. Caylen. Julio Cruz and Jorge Areas.

No really easy challenge, as it still struggles with jobberami ^ ^ duel lasted 1.5 minutes and the duo Beretta / Croft defeated their opponents this time-powerbomb neckbreaker combination.

It is worth noting that they have a new, somewhat more serious theme:)



On Goldust backstage talking with Yoshim Tatsu about his win on RAW. Kane joined to the boys. Yoshi said something in Japanese, Goldust was unable to translate. Kane thought that probably it is terrible.



Per week in ECW Homecoming Qualifying Matchu, Yoshi Tatsu face with Jack Swagger.



Fight # 4: Kane Vs. Zack Ryder (w / Rosa Mendes) - ECW Homecoming Qualifying Match

Ryder tried to attack but was struck down one punch. Kane stopped its attacks, imposing bodyslam. But do not hit the elbow drop, which used the Ryder and founded chinlock. Kane freed thanks to the belly to back suplex and gained an advantage over a rival.

Ryder escaped the big boot and Kane attacked the left leg. Although załapał the uppercut, Kane knocked using leg lariat, but only 2 count. Kane skontrował Leg Lariat again and tried to do the Powerbomb, but Zack is freed. Chokeslam! Kane gets pinfall.

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