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I have Maj L set, dc R set, am3acu, TTs ring, 2x earring, necklace, AS+1+CD, soul separator w/o SA, I can give u also all mats I have like 40 k threads [ mats which I was gathering for almost 3 years on dex] 3 books for buffs [3rd lv] few life stones  high, medium, and I think 1 top. I have also over 1kkk adena on dex, many great healing pots, cp pots[small,big] I should have also seal stones don't remember... xD




I would like also trade Draco L set(dex x4) [safe encht] for  Draco set on bfdr


thx pzdr


Don't know why but can't pm u xD  So I will write here


HellO  mate


Here is my offert for you


Maj l set for ur maj l set

dc r set for your dc r set/mj r set

A weapon for your A weapon

etc  [ Write me please what U have]

and specially  S items for S items 


Do u have any BosS Jewels?  and remember please items on DEX u can easly sell for reAL $$$$ Like I did many times (:  if u r from poland my gg is 3897884  If not pm me or mail me  snelinho@gmail.com


Additional if u have any boss jewels [ I don't have any for now all sold] I can give all my 3 years old mats like I said for example 40k threads etc with all l stones, pots etc.


Just write me please what U have





p s I have sent you pm but I'm not sure did u get it


Smog  > > > > you can people absolutly trust that guy. I have just finished trading with him  [dex x bfdr]. He didn't try to trick or cheat me at any way. I recommand you guys Smog for any future transactions.



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