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Hi ppl am new here i would like make u a question.If some1 is a gamemaster (gm) he can have low gm authorites,meaning not too be able to summon weapon/edit chars?Or all gm's can do this?  (server L2off Dn network)


configure this from command.properties in server pack...whoever has access there can change whatever he wants...about which commands a gm can have


this is what the amdin is supposed to edit to make a GM have limitations...

# Configure GM AccessLevels, if AltPrivilegesAdmin is False
GMAccessLevel = 100
GMMinLevel = 100
GMCanAnnounce = 100
GMCanBan = 100
GMCanBanChat = 100
GMCanShop = 100
GMCanDelete = 100
GMCanKick = 100
GMMenu = 100
GMGodMode = 100
GMCanEditChar = 100
GMCanEditCharOther = 100
GMCanViewChar = 100
GMCanEditNPC = 100
GMCanViewNPC = 100
GMCanTeleport = 100
GMCanTeleportOther = 100
GMCanRestart = 100
GMMonsterRace = 100
GMRider = 100
GMFastUnstuck = 100
GMResurectFixed = 100
GMEnchant = 100
GMDoor = 100
GMRes = 100
GMPeaceAttack = 100
GMHeal = 100
GMUnblock = 100
GMCache = 100
GMTalkBlock = 100
GMTest = 100
GMEnchant = 100
GMFunEngine = 100

w00ps, this one too! :)

# Alternative Configure GM commands access level
# Information:
# 1) If AltPrivilegesSecureCheck = True
#    Every commands need a entry in this file, else the command cannot be executed.
# 2) Some commands need a correct access level on GM Access table too, like:  
#    GMCanShop will affect admin_buy

admin_admin = 100
admin_admin2 = 100
admin_config_server = 100
admin_config_server2 = 100

admin_delete = 100
admin_gmshop = 100
admin_create_adena = 100
admin_heal = 75
admin_help = 75
admin_vis = 75
admin_invis = 75
admin_invul = 75
admin_kill = 75
admin_kill_monster = 75
admin_res = 75
admin_res_monster = 75
admin_silence = 75
admin_target = 75
admin_diet = 75
admin_fullfood = 75
admin_sendhome = 75
admin_bookmark = 100
admin_failed = 100
admin_fcs = 100

admin_ban = 100
admin_banchat = 75
admin_jail = 100
admin_kick = 75
admin_unban = 100
admin_unbanchat = 75
admin_unjail = 100
admin_kick_non_gm = 100

### CLAN HALL ###
admin_clanhall = 100
admin_clanhalldel = 100
admin_clanhallset = 100
admin_clanhallopendoors = 100
admin_clanhallteleportself = 100
admin_clanhallclosedoors = 100

admin_add_announcement = 100
admin_announce = 75
admin_announce_announcements = 75
admin_announce_menu = 75
admin_del_announcement = 100
admin_list_announcements = 75
admin_reload_announcements = 100

admin_cache_htm_rebuild = 100
admin_cache_htm_reload = 100
admin_cache_crest_fix = 100
admin_cache_crest_rebuild = 100
admin_cache_crest_reload = 100

admin_reload = 100
admin_reload_config = 100
admin_zone_reload = 100
admin_config_reload = 100
admin_cache_reload_path = 100
admin_cache_reload_file = 100

admin_close = 75
admin_closeall = 100
admin_open = 75
admin_openall = 100

admin_add_exp_sp = 100
admin_remove_exp_sp = 100
admin_addlevel = 100
admin_setlevel = 100
admin_remlevel = 100
admin_changename = 100
admin_edit = 100
admin_edit_class= 100
admin_edit_quest = 100
admin_edit_stats = 100
admin_save_stats = 100
admin_find_character = 75
admin_nokarma = 100
admin_rec = 75
admin_repair = 75
admin_restore = 75
admin_setew = 100
admin_setkarma = 100
admin_setcolor = 75
admin_setname = 100
admin_setsex = 100
admin_settitle = 75
admin_show_characters = 75
admin_sethero = 100
admin_remclanwait = 100
admin_setinvul = 100

### EDIT NPC ###
admin_edit_npc = 100
admin_save_npc = 100
admin_show_droplist = 100
admin_edit_drop = 100
admin_add_drop = 100
admin_del_drop = 100
admin_showShop = 100
admin_showShopList = 100
admin_addShopItem = 100
admin_delShopItem = 100
admin_box_access = 100
admin_editShopItem = 100
admin_show_skilllist_npc = 100
admin_edit_skill_npc = 100
admin_add_skill_npc = 100
admin_del_skill_npc = 100
admin_close_window = 100

### EFFECTS ###
admin_atmosphere = 75
admin_invisible = 75
admin_visible = 75
admin_earthquake = 75
admin_bighead = 100
admin_shrinkhead = 100
admin_gmspeed = 75
admin_unpara_all = 100
admin_para_all = 100
admin_unpara = 100
admin_para = 100
admin_polymorph = 75
admin_polyself = 75
admin_unpolyself = 75
admin_clearteams = 100
admin_setteam_close = 100
admin_setteam = 100
admin_effect = 100
admin_social = 100
admin_summon = 100
admin_unsummon = 100
admin_unbanchat_all = 100
admin_banchat_all = 100

admin_seteh = 100
admin_setec = 100
admin_seteg = 100
admin_setel = 100
admin_seteb = 100
admin_setes = 100
admin_setle = 100
admin_setre = 100
admin_setlf = 100
admin_setrf = 100
admin_seten = 100
admin_setun = 100
admin_setba = 100
admin_enchant = 100

### EVENT ###
admin_event = 100
admin_event_new = 100
admin_event_choose = 100
admin_event_store = 100
admin_event_set = 100
admin_event_change_teams_number = 100
admin_event_announce = 100
admin_event_panel = 100
admin_event_control_begin = 100
admin_event_control_teleport = 100
admin_add = 100
admin_event_see = 100
admin_event_del = 100
admin_delete_buffer = 100
admin_event_control_sit = 100
admin_event_name = 100
admin_event_control_kill = 100
admin_event_control_res = 100
admin_event_control_poly = 100
admin_event_control_unpoly = 100
admin_event_control_prize = 100
admin_event_control_chatban = 100
admin_event_control_finish = 100

### OLYMPIAD ###
admin_saveolymp = 100
admin_manualhero = 100

admin_server_shutdown = 100
admin_server_restart = 75
admin_server_abort = 75
admin_server_gm_only = 100
admin_server_all = 100
admin_server_max_player = 100
admin_server_list_clock = 100
admin_server_login = 100

### MENU ###
admin_char_manage = 75
admin_teleport_character_to_menu = 75
admin_recall_char_menu = 75
admin_goto_char_menu = 75
admin_kick_menu = 75
admin_kill_menu = 100
admin_ban_menu = 100
admin_unban_menu = 100
admin_bbs = 100

### MOB GROUP ###
admin_mobmenu = 100
admin_mobgroup_create = 100
admin_mobgroup_spawn = 100
admin_mobgroup_unspawn = 100
admin_mobgroup_kill = 100
admin_mobgroup_idle = 100
admin_mobgroup_attack = 100
admin_mobgroup_rnd = 100
admin_mobgroup_return = 100
admin_mobgroup_follow = 100
admin_mobgroup_casting = 100
admin_mobgroup_nomove = 100
admin_mobgroup_attackgrp = 100
admin_mobgroup_invul = 100
admin_mobinst = 100 
admin_mobgroup_remove = 100
admin_mobgroup_list = 100
admin_mobgroup_delete = 100

### PATH NODE ###
admin_pn_info = 100
admin_show_path = 100
admin_path_debug = 100
admin_show_pn = 100
admin_find_path = 100

### RIDE ####
admin_ride_wyvern = 75
admin_ride_strider = 75
admin_unride_wyvern = 75
admin_unride_strider = 75
admin_unride = 75

### SIEGE ###
admin_siege = 100
admin_add_attacker = 100
admin_add_defender = 100
admin_add_guard = 100
admin_list_siege_clans = 100
admin_clear_siege_list = 100
admin_move_defenders = 100
admin_spawn_doors = 100
admin_endsiege = 100
admin_startsiege = 100
admin_setcastle = 100

### SKILL ###
admin_show_skills = 100
admin_remove_skills = 100
admin_skill_list = 100
admin_skill_index = 100
admin_add_skill = 100
admin_remove_skill = 100
admin_get_skills = 100
admin_reset_skills = 100
admin_give_all_skills = 100
admin_remove_all_skills = 100
admin_ench_skills = 100

### SPAWN ###
admin_mammon_find = 75
admin_mammon_respawn = 75
admin_spawn_menu = 75
admin_spawnlist_menu = 75
admin_spawnsearch_menu = 100
admin_spawnlist = 75
admin_spawn = 100
admin_otspawn = 100
admin_cspawn = 100
admin_spawndelay = 100
admin_delay = 100
admin_respawnall = 100
admin_unspawnall = 100
admin_spawnnight = 100
admin_spawnday = 100

### TELEPORT ###
admin_show_moves = 75
admin_show_moves_other = 75
admin_show_teleport = 75
admin_teleport_to_character = 75
admin_teleportto = 75
admin_move_to = 75
admin_teleport_character = 75
admin_recall = 75
admin_walk = 75
admin_recall_npc = 100
admin_gonorth = 75
admin_gosouth = 75
admin_goeast = 75
admin_gowest = 75
admin_goup = 75
admin_godown = 75
admin_tele = 75
admin_teleto = 75
admin_recall_pt = 75
admin_recall_all = 75

admin_known = 100
admin_targets = 100
admin_mp = 100
admin_msg = 75
admin_skill = 75
admin_heading = 75
admin_stats = 100
admin_fight_calculator = 75
admin_fight_calculator_show = 75
admin_mons = 100
admin_forge = 100
admin_forge2 = 100
admin_forge3 = 100 
admin_zone_check = 75

admin_accept_petition = 75
admin_reject_petition = 75
admin_reset_petitions = 100
admin_view_petition = 75
admin_view_petitions = 75

admin_changelvl = 100
admin_gm = 75
admin_gmchat = 75
admin_gmlistoff = 75
admin_gmliston = 75
admin_snoop = 75

admin_buy = 100
admin_create_item = 100
admin_itemcreate = 100
admin_play_sound = 75
admin_play_sounds = 75
admin_pledge = 100
admin_set = 100
admin_tradeoff = 75
admin_unblockip = 100 

### GEODATA ###
admin_geo_z = 100
admin_geo_type = 100
admin_geo_nswe = 100
admin_geo_los = 100
admin_geo_position = 100
admin_geo_bug = 100
admin_geo_load = 100
admin_geo_unload = 100
admin_geoeditor_connect = 100
admin_geoeditor_join = 100
admin_geoeditor_leave = 100

### ZARICHE ###
admin_cw_infos = 75
admin_cw_remove = 75
admin_cw_goto = 75
admin_cw_reload = 100

###    TvT    ###
admin_tvt = 100
admin_tvt_name = 100
admin_tvt_desc = 100
admin_tvt_join_loc = 100
admin_tvt_minlvl = 100
admin_tvt_maxlvl = 100
admin_tvt_npc = 100
admin_tvt_npc_pos = 100
admin_tvt_reward = 100
admin_tvt_reward_amount = 100
admin_tvt_team_add = 100 
admin_tvt_team_remove = 100 
admin_tvt_team_pos = 100
admin_tvt_team_color = 100
admin_tvt_join = 100
admin_tvt_teleport = 100
admin_tvt_start = 100
admin_tvt_abort = 100
admin_tvt_finish = 100
admin_tvt_sit = 100
admin_tvt_dump = 100
admin_tvt_load = 100
admin_tvt_save = 100

###    CTF    ###
admin_ctf = 100
admin_ctf_name = 100
admin_ctf_desc = 100
admin_ctf_join_loc = 100
admin_ctf_npc = 100
admin_ctf_npc_pos = 100
admin_ctf_reward = 100
admin_ctf_reward_amount = 100
admin_ctf_team_add = 100
admin_ctf_team_remove = 100
admin_ctf_team_pos = 100
admin_ctf_team_color = 100
admin_ctf_team_flag = 100
admin_ctf_join = 100 
admin_ctf_teleport = 100
admin_ctf_start = 100
admin_ctf_abort = 100
admin_ctf_finish = 100
admin_ctf_sit = 100
admin_ctf_minlvl = 100
admin_ctf_maxlvl = 100
admin_ctf_dump = 100
admin_ctf_save = 100
admin_ctf_load = 100

### VIP Engine ###
admin_vip = 100
admin_vip_setteam = 100
admin_vip_randomteam = 100
admin_vip_settime = 100
admin_vip_endnpc = 100
admin_vip_setdelay = 100
admin_vip_joininit = 100
admin_vip_joinnpc = 100
admin_vip_joinlocxyz = 100
admin_vip_setarea = 100
admin_vip_vipreward = 100
admin_vip_viprewardamount = 100
admin_vip_notvipreward = 100
admin_vip_notviprewardamount = 100
admin_vip_thevipreward = 100
admin_vip_theviprewardamount = 100

###    Death Match    ###
admin_dmevent = 100
admin_dmevent_name = 100
admin_dmevent_desc = 100
admin_dmevent_join_loc = 100
admin_dmevent_minlvl = 100
admin_dmevent_maxlvl = 100
admin_dmevent_npc = 100
admin_dmevent_npc_pos = 100
admin_dmevent_reward = 100
admin_dmevent_reward_amount = 100
admin_dmevent_spawnpos = 100
admin_dmevent_color = 100
admin_dmevent_join = 100
admin_dmevent_teleport = 100
admin_dmevent_start = 100
admin_dmevent_abort = 100
admin_dmevent_finish = 100
admin_dmevent_sit = 100
admin_dmevent_dump = 100
admin_dmevent_load = 100
admin_dmevent_save = 100




What limitation have only "GM" ?


instead of saying ADMIN NS said HeadGM...you can place whatever limitation you want...ofc you can create more access lvls(ex 120/140/150)to have "GM hierarchy" :P


my belief is that you should take a rdy file with rdy access levels for the beginning to limit Noob GMs from ruining your server :P


and if you want to change real time the access on the GM just set him builder  5 (//recall,//sendhome,//teleport,//teleportto,//ride,//announce,//stopsay,and anything on alt+g)


half of them are used 1 time in 500..we dont use all the commands we ll freak if we do!!!but it is not that difficult!if you have problems using the commands by writing them just use the panels


it is good to remember and learn the basic commands in order to have an influence with the GM accounts/commands


search in MxB forum for GM commands and learn some of the basics ...if you have problems in some commands we are here :P


edit: already searched for you    http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=5464.0

no need to learn all the commands

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