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ppl can some1 help me???

how do i make armor glow?)

i want to play some server but the armor is sux (its an offline server)

so if some know how and have a guid trow it in this topic






tenx)  ;) :D ;D

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sorry beacuse i comfuse what you mean with this ??how do i make armor glow


i play long time ago in some server i think it was l2kolpino :/


and they have armor that when you enchant it it start to glow like a wepon but have only color glow not the Opacity,Num

so i want to know how do i do that?)

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Is like the weapon if you find the effect of armor.....you can change the glow and from the armor i dont have test it but the effect for weapon's is from weapongrp

for armor i hope the armorgrp...test it and tell me!!

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Is like the weapon if you find the effect of armor.....you can change the glow and from the armor i dont have test it but the effect for weapon's is from weapongrp

for armor i hope the armorgrp...test it and tell me!!


i dont really know how to do this stuff

that is whay i ask how do i make armor glow :/

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aaa... you want to make new glow for armor..

if yes this is from animation'sand you can learn from sticky topic!!

Here --->  http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=99061.0

but you want 300 post.

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aaa... you want to make new glow for armor..

if yes this is from animation'sand you can learn from sticky topic!!

Here --->  http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=99061.0

but you want 300 post.

tenx but the 300 post...

then i will wa8

some1 lock topic

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