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[WWE]Wrestling fan's topic

Lucky Dice

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Ok u seriously believe that these are real? Comon! There is a script that they follow and they know who is gonna win. Just watch closely how they fight.


WWE is still alive by ppl like u who believe these things.


Bleeding- Fake


Entrances- Just a way to say hello, nothing more




Check this out.


My 2 cents...




I know this is against the rules of the topic as the creator sais, but i just had to post this,

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Ok u seriously believe that these are real? Comon! There is a script that they follow and they know who is gonna win. Just watch closely how they fight.


WWE is still alive by ppl like u who believe these things.


Bleeding- Fake


Entrances- Just a way to say hello, nothing more




Check this out.


My 2 cents...




I know this is against the rules of the topic as the creator sais, but i just had to post this,


well you know not most of them :)


yes you are right most of them is just for entertain and punches are fake also BUT not everytime lets say if you watched older vids orton and legacy broke batistas left arm and guess what it was real so not everything is fake :)

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Ok u seriously believe that these are real? Comon! There is a script that they follow and they know who is gonna win. Just watch closely how they fight.


WWE is still alive by ppl like u who believe these things.


Bleeding- Fake


Entrances- Just a way to say hello, nothing more




Check this out.


My 2 cents...




I know this is against the rules of the topic as the creator sais, but i just had to post this,


U idiot if u're not that against rules so why u post it ??


All know this is fake LMAO (not all)

U know ALL KNOW THIS IS FAKE SO WTF?! Why u post sh1ts ... ?


Anyway u see how much in the World watch Wrestling ... >_< U're post really useless ...

I gonna report it for brake rules and to remove ur post ...

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U idiot if u're not that against rules so why u post it ??


All know this is fake LMAO (not all)

U know ALL KNOW THIS IS FAKE SO WTF?! Why u post sh1ts ... ?


Anyway u see how much in the World watch Wrestling ... >_< U're post really useless ...

I gonna report it for brake rules and to remove ur post ...


First speak better. I never insulted you. Second, before you replied i edited my post and apologised for posting this.


And last i dont care if you remove my post. Go ahead.

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Oky in like 7-8h TLC Begin :P


I have question :P

Someone gonna watch it with me ? :P

Together better ... (But im also not sure if i will watching)


Cheers! :P

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christhian retain ecw belt

drew mcintyre beat john morrision new intercontinental champ

michelle retained the womans title(shit match i nearly falled asleep :D )

Cena lost hes title :( Shemus is the new champ (again shit step by wwe Cena can lost only by unluck...)

undertaker beat batista(batista won first by a low blow than teddy long restarted the match and than tombstone...done)

orton beat kofi...

dx become tag champs by the stupidity of the big show :D (im too tired to explain it now :D )

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christhian retain ecw belt

drew mcintyre beat john morrision new intercontinental champ

michelle retained the womans title(shit match i nearly falled asleep :D )

Cena lost hes title :( Shemus is the new champ (again shit step by wwe Cena can lost only by unluck...)

undertaker beat batista(batista won first by a low blow than teddy long restarted the match and than tombstone...done)

orton beat kofi...

dx become tag champs by the stupidity of the big show :D (im too tired to explain it now :D )


Ofc it was nice PPV but i watching with u only to 2nd match then INTERNET DOWN =((( SUCKY!!!

And Cena lost against Sheamus peasent pff THAT SUCK! And probably orton take again wwe championship pff ... =((

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yes and we are ready too

owww can you play the game is the way that song of triple h starts ... Although my 5 best superstars are


Rey Misterio

Triple H

Sawn Michaels

Jeff Hardy

John Cena



(+ i can almost perform 619 when i have a kind of ropes)

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