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[Share] Lineage2 Clients - Multimirrors - Free to download !

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Well, I tought to Host em In a Multimirror Service, Like SOURCEFORGE.NET !! ;D


As you should know, sourceforge.net offers multimirror service for your project releases, all the mirrors have unlimited speed download (minimum 150mbps).


Well, Here is the Link of downloads = https://sourceforge.net/projects/l2clients/files/


When you go there, you can choose the Mirror you want (depending on your Location), see the screenshot :P


Screen =>



p.s. Aion client on the way !!! ;D


Leave a feedback ! thanks

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Well, its loled. Downloaded 200kb/s and time left ~ 7 hours .. loled.


Well, when you are here => 2911untitled.png


Choose Mirror


Then you are Promted here =>




Easy to choose your Nearest Location, and you'll see your download speed going to your maximum speed. ;)


p.s Nice Idea GoDofAdeN, to Host them on a multimirror service like sourceforge.net


+1 from me. ;)

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God, so many mirrors and no greek one :<


i prefer ultimate-edition.org


Seems Like Greece cant be compared to other mirrors in terms of Internet speed.

For example, a Mirror of Sourceforge MUST have at least 150mbps speed and the server who will do the mirror should have at least 4 TB Storage :D


Anyway, Ultimate-Edition will be transfered on a new machine, with more space, more powerfull Hardware, in the next days. (TexasHomie Will Host it on him Machine).


thank you TexasHomie ! ;)

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Seems Like Greece cant be compared to other mirrors in terms of Internet speed.

That's right, but I can't find any mirror-server from the servers that are listed.

However, using DE's server is good enough.







ubuntu uh?

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