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* Lineage II: The Chaotic Throne: Interlude,


Official features:


* All areas working,

* All skills working,

* Geodata working,

* Fusion skills working,

* 7-Sings working,

* Clan system working,

* Augumentation system working,

* Single and party duel working,

* Cursed weapons working,

* Castle sieges working,

* Clan Hall sieges working,

* 28 buff slots,

* 10 Debuff sl


Server Rate:


* EXP: 100x,

* SP: 100x,

* DROP: 10x,

* SPOIL: 20x,

* ADENA: 200x,


Unique features:


* Primeval Island as PARTY farming area,

- S grade Weapons/Moonlight Coins/Moonlight Stones

- Sailren Unique RB whos dropping Moonlight Armor parts & much more!

* EF as solo zone (exp boosted),

- Moonlight Stones

- Shax Unique RB whos dropping Moonlight Coins/Stones/Moonlight Weapon

* Spawn Protection

* NPC Buffers - 2h buffs,

- Prophecies 1h

* Global Gatekeeper,

* Auto learn skills,

* Anti Buff Shield (toggle skill that blocks all unwanted buffs),

* Giran as Main town,

* Class Changer,

*Quest Sub classs ( Acumulative)


* pag web: www.l2unitted.ve.vg

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