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[Share]Gracia Final IG Walker with L2.NET

Lucky Dice

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Download L2.NET From Here


Download eL2Walker 2.13 + Item/Skill/NPC Data from Here


Download GG killer from Here



1)Now Extract files


2)Disable GG <copy dsetup.dll to system> and make L2.exe


3)Put the new host to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc localhost l2authd.lineage2.com l2testauthd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com


4)Start L2.NET


5)File > Logon Window


6)Press IG than Listen button


7)Start Lineage II with eL2 Walker


8)Enter your Acc/Pass wait some seconds


9)Before choosing server wait some seconds again.


10)Enter with your char


i forgot something ?

ah yea


11) Have a Nice Botting


PS : If you get error with L2NET download directx patch fom Here and .NET from Here






-Regards Dawn



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Awesome share m8, +1 karma from me

because you did good work, and you work for it about 2 hours

so i think you worth it. (actually it will not change your karma lol but anyhow)

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11:41:30 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:30 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:30 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:30 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:30 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:31 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:31 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:31 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:31 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:31 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:34 :[zcxvzxcv has given Gremlin damage of 11.

11:41:34 :[zcxvzxcv has received 8 damage from Gremlin.

11:41:35 :[Killing all network connections

11:41:35 :[ERROR: crash: ClientReadThread : Nawiązane połączenie zostało przerwane przez oprogramowanie zainstalowane w komputerze-hoście

11:41:35 :[Killing all threads

11:41:35 :[ERROR: Packet Error: 84 Previous Packet:  : Trwało przerywanie wątku.

11:41:35 :[ERROR: crash: ProcessDataThread : hardcore crash... every bot function is DOA now : Trwało przerywanie wątku.

11:41:35 :[ERROR: crash: drawgame thread ... hardcore badness

11:41:35 :[ERROR: crash: ClientSendThread : Trwało przerywanie wątku.





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Awesome share m8, +1 karma from me

because you did good work, and you work for it about 2 hours

so i think you worth it. (actually it will not change your karma lol but anyhow)


This is a more detailed guide and with images.


karma restored..

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There are no more download slots available for free users right now. If you don't want to become a premium member, you might want to try again later.


Rapidshare pwnage xD

i can download it ...
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11:41:30 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:30 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:30 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:30 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:30 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:31 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:31 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:31 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:31 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:31 :[You are banned for illegal action, GM informed.

11:41:34 :[zcxvzxcv has given Gremlin damage of 11.

11:41:34 :[zcxvzxcv has received 8 damage from Gremlin.

11:41:35 :[Killing all network connections

11:41:35 :[ERROR: crash: ClientReadThread : Nawiązane połączenie zostało przerwane przez oprogramowanie zainstalowane w komputerze-hoście

11:41:35 :[Killing all threads

11:41:35 :[ERROR: Packet Error: 84 Previous Packet:  : Trwało przerywanie wątku.

11:41:35 :[ERROR: crash: ProcessDataThread : hardcore crash... every bot function is DOA now : Trwało przerywanie wątku.

11:41:35 :[ERROR: crash: drawgame thread ... hardcore badness

11:41:35 :[ERROR: crash: ClientSendThread : Trwało przerywanie wątku.






First off, if thats an L2J server, and you were using walker as well as l2.net, then l2walker got you banned, if not... then I would like to know which server that is

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