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[News] MMOTotus...Gone!


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Hello all, recently i read the artice on MMOTotus forums, and i thought about posting it here so people dont get banned using it:


Here' s what Naa stated:


'Seems like the day finally came where it is time to stop - I just got contacted by a lawyer from Blizzard.

Not sure how but they got my contact info but they just called me in the middle of a class (anyone else got a call today?).


The lawyer wanted to talk to me about Naabuddy aka MMOTotus and I were like WHAT?


To make a long story short (All conversions are confidential) I have decided to remove the offset server.


I do not know much about the law regarding this topic and I do honestly not want to ruin the so fare enjoyable experience with this lawyer so I am stopping all development off WoW bots/tools as of now.


I have decided to release a modified version of the bots source code (no license system etc) under the “Creative commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike” to the donors of this site – I will upload it when I get some time to modify it.

Edit: I am not sure if releasing the source code is legal or not. So to stay out trouble the source code will not get released.

Please don't PM me to ask for source code/private versions etc.


It where fun while it lasted.


I want to say thank you to d0x, Scorpiona and the others that helped me get MMOTotus running.


Also a thanks to the donors - you managed to help me pay for the servers and software I use - seems like I can end this without profit or loose.'

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It stopped due to the fact that a blizzard Employee(a laywer of blizzard) called Naa telling him that he had to stop the operation, or they could result to courts....



Imo it was the best gathering bot, with reduced ban possibilities.

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